The analytical I-V model of single electron transistor has been established and simulated by combining the Monte Carlo method with the Master Equation method. Effects of gate voltage, drain voltage, temperature, and tunneling junction resistance on electrical characteristics of a single electron transistor are analyzed. Simulation results indicate that for the device with symmetrical tunneling junction structure, the Coulomb staircases shift with increasing gate voltage, and the Coulomb oscillation amplitude increases with increasing drain voltage, while the Coulomb gaps decrease. The Coulomb staircases and the Coulomb oscillation disappear gradually with increasing temperature. The Coulomb blockade effects become more significant when the resistance ratio of the two asymmetrical tunneling junctions increases.
- single electron transistor /
- analytical model /
- Monte Carlo /
- master equation
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[1] Likharev K K 1999 P. IEEE 87 606
[2] Sui B C, Fang L, Zhang C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 077302 (in Chinese) [隋兵才, 方粮, 张超 2011 60 077302]
[3] Lui Y X, Wang Y C, Du S Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2734 (in Chinese) [刘彦欣, 王永昌, 杜少毅 2004 53 2734]
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[5] Wang W, Liu M, Hsu A 2006 J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21 871
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[7] Wasshuber C 2001 Computational Single Electronics (New York: Springer) p9
[8] Likharev K K 1988 IBM J. Res. Dev. 32 144
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[10] Choi B H, Hwang S W, Kim I G, Shin H C, Kim Y, Kim E K 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 3129
[11] Zhuang L, Guo L. Chou S Y 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 72 1205
[12] Tilke A, Pescini L, Blick R H, Lorenz H, Kotthaus J P 2000 Prog. Mater. Sci. 71 357
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