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Electronic screening effects during bremsstrahlung of carbon atoms and ions

YAN Tong LIU Aihua JIAO Liguang


Electronic screening effects during bremsstrahlung of carbon atoms and ions

YAN Tong, LIU Aihua, JIAO Liguang
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241638
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Bremsstrahlung, as an important radiation process in atomic physics, has significant applications in the fields of astrophysics, plasma physics, magnetic and inertial confinement fusion. In this work, the relativistic partial-wave expansion method is used to investigate the bremsstrahlung of neutral carbon atoms and different charged carbon ions scattered from intermediate- and high-energy relativistic electrons, with special attention paid to the electronic screening effect produced by the target electrons. The target wave function is obtained from the Dirac-Hartree-Fock self-consistent calculations, and the electron-atom scattering interaction potential is constructed in the central-field approximation. By solving the partial-wave Dirac equation, the continuum wave functions of the relativistic electron are obtained, from which the bremsstrahlung single and double differential cross sections can be calculated via the multipole free-free transitions between the incident and exit free electrons. The target electronic screening effects on the bremsstrahlung single and double differential cross sections are analyzed under a variety of conditions of incident electron energy and emitted photon energy. It is shown that the target electronic screening effect will significantly suppress the cross sections both at low incident energy and in the soft-photon region. Such a suppressing effect decreases with the incident electron energy and the emitted photon energy gradually increasing. Overall, the electronic screening effect has no significant influence on the shape function of bremsstrahlung.
      Corresponding author: LIU Aihua, ; JIAO Liguang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFE0134200) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12174147).

    Buǐmistrov V M, Trakhtenberg L I 1975 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 42 54


    Amus'ya M Y, Baltenkov A S, Paiziev A A 1976 JETP Lett. 24 332


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    Guazzotto L, Betti R 2019 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 085028Google Scholar


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    Bone T, Sedwick R 2024 Acta Astronaut. 220 356Google Scholar


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    Singh S, Armstrong C D, Kang N, et al. 2021 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63 035004Google Scholar


    Benitez J, Todd D, Xie D 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2244 012083Google Scholar


    Rong X, Du Y, Ljungberg M, Rault E, Vandenberghe S, Frey E C 2012 Med. Phys. 39 2346Google Scholar


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    Uribe C F, Esquinas P L, Gonzalez M, Celler A 2016 Phys. Med. 32 691Google Scholar


    Porter C A, Bradley K M, Hippeläinen E T, Walker M D, McGowan D R 2018 EJNMMI Res. 8 1Google Scholar


    Tijani S A, Al-Hadeethi Y, Sambo I, Balogun F A 2018 J. Radiol. Prot. 38 N44Google Scholar


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    Poškus A 2018 Comput. Phys. Commun. 232 237Google Scholar


    Poškus A 2022 Comput. Phys. Commun. 278 108414Google Scholar


    Poškus A 2019 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 129-130 101277Google Scholar


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    Wu J Y, Wu Y, Qi Y Y, Wang J G, Janev R K, Zhang S B 2019 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 486 141Google Scholar


    Wu J Y, Qi Y Y, Cheng Y J, Wu Y, Wang J G, Zhang S B 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 043301Google Scholar


    Wu J Y, Cheng Y J, Poškus A, Wu Y, Wang J G, Zhang S B 2021 Phys. Rev. A 103 062802Google Scholar


    Avdonina N B, Pratt R H 1999 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 4261Google Scholar


    Korol A V 1992 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 25 L341Google Scholar


    Amusia M Y, Avdonina N B, Chernysheva L V, Kuchiev M Y 1985 J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Phys. 18 L791Google Scholar


    Korol A V, Lyalin A G, Solovy'ov A V, Avdonina N B, Pratt R H 2002 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 1197Google Scholar


    Tseng H K, Pratt R H 1973 Phys. Rev. A 7 1502Google Scholar


    Mangiarotti A, Lauth W, Jakubassa-Amundsen D H, Klag P, Malafronte A A, Martins M N, Nielsen C F, Uggerhøj U I 2021 Phys. Lett. B 815 136113Google Scholar


    Groshev M E, Zaytsev V A, Yerokhin V A, Hillenbrand P M, Litvinov Y A, Shabaev V M 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 052803Google Scholar


    Yerokhin V A, Surzhykov A 2010 Phys. Rev. A 82 062702Google Scholar


    Yerokhin V A, Surzhykov A, Märtin R, Tashenov S, Weber G 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 032708Google Scholar


    García-Alvarez J A, Fernández-Varea J M, Vanin V R, Maidana N L 2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 225003Google Scholar


    Li L, An Z, Zhu J J, Lin W P, Williams S 2021 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 506 15Google Scholar


    Gu M F 2008 Can. J. Phys. 86 675Google Scholar


    Rodrigues G C, Indelicato P, Santos J P, Patté P, Parente F 2004 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 86 117Google Scholar


    Kramida A, Yu Ralchenko, Reader J, and NIST ASD Team 2024 NIST Atomic Spectra Database (Ver. 5.12) [2025-1-6]


    Lee C M, Kissel L, Pratt R H, Tseng H K 1976 Phys. Rev. A 13 1714Google Scholar


    Kissel L, Quarles C A, Pratt R H 1983 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 28 381Google Scholar

  • 图 1  中性C原子及其各价态离子($ \rm C^{1+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{3+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $)的屏蔽函数

    Figure 1.  Screening function of C atom and different charged ions ($ \rm C^{+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{3+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $).

    图 2  $ \rm C^{2+} $离子轫致辐射单重微分截面 (a)入射电子动能$ T_{1} $为1, 10, 100和1000 keV; (b)出射光子能量占比$ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1} $为0.05—0.95

    Figure 2.  Bremsstrahlung single differential cross section for the $ \rm C^{2+} $ ion: (a) The kinetic energies of the incident electron $ T_{1} $ are 1, 10, 100 and 1000 keV; (b) the ratios of the emitted photon energy to the incident electron energy $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $ are in the range of 0.05–0.95.

    图 3  中性C原子及$ \rm C^{6+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $离子的轫致辐射单重微分截面随发射光子能量占比$ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $的变化 (a) $ T_{1}=1 $ keV; (b) $ T_{1}=10 $ keV; (c) $ T_{1}=100 $ keV; (d) $ T_{1}=1000 $ keV

    Figure 3.  Bremsstrahlung single differential cross sections of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{6+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $ ions as a function of $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $: (a) $ T_{1}=1 $ keV; (b) $ T_{1}=10 $ keV; (c) $ T_{1}=100 $ keV; (d) $ T_{1}=1000 $ keV.

    图 4  中性C原子及$ \rm C^{6+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $离子的轫致辐射单重微分截面随入射电子能量$ T_{1} $的变化  (a) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.05 $; (b) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.5 $; (c) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.95 $

    Figure 4.  Bremsstrahlung single differential cross sections of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{6+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{2+} $ ions as a function of $ T_1 $: (a) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.05 $; (b) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.5 $; (c) $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}} / T_{1}=0.95 $.

    图 5  中性C原子轫致辐射双重微分截面随光子发射角$ \theta $的变化, 其中出射电子动能$ T_{2} $为1 keV, 入射电子动能$ T_{1} $分别20, 50, 100, 500和2000 keV

    Figure 5.  Bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections of the neutral C atom as a function of the emission angle $ \theta $, where the kinetic energy of the emitted electron $ T_2 $ is 1 keV, and the kinetic energy of the incident electron $ T_1 $ is 20, 50, 100, 500, and 2000 keV.

    图 6  中性C原子和$ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{6+} $离子轫致辐射双重微分截面随光子发射角$ \theta $的变化, 其中入射电子动能$ T_1 $为10 keV, 发射光子能量占比$ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $为(a) 0.05, (b) 0.2, (c) 0.6, (d) 0.95

    Figure 6.  Bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $ and $ \rm C^{6+} $ ions as a function of the photon emission angle $ \theta $. The kinetic energy of the incident electron $ T_1 $ is 10 keV, and the ratios of the emitted photon energy $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $ are (a) 0.05, (b) 0.2, (c) 0.6 and (d) 0.95.

    图 7  中性C原子和$ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{6+} $离子轫致辐射双重微分截面随光子发射角$ \theta $的变化, 发射光子能量占比$ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $为0.6, 入射电子动能$ T_1 $分别为(a) 1 keV, (b) 10 keV, (c) 100 keV, (d) 1000 keV

    Figure 7.  Bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $ and $ \rm C^{6+} $ ions as a function of the photon emission angle $ \theta $. The ratio of the emitted photon energy $ E_{{\mathrm{p}}}/T_{1} $ is 0.6, and the kinetic energies of the incident electron $ T_1 $ are (a) 1 keV, (b) 10 keV, (c) 100 keV and (d) 1000 keV.

    图 8  中性C原子和$ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{6+} $离子的轫致辐射形状函数, 其中发射光子能量$ E_{\rm p}$均为5 keV, 入射电子动能$ T_1 $为(a) 20 keV, (b) 100 keV.

    Figure 8.  Bremsstrahlung shape function of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $ and $ \rm C^{6+} $ ions. The emitted photon energy $ E_{\rm p} $ is 5 keV, and the incident electron kinetic energies $ T_1 $ are (a) 20 keV and (b) 100 keV.

    图 9  中性C原子和$ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $, $ \rm C^{6+} $离子的轫致辐射形状函数, 其中入射电子动能$ T_1 $均为50 keV, 发射光子能量$ E_{\rm p} $为(a) 5 keV, (b) 45 keV.

    Figure 9.  Bremsstrahlung shape function of neutral C atom and $ \rm C^{2+} $, $ \rm C^{4+} $, $ \rm C^{5+} $ and $ \rm C^{6+} $ ions. The incident electron kinetic energy $ T_1 $ is 50 keV, and the emitted photon energies $ E_{\rm p} $ are (a) 5 keV and (b) 45 keV.

    表 1  中性C原子及其各价态离子($\rm C^{1+}$, $\rm C^{2+}$, $\rm C^{3+}$, $\rm C^{4+}$, $\rm C^{5+}$)的基态轨道能量及总能量, 并与Rodrigues等 [54]的计算结果和NIST [55]的数据进行对比, 表中Diff表示当前计算结果和NIST数据相对误差

    Table 1.  Orbital and total energies of the neutral C atom and different charged ions ($\rm C^{1+}$, $\rm C^{2+}$, $\rm C^{3+}$, $\rm C^{4+}$, $\rm C^{5+}$) in their ground states and the comparison with results of Rodrigues et al. [54] and the NIST data [55]. “Diff” represents the relative errors between the present calculations of total energies and the NIST data[55].

    Target $ E/ {\rm eV }$ Diff/%
    $ 1 {\mathrm{s}}_{1/2} $ $ 2 {\mathrm{s}}_{1/2} $ $ 2 {\mathrm{p}}_{1/2} $ $ 2 {\mathrm{p}}_{3/2} $ Total Ref. [54] NIST [55]
    C –298.98 –16.86 –9.08 –9.07 –1025.12 –1026 –1030.11 0.48
    $ \rm C^{1+} $ –314.60 –30.44 –22.65 –1014.57 –1015 –1018.85 0.42
    $ \rm C^{2+} $ –336.99 –47.29 –990.72 –991 –994.47 0.38
    $ \rm C^{3+} $ –362.47 –66.27 –945.03 –945 –946.58 0.16
    $ \rm C^{4+} $ –392.48 –880.85 –882.08 0.14
    $ \rm C^{5+} $ –490.04 –490.04 –489.99 0.01
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  中性C原子轫致辐射单重微分截面$ \sigma(k) $, 并与Pratt等[33]的结果进行对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of present bremsstrahlung single differential cross section $ \sigma(k) $ for the neutral C atom with the calculations of Pratt et al[33].

    $ T_1/{\rm{keV}} $ $ E_{\mathrm{p}}/T_1 $ $ \sigma(k) /\text{mb}$ Diff/%
    Present work Pratt et al.[33]
    1 0.2 4.923 5.587 –11.88
    0.5 4.902 5.525 –11.27
    0.8 4.747 5.272 –9.96
    0.95 4.741 5.162 –8.16
    10 0.2 7.486 8.308 –9.90
    0.5 5.953 6.405 –7.06
    0.8 4.829 5.060 –4.56
    0.95 4.495 4.573 –1.71
    100 0.2 7.896 8.130 –2.88
    0.5 4.964 5.018 –1.07
    0.8 2.939 2.970 –1.05
    0.95 1.925 1.963 –1.95
    200 0.2 7.614 7.586 0.37
    0.5 4.402 4.377 0.58
    0.8 2.352 2.354 –0.08
    0.95 1.366 1.380 –1.02
    1000 0.2 7.687 7.515 2.29
    0.5 3.953 3.879 1.91
    0.8 1.773 1.762 0.65
    0.95 0.815 0.818 –0.36
    2000 0.2 8.387 8.303 1.01
    0.5 4.507 4.451 1.26
    0.8 2.118 2.112 0.31
    0.95 0.941 0.947 –0.68
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  中性C原子轫致辐射形状函数, 并与Kissel等[57]的结果进行对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of the bremsstrahlung shape function for the neutral C atom with the results of Kissel et al[57].

    $ T_1/ {\rm keV} $ $ E_{\mathrm{p}} / T_1 $ $ \theta/ (°)$ Shape function/sr–1 Diff/%
    Present work Kissel et al.[57]
    10 0.6 0 0.0487 0.0498 –2.21
    30 0.0783 0.0796 –1.68
    90 0.0968 0.0962 0.60
    120 0.0611 0.0602 1.44
    180 0.0232 0.0232 –0.01
    50 0.6 0 0.0877 0.0843 3.98
    30 0.1386 0.1389 –0.23
    90 0.0747 0.0746 0.19
    120 0.0363 0.0360 0.83
    180 0.0150 0.0149 0.61
    100 0.6 0 0.1392 0.1380 0.87
    30 0.2005 0.2019 –0.68
    90 0.0558 0.0556 0.42
    120 0.0244 0.0243 0.36
    180 0.0111 0.0110 0.65
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Mangiarotti A, Lauth W, Jakubassa-Amundsen D H, Klag P, Malafronte A A, Martins M N, Nielsen C F, Uggerhøj U I 2021 Phys. Lett. B 815 136113Google Scholar


    Groshev M E, Zaytsev V A, Yerokhin V A, Hillenbrand P M, Litvinov Y A, Shabaev V M 2022 Phys. Rev. A 105 052803Google Scholar


    Yerokhin V A, Surzhykov A 2010 Phys. Rev. A 82 062702Google Scholar


    Yerokhin V A, Surzhykov A, Märtin R, Tashenov S, Weber G 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 032708Google Scholar


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    Rodrigues G C, Indelicato P, Santos J P, Patté P, Parente F 2004 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 86 117Google Scholar


    Kramida A, Yu Ralchenko, Reader J, and NIST ASD Team 2024 NIST Atomic Spectra Database (Ver. 5.12) [2025-1-6]


    Lee C M, Kissel L, Pratt R H, Tseng H K 1976 Phys. Rev. A 13 1714Google Scholar


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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  26 November 2024
  • Accepted Date:  07 January 2025
  • Available Online:  14 January 2025
  • Published Online:  05 February 2025

