Waveguide geodesic lenses are key basic components in guide wave optical devices. Since their focus characteristics are independent of the wavelengths and the moded of the guided waves. Geodesic lenses lend themselves extremely well to the integrated optical devices. In this paper, the effects of fabrication errors of geodesic lenses described by four improved analytical solutions are studied by numerical analysis. The relations between the changes of the focal length and the depth changes due to fabrication errors of these lenses are obtained and compared. Considering the use of geodesic lenses in integrated optical devices, the fabrication tolerances of these lenses are given.
- integrated optics /
- geodesic lenses /
- numerical calculation /
- fabrication tolerance
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[1] Bogomolov G D, Zhizhin G N, Nikitin A K, Knyazev B A 2009 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 603 52
[2] Miñano1 J C , Pablo Benítez, Juan C González 2010 New J. Phys. 12 123023
[3] Zhu J P, Tang T T, Cheng M 2000 SPIE 4225 233
[4] Liu Z H, Shi B R, Kong M 2008 Acta Arm. 29 1432 (in Chinese) [刘支华, 石邦任, 孔梅 2008 兵工学报 29 1432]
[5] Chen B, Marom E, Morrison R J 1978 Appl. Phys. Lett. 33 511
[6] Betts G E, Merx G E 1978 Appl. Opt. 17 3969
[7] Sottini S, Russo V, Righini G C 1979 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems CAS-26 1036
[8] Zhu J P, Meng Z Y, Shi B R, Liu J 1994 SPIE 2291 180
[9] Fan J Q, Li G Y, Xu C J, Lu P 1993 Acta Opt. Sin. 13 254 (in Chinese) [范俊清, 李公羽, 许承杰, 鲁平 1993 光学学报 13 254]
[10] Liu J, Shi B R, Hu X R 1994 Acta Opt. Sin. 14 398 (in Chinese) [刘骥, 石邦任, 胡燮荣 1994 光学学报 14 398]
[11] Xing L, Shi B R, Song Z, Liu J, Hong P Z 1999 Acta Photo. Sin. 28 1021 (in Chinese) [邢连生, 石邦任, 宋哲, 刘骥, 洪佩智 1999 光子学报 28 1021]
[12] Shi B R, Kong M, Song Z, Liu Z H, Wu J J 2003 Acta Opt. Sin. 23 1320 (in Chinese) [石邦任, 孔梅, 宋哲, 刘支华, 武继江 2003 光学学报 23 1320]
[13] Sottini S, Russo V, Righini G 1979 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 69 1248
[14] Doughty G F, Delarue R M, Singh J, Smith J F, Wright S 1982 IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology CHMT-5 205
[15] Li J, Zhu J P 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 2169 (in Chinese) [李杰, 朱京平 2008 光学学报 28 2169]
[16] Yuan H B, Xu D Y, Ma J S 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 867 (in Chinese) [袁海波, 徐端颐, 马建设 2008 57 867]
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