The diamond-amplifier photocathode (DAP) offers a new widely applicable way to generate high average-current, high brightness, and low thermal emittance electron beams. Physical processes with multiple parameters are important for the design of a reliable and efficient DAP. To perfom a study in-depth, a 2D Monte Carlo model in MATLAB frame is built to simulate the secondary electron transport in diamond. This simulation gives some proofs that the drift velocity is sensitive to diamond temperature and electric field applied, but not sensitive to the low impurity density(1017/cm-3). As an appropriate result, the saturation velocity of secondary electron reaches 1.88?107 cm/s, and mobility without applied field is 3732 cm2 /V.s. In addition, some properties of a secondary electron bunch transported in diamond are discussed, which indicate that the effect of space charge under our considered electron cloud density is small.
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[1] Neil G R, Bohn C L, Benson S V, Biallas G, Douglas D, Dylla H F, Evans R, Fugitt J, Grippo A, Gubeli J, Hill R, Jordan K, Li R, Merminga L, Piot P, Preble J, Shinn M, Siggins T,Walker R, Yunn B 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 662
[2] Gruner S M, Bilderback D, Bazarov I, Finkelstein K, Krafft G, Merminga L, Padamsee H, Shen Q, Sinclair C, Tigner M 2002 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 1402
[3] Balewski K, Brinkmann R, Derbenev Y, Floettmann K, Wesolowski P, Gentner M, Husmann D, Steier C 2000 Nucl. Instrum. And Meth. A 441 274
[4] Dowell D H, Bazarov I, Dunham B, Harkay K, Hernandez-Garcia C, Legg R, Padmore H, Rao T, Smedley J, Wan W 2000 Nucl. Instrum. And Meth. A 622 685
[5] Ben-Zvi I, Chang X, Johnson P D, Kewisch J, Rao T 2004 C-AD Accelerator Physics Report C-A/AP/149, Brookhaven National Lab
[6] Chang X, Ben-Zvi I, Burrill A, Hulbert S, Johnson P, Kewisch J, Rao T, Smedley J, Segalov Z, Zhao Y 2005 in Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, USA, May 16–20, 2005 p2251
[7] Chang X, Ben-Zvi I, Burrill A, Grimes J, Rao T, Segalov Z, Smedley J 2007 in Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference USA, June 25–29, 2007 p2044
[8] Chang X, Ben-Zvi I, Burrill A, Kewisch J, Muller E, Rao T, Smedley J,Wang E,Wang Y,Wu Q 2009 in Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference, Canada, May 4-8, 2009 p691
[9] Chang X, Wu Q, Ben-Zvi I, Burrill A, Kewisch J, Rao T, Smedley J, Wang E D, Muller E M, Busby R, Dimitrov D 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 164801
[10] Chang X 2005 Ph.D. Thesis (Stony Brook University) (USA)
[11] Rameau J D, Smedley J, Muller E M, Kidd T E, Johnson P D 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 137602
[12] Jacoboni C, Reggiani L 1983 Rev. Mod. Phys. 55 645
[13] Jensen K L, Yater J E, Shaw J L, Myers R E, Pate B B, Butler J E, Feygelson T 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 044509
[14] Ridley B K 1999 Quantum Processes in Semiconductors (Clarendon: Oxford) p107
[15] Ferry D K 2000 Semiconductor Transport (Taylor, Francis: London)
[16] Deferme W, Bogdan A, Bogdan G, Haenen K, DeCeuninck W, Nesladek M 2004 Phys. Status Solidi A 204 3017
[17] Nava F, Canali C, Jacoboni C, Reggiani L, Kozlov S 1980 Solid State Commun. 33 475
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