Sample information-extracting with diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) has been one of the interesting areas for many years. Using cosine curve to fit rocking curve in DEI, we deduce the equations described by cosine functions for peak-position image, low- and high-angle image. The analytical expressions of absorption image, refractive angle image and scattering image are also developed. Then a simple method is proposed for sample information-extracting with DEI based on those deductions. This method can extract the absorption information, refractive angle information and scattering information of a sample using only three images, i.e. one peak-position, one low-angle image and on high-angle image, resulting in simple experimental process and low radiation dose introduced to sample by imaging process. The experiments are carried out on a standard sample and a real biological sample. For comparison, experiments are also carried out on the same two samples using the common multiple-image radiography (MIR) method, in which at least seven images should be used to extract sample information. Experimental results show that our new method does extract sample information successfully, and the results from our new method are comparable to those from the MIR method.
[1] Fitzgerald R 2000 Phys. Today 53 23
[2] Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Tian Y L, Zhu P P, Jiang X M, Wang J Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 677 (in Chinese) [黄万霞, 袁清习, 田玉莲, 朱佩平, 姜晓明, 王寯越 2005 54 677]
[3] Pfeiffer F, Bech M, Bunk O, Kraft P, Eikenberry E F, Bronnimann C, Grunzweig C, David C 2008 Nat. Mater. 7 134
[4] Chapman D, Thomlinson W, Johnston R E, Washburn D, Pisano E, Gmur N, Zhong Z, Menk R, Arfelli F, Sayers D 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 2015
[5] Stevenson A W, Gureyev T E, Paganin D, Wilkins S W, kamp T W, Snigirev A, Rau C, Snigireva I, Youn H S, Dolbnya I P, Yun W, Lai B, Garrett R F, Cookson D J, Hyodo K, Ando M 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 199 427
[6] Wagner A, Aurich M, Sieber N, Stoessel M, Wetzel W D, Schmuck K, Lohmann M, Reime B, Metge J, Coan P, Bravin A, Arfelli F, Rigon L, Menk R H, Heitner G, Irving T, Zhong Z, Muehleman C, Mollenhauer J A 2005 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 548 47
[7] Pagot E, Fiedler S, Cloetens P, Bravin A, Coan P, Fezzaa K, Baruchel J, Härtwig J 2005 Phys. Med. Biol. 50 709
[8] Li H, Wang T L, Wang X Y, Zhao T, Hu C H, Lu W A, Wang B E, Zhao X Y, Zhu P P, Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Wang J Y, Luo S 2008 Nuclear Techniques 31 81 (in Chinese) [李辉, 王泰龄, 王雪艳, 赵涛, 胡春红, 鲁玮瑗, 王宝恩, 赵新颜, 朱佩平, 黄万霞, 袁清习, 王寯越, 罗述 2008 核技术 31 81]
[9] Sun Y, Zhu P P, Yu J, Chen X 2007 Acta Opt. Sin. 27 8 (in Chinese) [孙怡, 朱佩平, 于健, 陈欣 2007 光学学报 27 8]
[10] Pisano E D, Johnston R E, Chapman D, Geradts J, Iacocca M V, Livasy C A, Washburn D B, Sayers D E, Zhong Z, Kiss M Z, Thomlinson W C 2000 Radiology 214 895
[11] Sun Y, Zhu P P, Liu M H, Yu J 2006 CT Theor. Appl. 15 13 (in Chinese) [孙怡, 朱佩平, 刘明贺, 于健 2006 CT理论与应用研究 15 13]
[12] Zhu P P, Yuan Q X, Huang W X, Wang J Y, Shu H, Wu Z Y, Xian D C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1089 (in Chinese) [朱佩平, 袁清习, 黄万霞, 王寯越, 舒航, 吴自玉, 冼鼎昌 2006 55 1089]
[13] Liu L, Zhu P P, Shu H, Zhang K 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1942 (in Chinese) [刘力, 朱佩平, 舒航, 张凯 2008 光学学报 28 1942]
[14] Kiss M Z, Sayers D E, Zhong Z 2003 Phys. Med. Biol. 48 325
[15] Zhu P, Yuan Q, Huang W, Wang J, Shu H, Chen B, Liu Y, Li E, Wu Z 2006 J. Phys. D 39 4142
[16] Khelashvili G, Brankov J G, Chapman D, Anastasio M A, Yang Y, Zhong Z, Wernick M N 2006 Phys. Med. Biol. 51 221
[17] Muehleman C, Li J, Zhong Z, Brankov J G, Wernick M N 2006 J. Anat. 208 115
[18] Oltulu O 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chicago: the Gratuate College of Illinois Institute of Technology)
[19] Oltulu O, Zhong Z, Hasnah M, Wernick M N, Chapman D 2003 J. Phys. D 36 2152
[20] Pagot E, Cloetens P, Fiedler S, Bravin A, Coan P, Baruchel J, Hartwig J, Thomlinson W 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 3421
[21] Wernick M N, Wirjadi O, Chapman D, Zhong Z, Galatsanos N P, Yang Y, Brankov J G, Oltulu O, Anastasio M A, Muehleman C 2003 Phys. Med. Biol. 48 3875
[22] Chen B, Shu H, Zhu P P, Chen C C, Wang J Y, Yuan Q X, Jiang F, Chen J, Wu Z Y, Ming H 2006 High Energ. Phys. Uncl. Phys. 30 587 (in Chinese) [陈博, 舒航, 朱佩平, 陈春翀, 王寯越, 袁清习, 江帆, 陈捷, 吴自玉, 明海 2006 高能物理与核物理 30 587]
[23] Chou C Y, Anastasio M A, Brankov J G, Wernick M N, Brey E M, Connor D M, Zhong Z 2007 Phys. Med. Biol. 52 1923
[24] Hu C H, Li H, Zhang L, Wang X Y, Luo S Q 2009 Acta Phys. Siin. 58 2403 (in Chinese) [胡春红, 李辉, 张璐, 王雪艳, 罗述谦 2009 58 2403]
[25] Rigon L, Besch H J, Arfelli F, Heitner G, Plothow B H 2003 J. Phys. D 36 A107
[26] Rigon L, Arfelli F, Menk R H 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 114102
[27] Nesterets Y I, Gureyev T E, Paganin D, Pavlov K M, Wilkins S W 2004 J. Phys. D 37 1262
[28] Paganin D, Gureyev T E, Pavlov K M, Lewis R A, Kitchen M 2004 Opt. Commun. 234 87
[29] Wang Z T 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University) (in Chinese) [王振天 2010 博士学位论文(北京: 清华大学)]
[30] Zhu P, Zhang K, Wang Z, Liu Y, Liu X, Wu Z, McDonald S A, Marone F, Stampanoni M 2010 The 10th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy AIP Conf. Proc. Chicago, Illinois, USA August 15-20, 2010 p332
[31] Vorgelegt V 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Marburg: University of Siegen)
[1] Fitzgerald R 2000 Phys. Today 53 23
[2] Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Tian Y L, Zhu P P, Jiang X M, Wang J Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 677 (in Chinese) [黄万霞, 袁清习, 田玉莲, 朱佩平, 姜晓明, 王寯越 2005 54 677]
[3] Pfeiffer F, Bech M, Bunk O, Kraft P, Eikenberry E F, Bronnimann C, Grunzweig C, David C 2008 Nat. Mater. 7 134
[4] Chapman D, Thomlinson W, Johnston R E, Washburn D, Pisano E, Gmur N, Zhong Z, Menk R, Arfelli F, Sayers D 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 2015
[5] Stevenson A W, Gureyev T E, Paganin D, Wilkins S W, kamp T W, Snigirev A, Rau C, Snigireva I, Youn H S, Dolbnya I P, Yun W, Lai B, Garrett R F, Cookson D J, Hyodo K, Ando M 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 199 427
[6] Wagner A, Aurich M, Sieber N, Stoessel M, Wetzel W D, Schmuck K, Lohmann M, Reime B, Metge J, Coan P, Bravin A, Arfelli F, Rigon L, Menk R H, Heitner G, Irving T, Zhong Z, Muehleman C, Mollenhauer J A 2005 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 548 47
[7] Pagot E, Fiedler S, Cloetens P, Bravin A, Coan P, Fezzaa K, Baruchel J, Härtwig J 2005 Phys. Med. Biol. 50 709
[8] Li H, Wang T L, Wang X Y, Zhao T, Hu C H, Lu W A, Wang B E, Zhao X Y, Zhu P P, Huang W X, Yuan Q X, Wang J Y, Luo S 2008 Nuclear Techniques 31 81 (in Chinese) [李辉, 王泰龄, 王雪艳, 赵涛, 胡春红, 鲁玮瑗, 王宝恩, 赵新颜, 朱佩平, 黄万霞, 袁清习, 王寯越, 罗述 2008 核技术 31 81]
[9] Sun Y, Zhu P P, Yu J, Chen X 2007 Acta Opt. Sin. 27 8 (in Chinese) [孙怡, 朱佩平, 于健, 陈欣 2007 光学学报 27 8]
[10] Pisano E D, Johnston R E, Chapman D, Geradts J, Iacocca M V, Livasy C A, Washburn D B, Sayers D E, Zhong Z, Kiss M Z, Thomlinson W C 2000 Radiology 214 895
[11] Sun Y, Zhu P P, Liu M H, Yu J 2006 CT Theor. Appl. 15 13 (in Chinese) [孙怡, 朱佩平, 刘明贺, 于健 2006 CT理论与应用研究 15 13]
[12] Zhu P P, Yuan Q X, Huang W X, Wang J Y, Shu H, Wu Z Y, Xian D C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1089 (in Chinese) [朱佩平, 袁清习, 黄万霞, 王寯越, 舒航, 吴自玉, 冼鼎昌 2006 55 1089]
[13] Liu L, Zhu P P, Shu H, Zhang K 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1942 (in Chinese) [刘力, 朱佩平, 舒航, 张凯 2008 光学学报 28 1942]
[14] Kiss M Z, Sayers D E, Zhong Z 2003 Phys. Med. Biol. 48 325
[15] Zhu P, Yuan Q, Huang W, Wang J, Shu H, Chen B, Liu Y, Li E, Wu Z 2006 J. Phys. D 39 4142
[16] Khelashvili G, Brankov J G, Chapman D, Anastasio M A, Yang Y, Zhong Z, Wernick M N 2006 Phys. Med. Biol. 51 221
[17] Muehleman C, Li J, Zhong Z, Brankov J G, Wernick M N 2006 J. Anat. 208 115
[18] Oltulu O 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chicago: the Gratuate College of Illinois Institute of Technology)
[19] Oltulu O, Zhong Z, Hasnah M, Wernick M N, Chapman D 2003 J. Phys. D 36 2152
[20] Pagot E, Cloetens P, Fiedler S, Bravin A, Coan P, Baruchel J, Hartwig J, Thomlinson W 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 3421
[21] Wernick M N, Wirjadi O, Chapman D, Zhong Z, Galatsanos N P, Yang Y, Brankov J G, Oltulu O, Anastasio M A, Muehleman C 2003 Phys. Med. Biol. 48 3875
[22] Chen B, Shu H, Zhu P P, Chen C C, Wang J Y, Yuan Q X, Jiang F, Chen J, Wu Z Y, Ming H 2006 High Energ. Phys. Uncl. Phys. 30 587 (in Chinese) [陈博, 舒航, 朱佩平, 陈春翀, 王寯越, 袁清习, 江帆, 陈捷, 吴自玉, 明海 2006 高能物理与核物理 30 587]
[23] Chou C Y, Anastasio M A, Brankov J G, Wernick M N, Brey E M, Connor D M, Zhong Z 2007 Phys. Med. Biol. 52 1923
[24] Hu C H, Li H, Zhang L, Wang X Y, Luo S Q 2009 Acta Phys. Siin. 58 2403 (in Chinese) [胡春红, 李辉, 张璐, 王雪艳, 罗述谦 2009 58 2403]
[25] Rigon L, Besch H J, Arfelli F, Heitner G, Plothow B H 2003 J. Phys. D 36 A107
[26] Rigon L, Arfelli F, Menk R H 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 114102
[27] Nesterets Y I, Gureyev T E, Paganin D, Pavlov K M, Wilkins S W 2004 J. Phys. D 37 1262
[28] Paganin D, Gureyev T E, Pavlov K M, Lewis R A, Kitchen M 2004 Opt. Commun. 234 87
[29] Wang Z T 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University) (in Chinese) [王振天 2010 博士学位论文(北京: 清华大学)]
[30] Zhu P, Zhang K, Wang Z, Liu Y, Liu X, Wu Z, McDonald S A, Marone F, Stampanoni M 2010 The 10th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy AIP Conf. Proc. Chicago, Illinois, USA August 15-20, 2010 p332
[31] Vorgelegt V 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Marburg: University of Siegen)
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