With the decrease of the feature size of MOS based circuits, the power consumption of micro-processors has dramatically increased during the last decade, which now mainly restricts the development of the micro-processors.Single-electronic transistors (SETs) are considered as the attractive candidates for post-COMS VLSI due to their ultra-small size and low power consumption.Based on Orthodox theory,the model of conductance is investigated in detail.The conductance of SET with single island is in damped oscillation with a period of T(Vds), and it is close to an intrisical value with the increase of |Vds|. This characteristic of Gds is affected by temperature, parameters of junctions, and so on. The results show that the analysis of conductance is very useful for the very large scale integration of SET devices.
- single-electron transistor /
- conductance /
- Coulomb oscillation /
- Coulomb blockade
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[1] Sun J P, Wang T H 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2563 (in Chinese)[孙劲鹏、王太宏 2003 52 2563]
[2] Liu K, Ding H L, Zhang X G 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7052 (in Chinese) [刘 奎、丁宏林、张贤高 2003 57 7052]
[3] Feng C W, Cai L, Kang Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6155 (in Chinese) [冯朝文、蔡 理、康 强 2008 57 6155]
[4] Li L, Kaestner B, Blumenthal M D, Giblin S, Janssen T J B M, Pepper M, Anderson D, Jones G, Ritchie D A, Gao J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1878 (in Chinese) [李 玲,Kaestner B, Blumenthal M D, Giblin S, Janssen T J B M, Pepper M, Anderson D, Jones G, Ritchie D A, 高 洁 2008 57 1878] 〖6] Inokawa H, Fujiwara A, Takahashi Y 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 3618
[5] Inokawa H, Fujiwara A, Takahashi Y 2003 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 50 462
[6] Inokawa H, Takahashi Y 2003 Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic.(Tokyo, Japan)p259
[7] Song K, Kim K, Lee J, Park B 2004 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 40 121
[8] Choong Hyun Lee, Se Woon Kim, Jang Uk Lee 2007 IEEE Trans. Nanotechnoloty 6 667
[9] Mahapatra S, Vaish V, Wasshuber C 2004 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 51 1772
[10] Mahapatra S, Ionescu A M 2005 IEEE Trans. Nanotechnoloty 4 705
[11] Zhang W, Wu N 2007 IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology 6 146
[12] Feng C W, Cai L, Li Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2462 (in Chinese)[冯朝文、蔡 理、李 芹 2008 57 2462]
[13] Li Q, Cai L, Feng C W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4183 (in Chinese)[李 芹、蔡 理、冯朝文 2009 58 4183]
[14] Likharev K K 1999 Proc. IEEE 87 606
[15] Chen R H, Korotkov A N, Likharev K K 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 1954
[16] Wasshuber C 2001 Computational Single-electronics (New York:Springer-verlag) p9
[17] Lientschnig G, Weymann I, Hadley P 2003 Jpn. J. App. Phys. 42 6467
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