Differential cross sections (DCSs) and Stokes parameters for electron impact excitation of 3s3p 1P1, 3s4p 1P1 states in magnesium are calculated by using the fully relativistic distorted-wave (RDW) program REIE06. In the calculations, the relativistic effects and electron correlations are considered systematically. The results are analyzed and compared with available experimental data and theoretical calculations, and they are in good agreement with each other.
- electron impact excitation /
- DCSs /
- Stokes parameters /
- RDW method
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[1] King G C M, Adams A, Read F H 1972 J. Phys. B 5 L254
[2] Brown D O, Crowe A, Fursa D V, Bray I, Bartschat K 2005 J. Phys. B 38 4123
[3] Brown D O, Cvejanovic D, Crowe A 2003 J. Phys. B 36 3411
[4] Hermann H W, Hertel I V, Reiland W, Stamatovic A, Stoll W 1977 J. Phys. B 10 251
[5] Hanne G F, Szmytkowski C Z, Wiel M 1982 J. Phys. B 15 L109
[6] Percival A K, Jhumka S, Hussey M, James A 2011 J. Phys. B 44 105203
[7] Marrs R E, Levine M A, Knapp D A, Henderson J R 1988 Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 1715
[8] Henderson J R, Beiersdorfer P, Bennett C L, Chantrenne S, Knapp D A, Marrs R E, Schneider M B, Wong K L, Doschek G A, Seely J F, Brown C M, Lavilla R E, Dubau J, Levine M A 1990 Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 705
[9] Yatsurugi J, Watanabe E, Ohashi H, Sakaue H A, Nakamura N 2011 Phys. Scr. T144 014031
[10] Andersen N, Bartschant K 2001 Polarization, Alignment, and Orientation in Atomic Collision (New York: Springer)
[11] Andersen N, Gallagher J W, Hertel I V 1988 Phys. Rep. 165 1
[12] Batelaan H, Eck J, Heideman H G M 1988 J. Phys. B 21 L741
[13] Saxena S, Muktavat K, Srivastavs R 2004 Pramana. J. Phys. 63 977
[14] Liu Y B, Pang W N, Ding H B, Shang R C 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5121 (in Chinese) [刘义保, 庞文宁, 丁海兵, 尚仁成 2005 54 5121]
[15] Williams W, Trajmar S 1978 J. Phys. B 11 2021
[16] Mitroy J, McCarthy I E 1989 J. Phys. B 22 641
[17] Filipovic D M, Predojevic B, Sevic D, Pejcev V, Marinkovic B P, Srivastava R, Stauffer A D 2006 Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 251 66
[18] Predojevic B, Pejcev V, Filipovic D M, Sevic D, Marinkovic B P 2008 J. Phys. B 41 015202
[19] Predojevic B, Pejcev V, Filipovic D M, Sevic D, Tomcik B, Marinkovic B P 2011 J. Phys. B 44 055208
[20] Fursa D V, Bray I 2001 Phys. Rev. A 63 032708
[21] Meneses G D, Pagan C B, Machado L E 1990 Phys. Rev. A 41 4740
[22] Zatsarinny O, Bartschat K, Gedeon S, Gedeon V, Lazur V, Nagy E 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 052709
[23] Xie L Y, Zhang Z Y, Dong C Z, Jiang J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6249 (in Chinese) [颉录有, 张志远, 董晨钟, 蒋军 2008 57 6249]
[24] Kaur S, Srivastava R, McEachran R P, Stauffer A D 1997 J. Phys. B 30 1027
[25] Sharma L, Srivastava R, Stauffer A D 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 014701
[26] Jiang J, Dong C Z, Xie L Y, Wang J G, Yan J 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 691
[27] Yang N X, Jiang J, Xie L Y, Dong C Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2888 (in Chinese) [杨宁选, 蒋军, 颉录有, 董晨钟 2008 57 2888]
[28] Yang N X, Jiang J, Xie L Y, Dong C Z 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 918 (in Chinese) [杨宁选, 蒋军, 颉录有, 董晨钟 2010 59 918]
[29] Grant I P 2007 Relativistic Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules (Springer)
[30] Parpia F A, Fischer C F, Grant I P 1996 Comput. Phys. Commun. 94 249
[31] Fritzsche S, Fischer C F, Dong C Z 2000 Comput. Phys. Commun. 124 340
[32] Dyall K G, Grant I P, Johnson C T, Parpia F A , Plummer E P 1989 Comput. Phys. Commun. 55 425
[33] Perger W F, Cai Z, Beck D R 1991 J. Phys. B 24 4863
[34] Ong W, Russek A 1978 Phys. Rev. A 17 120
[35] Bartschat K, Blum K, Hanne G F, Kessler J 1981 J. Phys. B 14 3761
[36] Srivastava R, Blum K, McEachran R P, Stauffer A D 1996 J. Phys. B 29 3513
[37] Kaur S, Srivastava R, McEachran R P, Stauffer A D 1998 J. Phys. B 31 157
[38] http: // physics. nist. gov/PhysRefData/ASD/levels_form. html
[39] Brunger M J, Riley J L, Scholten R E, Teubner P J O 1988 J. Phys. B 21 1639
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