In this paper, the high speed photography and the pressure measurement are used to study the propagation and focusing process of the underwater intensive acoustic pulse which is reflected from an ellipsoidal reflector. The experimental results indicate that the reflector contribute to both the sound energy focusing and the generation of a negative pressure portion of the intensive acoustic pulse, and the cavitation bubble cluster will be induced to grow accordingly. Based on the experimental results, a sound propagation model derived from Kirchhoff diffraction integral and the equation of bubble dynamics proposed by Qian and Xiao [Qian Z W and Xiao L 2003 Chin. Phys. Lett. 20 80; Qian Z W and Xiao L 2008 Chinese Physics B 17 3785] are used to numerically study the propagation of the intensive acoustic pulse and the bubble motion. The numerical results indicate that the "wake wave" and "edge wave" will evolve into the negative pressure portion of the intensive acoustic pulse in front of the far focus of the reflector and the "center wave" will evolve into the negative pressure part beyond the far focus of the reflector. When the bubble is subjected to the reflected wave, it will be compressed and oscillate periodically during the positive pressure phase, and it will expand during the negative pressure phase of the incident pulse. And after the reflected wave passes, the typical processes of expanding, collapsing and rebounding can be seen clearly from the photographs. The research results have practical significance for understanding the propagation characteristic of the underwater intensive acoustic pulse with an ellipsoidal reflector.
- underwater plasma acoustic source /
- intensive acoustic pulse /
- negative pressure /
- bubble dynamics
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[1] Lu X P, Pan Y, Zhang H H 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1149 (in Chinese) [卢新培, 潘垣, 张寒虹 2002 51 1149]
[2] Wang Y B, Zeng X W, Wang S W 2012 IEEE. Trans. Plasma. Sci. 40 98
[3] Wang Y B, Zeng X W, Wang S W 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 055203
[4] Li N, Chen J F, Huang J G 2009 Applied Acoustics 28 241 (in Chines) [李宁, 陈建峰, 黄建国 2009 应用声学 28 241]
[5] Zhang J, Zeng X W, Zhang Z F, Wang Y B 2011 Proceeding of the 1st National Conference on Underwater Security and Technology People's Republic of China, April 23-24, 2011 p194
[6] Schaefer R, Grapperhaus M 2006 SPIE Conference of Photonics for Port and Harbor Security II Session 2: Diver Detection and Interdiction USA Florida, April 18, 2006
[7] Karl W R, Penny K R 2002 Non-Lethal Swimmer Neutralization Study Tech. Report ARL (Austin: The University of Texas)
[8] Huang Y F 2011 Proceeding of the 1st National Conference on Underwater Security and Technology People's Republic of China, April 23-24, 2011 p198
[9] Ma T, Huang J G, Lei K Z, Chen J F, Zhang Q F 2010 Journal of Marine Science and Application 1 559
[10] Li N, Huang J G, Lei K Z, Chen J F, Zhang Q F 2011 Journal of Electrostatics 69 291
[11] Fang M, Huang J G, Lei K Z,Li N 2009 Elementary Electroacoustics 33 39 (in Chinese) [方明, 黄建国, 雷开卓, 李宁 2009 电声基础 33 39]
[12] Lei K Z, Liu J S, Zhang Q F, Peng X Q 2009 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering 28 1068 (in Chinese) [雷开卓, 刘劲松, 张群飞, 彭雄奇 2009 机械科学与技术 28 1068]
[13] Qian Z W, Xiao L 2003 Chin. Phys. Lett. 20 80
[14] Qian Z W, Xiao L 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3785
[15] Zhang Z F, Zeng X W, Wang Y B, Chen D 2012 Journal of National University of Defense Technology (in Chinese) [张振福, 曾新吾, 王一博, 陈聃 2012 国防科大学报 已录用]
[16] Wang J W, Li Y J 2006 Matlab 7.0 Graphics and Image Processing (Beijing: National Defense Press) (in Chinese) p250 [王家文, 李仰军 2006 Matlab 7.0 图形图像处理 (北京: 国防工业出版社) p250 ]
[17] Sun C S, Zhang X H, Hang H W 2012 Opto-Electronic Engineering 39 7 (in Chinese) [孙春生, 张晓晖, 韩宏伟 2012 光电工程 39 7]
[18] Cole R H 1948 Underwater Explosions (Princeton: Princeton University Press) p400
[19] Lei K Z, Li N, Huang J G 2010 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 28 102 (in Chinese) [雷开卓, 李宁, 黄建国 2010 西北工业大学学报 28 102]
[20] Leighton T G 1992 The Acoustic Bubble (Princeton: Princeton University Press) p60
[21] An X L, He X, Wang L W, Wang J X 2007 Internal Combustion Engine Engineering 2 1 (in Chinese) [安新亮, 何旭, 王丽雯, 王建昕 2007 内燃机工程 2 1]
[22] Senjenov, (Translated by He Z Y, Zhao J Y) 1983 Wave Problems of Underwater Acoustics (Beijing: National Defense Press) p15 (in Chinese) [沈杰罗夫著(何祚镛, 赵晋英译) 1983 水声学波动问题(北京: 国防工业出版社) p15]
[23] Ji J R 2007 Higher Optical Tutorial (Beijing: Science Press) p164 (in Chinese) [季家镕 2007 高等光学教程 (北京: 科学出版社) p164]
[24] Hamilton M F 1989 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93 1256
[25] Qian Z W 2009 Nonlinear Acoustics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) p238 (in Chinese) [钱祖文 2009 非线性声学(第二版)(北京: 科学出版社) 第238页]
[26] Tanguay M, Colonius T 2003 5th International Symposium on Cavitation Osaka, Japan November 1-4, 2003
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