The reflection and transmission characteristics of electromagnetic waves by the uniaxially anisotropic chiral slab with the optical axis parallel to the interface are investigated. Formulas of the reflection and transmission coefficients (power) are derived. The curves of powers of the reflected and transmitted electromagnetic waves are presented for four cases of dielectric constants according to their signs. The effects of chirality parameter on the reflection and transmission are discussed. Especially, the dependences of pseudo-Brewster angles on the chirality parameter are plotted.
- uniaxially anisotropic chiral slab /
- chirality parameter /
- pseudo-Brewster angle /
- reflection and transmission
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[1] Tretyakov S, Nefedov I, Sihvola A, Maslovski S, Simovski C 2003 J. Electromagn. Waves Appl. 17 695
[2] Tretyakov S, Sihvola A, Jylha L 2005 Photon. Nanostruct. Fundam. Appl. 3 107
[3] Pendry J B 2004 Science 306 1353
[4] Jin Y, He S L 2005 Opt. Express 13 4974
[5] Monzon C, Forester D W 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 123904
[6] Plum E, Zhou J, Dong J, Fedotov V A, Koschny T, Soukoulis C M, Zheludev N I 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 035407
[7] Zhang S, Park Y, Li J, Lu X, Zhang W, Zhang X, 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 023901
[8] Zhou J, Dong J, Wang B, Koschny T, Kafesaki M, Soukoulis C M 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 121104 (R)
[9] Wiltshire M C K, Pendry J B, Hajnal J V 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 292201
[10] Dong J, Zhou J, Koschny T, Soukoulis C M 2009 Opt. Express 17 14172
[11] Li J, Yang F Q, Dong J F 2011 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 116 395
[12] Zhao S C, Liu Z D, Zheng J, Li G 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 067802
[13] Bayatpur F, Amirkhizi A V, Nemat-Nasser S 2012 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 60 1126
[14] Jin Y, He J, He S 2006 Phys. Lett. A 351 354
[15] Dong J F 2009 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 95 153
[16] Dong J F, Li J 2012 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 124 331
[17] Ye Y, He S 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 203501
[18] Zarifi D, Oraizi H, Soleimani M 2012 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 123 337
[19] Lindell I V, Sihvola A H, Tretyakov S A, Viitanen A J 1994 Electromagnetic Waves in Chiral and Bi-isotropic Media (Boston, MA: Artech House Publishers) p275
[20] Cheng Q, Cui T J 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 113104
[21] Cheng Q, Cui T J 2006 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 23 3203
[22] Li J, Dong J F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 114101 (in Chinese) [李杰, 董建峰 2012 61 114101]
[23] Bassiri S, Papas C H, Engheta N 1988 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 5 1450
[24] Cory H, Rosenhouse I 1992 J. Mod. Opt. 39 1321
[25] Li Z J, Xiong Y S, Liu Z L, Yao K L 1997 Chin. Phys. 6 731
[26] Li Z J, Xiong Y S, Liu Z L, Yao K L 1998 Chin. Phys. 7 432
[27] Huang Y Y, Dong W T, Gao L, Qiu C W 2011 Opt. Express 19 1310
[28] Semchenko I V, Khakhomov S A, Tretyakov S A, Sihvola A H, Fedosenko E A 1998 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31 2458
[29] Uckun S 1998 Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett. 18 171
[30] Dong J F, Li J 2012 Prog. Electromagn. Res. 127 389
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