The chiral Majorana fermion, is a massless fermionic particle being its own antiparticle, which was predicted to live in (1+1)D (i.e. one-dimensional space plus one-dimensional time) or (9+1)D. In condensed matter physics, one-dimensional (1D) chiral Majorana fermion can be viewed as the 1/2 of the chiral Dirac fermion, which could arise as the quasiparticle edge state of a two-dimensional (2D) topological state of matter. The appearance of an odd number of 1D chiral Majorana fermions on the edge implies that there exist the non-Abelian defects in the bulk. The chiral Majorana fermion edge state can be used to realize the non-Abelian quantum gate operations on electron states. Starting with the topological states in 2D, we illustrate the general and intimate relation between chiral topological superconductor and quantum anomalous Hall insulator, which leads to the theoretical prediction of the chiral Majorana fermion from the quantum anomalous Hall plateau transition in proximity to a conventional s-wave superconductor. We show that the propagation of chiral Majorana fermions leads to the same unitary transformation as that in the braiding of Majorana zero modes, and may be used for the topological quantum computation.
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图 1 二维体系中的拓扑态. (上) 手征拓扑超导态与量子霍尔态的对应, 在这两个体系中, 时间反演对称性破缺, 同时存在手征边界态; (下) 螺旋拓扑超导态与量子自旋霍尔态的对应, 这两个体系同时保持时间反演对称性, 且存在螺旋边界态. 从边界态的自由度来看, (QSH) = (QH)2 = (Helical SC)2 = (Chiral SC)4, 其中QSH = 量子自旋霍尔态, QH = 量子霍尔态, Helical SC = 螺旋拓扑超导态, Chiral SC = 手征拓扑超导态, 指数1, 2, 4指这几种拓扑物质中边界态自由度之间的关系. 取自文献[26]
Figure 1. Topological states in 2D. Top row: Schematic comparison of a 2D chiral superconductor and the QH/QAH state. In both systems, TR symmetry is broken and the edge states carry a definite chirality. Bottom row: Schematic comparison of a 2D TR-invariant TSC and the QSH insulator. Both systems preserve TR symmetry and have a helical pair of edge states, where opposite spin states counterpropagate. The dashed lines show that the edge states of the superconductors are Majorana fermions so that the E < 0 part of the quasiparticle spectra is redundant. In terms of the edge-state degrees of freedom, we have (QSH) = (QH/QAH)2 = (Helical SC)2 = (Chiral SC)4. The QAH state can be obtained from the QSH state by magnetic doping, and the chiral TSC state can be obtained from the QAH state by proximity contact with a conventional superconductor. The superscripts 1, 2, 4 denote relation of the number of degree of freedom of edge states in these topological matter. Adapted from Ref. [26], APS.
图 2 手征马约拉纳费米子 (a) 基本想法: 将量子反常霍尔的手征狄拉克费米子一分为二得到手征马约拉纳费米子; (b) 实现手征马约拉纳费米子的量子反常霍尔绝缘体-超导体的异质结器件. 取自文献[41]
Figure 2. Chiral Majorana fermion: (a) Basic idea: the quantum anomalous Hall chiral edge state splits into two chiral Majorana fermions; (b) the hybrid quantum anomalous Hall-superconductor device for chiral Majorana fermion. Adapted from Ref. [41], APS.
图 3 手征马约拉纳费米子实现电子态的非阿贝尔量子门操作 (a) 量子反常霍尔绝缘体-手征拓扑超导-量子反常霍尔绝缘体的异质结器件实现电子态的非阿贝尔量子门, 其等价于实现单比特ZH量子门. 其中Z是泡利-Z门, H是Hadamard门; (b) Corbino异质结器件测量手征马约拉纳费米子量子相干. 取自文献[38]
Figure 3. Braiding of chiral Majorana fermion: (a) The QAH-TSC-QAH device realize the non-Abelian gate which is equivalent to a Hadamard gate H followed by a Pauli-Z gate Z; (b) quantum interference in the QAH-TSC-QAH-TSC Corbino junction. Adapted from Ref. [38], PNAS.
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