We collect 214 Seyfert 1 galaxies(147 narrow line Seyfert 1 and 67 broad line Seyfert 1) and research black hole mass bulge velocity dispersion Eddington radio luminosity at 5100 Å and redshift. Our conclusions are follows: (1) when computing black hole mass, we should consider the effect of radiation pressure, especially for the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies; (2) when the effect of radiation pressure is considered, narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies meet MBH-σ relation of normal galaxies and are in su-Eddington accretion; (3) in a large samples, the evolution of Seyfert 1 galaxies is from narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies to broad line Seyfert 1 galaxies, which is consistent with other results obtained in different ways.
- radiation pressure /
- black hole mass /
- Seyfert 1 galaxies /
- characteristics
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[1] Croton D J, Springel V, White S D M, DeLucia G, Frenk C S, Gao L, Jenkins A, Kauffmann G, Navarro J F, Yoshida N 2006 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 365 11
[2] Ferrarese L, Merritt D 2000 Astrophys. J. 539 L9
[3] Marconi A, Hunt L K 2003 Astrophys. J. L21
[4] Graham A W, Driver S P 2007 Astrophys. J. 655 77
[5] Granato G L, DeZotti G, Silva L, Bresssan A, Danese L 2004 Astrophys. J. 600 580
[6] Kaspi S, Smith P S, Netzer H, Maoz D, Jannuzi B T, Giveon U 2000 Astrophys. J. 533 631
[7] Onken C A, Ferrarese L, Merritt D, Peterson B M, Pogge R W, Vestergaard M, Wandel A 2004 Astrophys. J. 615 645
[8] Vestergaard M, Peterson B M 2006 Astrophys. J. 641 689
[9] Woo J H, Treu T, Barth A J, Wright S A, Walsh J L, Bentz M C, Martini P, Bennert A N, Canalizo G, Filippenko A V, Gates E, Greene J, Malkan M A, Stern D, Minezaki T 2010 Astrophys. J. 716 269
[10] Marconi A, Axon D J, Maiolino R, Nagao T, Pastorini G, Pietrini P, Robinson A, Torricelli G 2008 Astrophys. J. 678 693
[11] Marconi A, Axon D J, Maiolino R, Nagao T, Pastorini G, Pietrini P, Robinson A, Torricelli G 2009 Astrophys. J. 698 L103
[12] Zhu L, Zhang S N, Tang S 2009 Astrophys. J. 700 1173
[13] Tremaine S, Gebhardt K, Bender R, Bower G, Dressler A, Faber S M, Filippenko A V, Green R, Grillmair G, Ho L C, Kormendy J, Lauer T R, Magorrian J, Pinkney J, Richstone D 2002 Astrophys. J. 574 740
[14] Greene J E, Ho L C 2006 Astrophys. J. 641 L21
[15] Bian W, Zhao Y 2004 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 352 823
[16] Komossa S, Xu D 2007 Astrophys. J. 667 L33
[17] Wang J M, Zhang E P 2007 Astrophys. J. 660 1072
[18] Xie G Z, Zhou S B, Liang E W 2004 Astron. J. 127 53
[19] Bao Y Y, Zhang X, Chen L E, Zhang H J, Peng Z Y, Zheng Y G 2008 Acta Astron. Sin. 49 123 (in Chinese) [鲍玉英, 张雄, 陈洛恩, 张皓晶, 彭朝阳, 郑永刚 2008 天文学报 49 123]
[20] Pei Y C 1995 Astrophys. J. 438 623
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