In this paper, we present a new and highly efficient solar concentrating mirror. It is composed of partial high-order cylinder inner wall which is determined by two sets of specific coefficients a2, a4, a6, a8, a10, a12, a14, a16 and C. According to the higher-order cylindrical equation and the optical law of reflection, the relationship between the direction vectors of sunbeams reflected from the cylindrical inner wall and the coefficients of a higher order polynomial equation, a2,a4, a6, a8, a10, a12, a14, a16 and C is derived. By optimizing these coefficients, all sunbeams incident on the inner wall of higher-order cylinder can be reflected and focused into a very thin line segment parallel to the cylindrical busbar, which means line focus. Two sets of particular coefficients associated with the high- order cylindrical surface are obtained by using particle swarm optimization algorithm. The focusing effect of the solar concentrating mirror, defined by the particular set of coefficients, is demonstrated by using computer simulations. The concentrator mirror has a light compression ratio of about 148 : 1 and its linear spot can be used as a strong light source or a high temperature heat source. The higher-order cylindrical mirror can be made of metal or glass in three steps: cutting, grinding, and polishing, and may also be formed by a higher order cylindrical framework and an aluminized polyester film laid on the framework.
- solar concentrating mirror /
- higher-order cylindrical surface /
- optimization of polynomial coefficients /
- linear focus
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[14] Häberle A, Berger M, Luginsland F, Zahler C, Baitsch M, Henning H M, Rommel M 2006 Proceedings of the 13th SolarPaces International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies Seville, June 20-24, 2006
[1] Wu L H, Zhang X Z, Yu Y, Wan C H, Tan X Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 037807 (in Chinese) [吴利华, 章晓中, 于奕, 万蔡华, 谭新玉2011 60 037807]
[2] Cui M, Chen N F, Deng J X 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 034216
[3] Cheng K, Han D 2009 Acta Energi. Solar Sin. 30 445 (in Chinese) [成珂, 韩迪 2009太阳能学报 30 445]
[4] Kussul E, Baidyk T, Makeyev O, Lara-rosano F, Saniger J M, Bruce N 2008 WSEAS Trans. Power Syst. 3 577
[5] Segal A, Epstein M 1999 Solar Energy 65 207
[6] Pei G, Fu H D, Ji J, Han C W 2010 Acta Energ. Solar Sin. 31 1324 (in Chinese) [裴刚, 符慧德, 季杰, 韩崇巍 2010太阳能学报 31 1324]
[7] Xu Y F, Li M, Wang L L, Lin W X, Zhang X H, Xiang M, Wang Y F, Wei S X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8067 (in Chinese) [徐永锋, 李明, 王六玲, 林文贤, 张兴华, 项明, 王云峰, 魏生贤 2009 58 8067]
[8] Mills D R, Morrison G L 2000 Solar Energy 68 263
[9] Häberle A, Zahler C, Lerchenmller H, Mertins M, Wittwer C, Trieb F, Dersch J 2002 Proceedings of the 11th SolarPaces International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies Zrich, Switzerland, September 2002
[10] Eck M, Uhlig R, Mertins M, Häberle A, Lerchenmüller H 2007 Heat Trans. Engin. 28 42
[11] Bernhard R, Laabs H G, de Lalaing J 2008 Proceedings of the 14th SolarPaces International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies Las Vegas, USA, March 2008
[12] Mills D R, Morrison G L, Pye J, Le Lievre P 2006 J. Solar Energy Engin. 128 118
[13] Kalogirou S A, Tripanagnostopoulos Y 2007 Appl. Thermal Engin. 27 1259
[14] Häberle A, Berger M, Luginsland F, Zahler C, Baitsch M, Henning H M, Rommel M 2006 Proceedings of the 13th SolarPaces International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies Seville, June 20-24, 2006
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