The real and imaginary parts of the eigen complex wave vector in a stratified lossy chiral medium for the case of oblique incidence are derived by using the phase-matching condition. Due to the fact that the real and imaginary parts are nonparallel, the eigen wave propagating in the medium is inhomogeneous. Then the refraction angle of the eigen wave can be deduced via the real part of the wave vector. Finally the propagation matrix of the obliquely incident wave in a stratified lossy chiral medium is derived based on the boundary conditions and the field equations of eigen wave in each region. By using the proposed method, the reflection, transmission, and propagation characteristics of plane wave with arbitrary incident angle in a stratified chiral medium can be analyzed.
- stratified lossy chiral media /
- oblique incidence /
- propagation matrix
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[1] Lindell I V, Sihvola A H, Tretyakov S A, Viitanen A J 1994 Electromagnetic Waves in Chiral and Bi-isotropic Media (Boston: Artech House) pp1-15
[2] Wang M Y, Li G P, Zhou M, Wang R, Zhong C L, Xu J, Zheng H 2014 Int. J. Numer. Model. 27 109
[3] Taupier G, Boeglin A, Crgut O, Mager L, Barsella A, Gąsior K, Rehspringer J L, Dorkenoo K D 2015 Opt. Mater. 45 22
[4] Bassiri S, Papas C H, Engheta N 1988 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 5 1450
[5] Oksanen M I, Tretyakov S A, Lindell I V 1990 J. Electromagnet. Waves Appl. 4 613
[6] Viitanen A J, Lindell I V, Sihvola A H 1991 J. Electromagnet. Waves Appl. 5 1105
[7] Sami M A, Tarek M H, Kong J A 1992 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 9 413
[8] Lindell I V, Tretyakov S A, Oksanen M I 1993 J. Electromagnet. Waves Appl. 7 147
[9] Ivanov O V, Sementsov D I 2000 Crystallography Rep. 45 487
[10] Li L W, Yeap S B, Leong M S, Yeo T S, Kooi P S 2002 Prog. Electromagnet. Res. 35 53
[11] Paul E C, Ezekiel B 2005 Canadian J. Phys. 83 1265
[12] Bahar E 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 1610
[13] Yin W Y, Wan W 1993 J. Electron. 15 287 (in Chinese) [尹文言, 万伟 1993 电子科学学刊 15 287]
[14] Liu Z S, Song L R, Fu G X 1999 J. Microwaves 15 339 (in Chinese) [刘述章, 宋俐荣, 符果行 1999 微波学报 15 339]
[15] Xiao Z Y, Wang Z H 2003 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 18 687 (in Chinese) [肖中银, 王子华 2003 电波科学学报 18 687]
[16] Zhang Y N, Zhao Z Y, Huang T C, Jiao P N 2004 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 19 537 (in Chinese) [张援农, 赵正予, 黄天锡, 焦培南 2004 电波科学学报 19 537]
[17] Engheta N, Zablocky P G 1990 Electron. Lett. 26 2132
[18] Kong J A 2002 Electromagnetic Wave Theory (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp23, 103
[19] Wang F, Wei B, Li L Q, Cao L, Yang Q 2015 Proceedings of 2015 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Wireless Conference Xi'an, China, August 12-15, 2015 p67
[20] Demir V, Elsherbeni A Z, Ercument A 2005 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 53 3374
[21] Zarifi D, SoleimaniM, Abdolali A 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 61 5658
[22] Zhao R K, Koschny T, Soukoulis C M 2010 Opt. Express 18 14553
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