A novel design of reflective color filters based on a two-dimensional subwavelength grating structure is proposed, which exhibits an incident angle independent property with unpolarized incident light in the visible range. By using rigorous coupled-wave analysis method, the effects of the grating period, the groove depth and the size of the structure on the reflectance spectrum are investigated in detail. The structural parameters of the gratings are optimized, and a color filter with high angular tolerance is achieved. Simulation result shows that the maximal reflectance is 56% at 424 nm with a bandwidth of 45 nm, and that the grating can almost keep its reflectance, bandwidth and the peak position at the incident angle up to about 60° under unpolarized incident light. The peak position of the color filter can be tuned from 400 nm to 520 nm by changing structural parameters of the gratings, and keep its incident angle-independent property.
- reflective color filter /
- two-dimensional subwavelength gratings /
- incident angle independent /
- rigorous coupled-wave analysis
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[1] Magnusson R, Wang S S 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 1022
[2] Ma J Y, Liu S J, Wei Z Y, Xu C, Jin Y X, Zhao Y A, Shao J D, Fan Z X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 827 (in Chinese) [麻健勇, 刘世杰, 魏朝阳, 许程, 晋云霞, 赵元安, 邵建达, 范正修 2008 57 827]
[3] Chen Q, Cumming D R S 2010 Opt. Exp. 18 14056
[4] Zhao H J, Yang S L, Zhang D, Liang K Y, Cheng Z F, Shi D P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6236 (in Chinese) [赵华君, 杨守良, 张东, 梁康有, 程正富, 石东平 2009 58 6236]
[5] Kanamori Y, Shimono M, Hane K 2006 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 18 2126
[6] Li C G, Gao Y H, Xu X S 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 034202
[7] Lemarchand F, Sentenac A, Giovannini H 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 1149
[8] Yoon Y T, Lee H S, Lee S S, Kim S H, Park J D, Lee K D 2008 Opt. Exp. 16 2374
[9] Lee H S, Yoon Y T, Lee S S, Kim S H, Lee K D 2007 Opt. Exp. 15 15457
[10] Ye Y, Zhou Y, Zhang H, Chen L S 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 1356
[11] Ye Y, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Chen L S 2010 Opt. Commun. 283 613
[12] Cheong B H, Prudnikov O N, Cho E, Kim H S, Yu J, Cho Y S, Choi H Y, Shin S T 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 213104
[13] Cho E H, Kim H S, Cheong B H, Prudnikov O, Xianyua W, Sohn J S, Ma D J, Choi H Y, Park N C, Park Y P 2009 Opt. Exp. 17 8621
[14] Moharam M G, Gaylord T K 1981 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71 811
[15] Palik E D 1985 Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids (Vol. 1) (New York: Academic) p563
[16] Moharam M G, Grann E B, Pommet D A, Gaylord T K 1995 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 12 1068
[17] Fu Z P, Lin F, Zhu X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 114213 (in Chinese) [傅正平, 林峰, 朱星 2011 60 114213]
[18] Hessel A, Oliner A A 1965 Appl. Opt. 4 1275
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