Detections and manipulations of quantum optical state at single-photon level have received much attention in the current experiments. Here, by numerically calculating the time-evolved Wigner functions, we investigate the dynamics of the typical non-classical state, i.e., few-photon superposition states in a dissipating optical microcavity. It is shown that the negativity of their Wigner function vanishes with dissipation. But this does not imply that all the non-classical features of the dissipative quantum state disappear. In fact, it is shown that the value of the second-order correlation function g(2)(0) (which serves usually as the standard criterion of a typical non-classical effect, i.e., the anti-bunching of photons, if g(2)(0)g(2A)(0) varies with the cavity dissipation and thus could be used to describe the physical effects of the dissipative cavity. Finally, we discuss the experimental feasibility of our proposal with a practically-existing cavity QED system.
- few-photon superposition states /
- Wigner function /
- dissipative optical microcavity /
- anti-bunching
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[1] Wigner E P 1932 Phys. Rev. 40 749
[2] Buzek V, Knight P L 1995 Progress in Optics in: Wolf E ed Vol. XXXIV, Edited by (Amsterdam: North Holland), and Refs. Therein.
[3] Yang Y, Li F L 2009 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26 830
[4] Hillery M, O' Connell R F, Scully M O, Wigner E P 1984 Phys. Rep. 106 121
[5] Wei L F, Wang S J, Jie Q L 1997 Chin. Sci. Bull. 42 1686
[6] Yang Q Y, Sun J W, Wei L F, Ding L E 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2704 (in Chinese) [杨庆怡, 孙敬文, 韦联福, 丁良恩 2005 54 2704]
[7] Li S B, Zou X B, Guo G C 2007 Phys. Rev. A 75 045801
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[11] Biswas A, Agarwal G S 2007 Phys. Rev. A 75 032104
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[13] Hu L Y, Xu X X, Wang Z S, Xu X F 2010 Phys. Rev. A 82 043842
[14] de Queiros I P, Cardoso W B, de Alemida N G 2007 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 21
[15] Buller G S, Collins R J 2010 Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 012002
[16] Scully M O, Zubairy M S 1997 Quantum Optics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
[17] Fan H Y, Hu L Y 2009 Opt. Commun. 282 4379
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[21] Puri R R 2001 Mathematical Methods of Quantum Optics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag)
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[27] Cahill K E, Glauber R J 1969 Phys. Rev. 177 1882
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