The influences of uncertainties in nuclear physics inputs on the Th/U, Th/Hf, Th/Eu, Th/Os, Th/Ir nucleo-chronometers are investigated in the framework of the classical r-process approach. A Monte-Carlo method is used to evaluate the age uncertainty originating from neutron separation energies for each nuclear mass model. It is found that the deduced age uncertainty for Th /U can be up to 1.66 Ga, and for the three chronometers, Th/Eu, Th/Os, Th/Ir, the uncertainties are 5.15 Ga, 3.93 Ga and 3.95 Ga, respectively. The recently proposed chronometer, Th/Hf, shows a clear model dependence, while Th/Os and Th/Ir chronometers tend to overestimate the age of Universe. Taking into account the uncertainties in nuclear physics inputs and observations, an up-to-date age estimation for the universe with the Th/U chronometer is 14.1? 3.8 Ga.
- age of universe /
- nucleochronometer /
- rapid neutron-capture process /
- nuclear mass
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[73] -
[1] Komatsu E, Dunkley J, Nolta M R, Bennett C L, Gold B, Hinshaw G, Jarosik N, Larson D, Limon M, Page L, Spergel D N, Halpern M, Hill R S, Kogut A, Meyer S S, Tucker G S, Weiland J L, Wollack E, Wrightet E L 2009 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 180 330
[2] [3] Burbidge E M, Burbidge G R, Fowler W A, Hoyle F 1957 Rev. Mod. Phys. 29 547
[4] Cowan J J, Pfeiffer B, Kratz K L, Thielemann F K, Sneden C, Burles S, Tytler D, Beers T C 1999 Astrophys. J. 521 194
[5] [6] Niu Z M, Sun B H, Meng J 2009 Phys. Rev. C 80 065806
[7] [8] Meng J, Niu Z M, Liang H Z, Sun B H 2011 Sci. Chin. G 54 s119
[9] [10] Carretta E, Gratton R G, Clementini G, Pecci F F 2000 Astrophys. J. 533 215
[11] [12] Hansen B M S, Richer H B, Fahlman G G, Stetson P B, Brewer J, Currie T, Gibson B K, Ibata R, Rich R M, Shara M M 2004 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 155 551
[13] [14] [15] Rutherford E 1929 Nature 123 313
[16] [17] Noddack I, Noddack W 1930 Naturwiss. 35 59
[18] Fowler W A, Hoyle F 1960 Ann. Phys. 10 280
[19] [20] [21] Butcher H R 1987 Nature 328 127
[22] [23] Franois P, Spite M, Spite F 1993 Astron. Astrophys. 274 821
[24] [25] Cowan J J, Sneden C 2006 Nature 440 1151
[26] [27] Sneden C, McWilliam A, Preston G W, Cowan J J, Burris D L, Armosky B J 1996 Astrophys. J. 467 819
[28] Westin J, Sneden C, Gustafsson B, Cowan J J 2000 Astrophys. J. 530 783
[29] [30] [31] Hill V, Plez B, Cayrel R, Beers T C, Nordstrm B, Andersen J, Spite M, Spite F, Barbuy B, Bonifacio P, Depagne E, Franois P, Primas F 2002 Astron. Astrophys. 387 560
[32] Frebel A, Christlieb N, Norris J E, Thom C, Beers T C, Rhee J 2007 Astrophys. J. 660 L117
[33] [34] [35] Cayrel R, Hill V, Beers T C, Barbuy B, Spite M, Spite F, Plez B, Andersen J, Bonifacio P, Franois P, Molaro P, Nordstrm B, Primas F 2001 Nature 409 691
[36] [37] Cowan J J, Sneden C, Burles S, Ivans I I, Beers T C, Truran J W, Lawler J E, Primas F, Fuller G M, Pfeiffer B, Kratz K L 2002 Astrophys. J. 572 861
[38] Goriely S, Arnould M 2001 Astron. Astrophys. 379 1113
[39] [40] [41] Schatz H, Toenjes R, Pfeiffer B, Beers T C, Cowan J J, Hill V, Kratz K L 2002 Astrophys. J. 579 626
[42] [43] Audi G, Bersillon O, Blachot J, Wapstra A H 2003 Nucl. Phys. A 729 3
[44] Sun B, Knbel R, Litvinov Y A, Geissel H, Meng J, Beckert K, Bosch F, Boutin D, Brandau C, Chen L, Cullen I J, Dimopoulou C, Fabian B, Hausmann M, Kozhuharov C, Litvinov S A, Mazzocco M, Montes F, Mnzenberg G, Musumarra A, Nakajima S, Nociforo C, Nolden F, Ohtsubo T, Ozawa A, Patyk Z, Pla W R, Scheidenberger C, Steck M, Suzuki T, Walker P M, Weick H, Winckler N, Winkler M, Yamaguchi T 2008 Nucl. Phys. A 812 1
[45] [46] Duflo J, Zuker A P 1995 Phys. Rev. C 52 R23
[47] [48] Koura H, Tachibana T, Uno M, Yamada M 2005 Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 305
[49] [50] Goriely S, Chamel N, Pearson J M 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 152503
[51] [52] Geng L S, Toki H, Meng J 2005 Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 785
[53] [54] Kratz K L, Farouqi K, Pfeiffer B, Truran J W, Sneden C, Cowan J J 2007 Astrophys. J. 662 39
[55] [56] Sun B, Montes F, Geng L S, Geissel H, Litvinov Y A, Meng J 2008 Phys. Rev. C 78 025806
[57] [58] [59] Sun B H, Meng J 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 2429
[60] [61] Mller P, Nix J R, Myers W D, Swiatecki W J 1995 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 59 185
[62] [63] Pearson J M, Nayak R C, Goriely S 1996 Phys. Lett. B 387 455
[64] [65] Mller P, Pfeiffer B, Kratz K L 2003 Phys. Rev. C 67 055802
[66] [67] Sneden C, Cowan J J, Gallino R 2008 Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 46 241
[68] Simmerer J, Sneden C, Cowan J J, Collier J, Woolf V M, Lawler J E 2004 Astrophys. J. 617 1091
[69] [70] [71] Lodders K 2003 Astrophys. J. 591 1220
[72] Otsuki K, Mathews G J, Kajino T 2003 New Astron. 8 767
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