Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is used to investigate the flow passing through a three-dimensional sphere within two parallel plates. The sphere and the plates are composed of frozen DPD particles which are in an equilibrium state. The fluid is driven by a dimensionless external force exerting on each fluid particle. The force on the sphere is computed from the total particles consistituting the sphere. After the flow is fully developed, the obtained results, including the force exerted on the sphere is computed, and then we can calculate the drag coefficient. The accuracy and the reliability are compared with classical results. The results show that the DPD method can predict drag coefficient accurately when Re is less than 100. However, when Re is bigger than 100, the results deviate from analytical values, which is due mainly to the fluid compressibility.
- meso-scale /
- dissipative particle dynamics /
- drag coefficient
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[1] Zheng G B,Jin N D 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 4485 (in Chinese)[郑桂波,金宁德 2009 58 4485]
[2] Hao P F,Yao C H,He F 2007 Acta Phys.Sin.56 4728 (in Chinese)[郝鹏飞,姚朝晖,何枫 2007 56 4728]
[3] Liu M B,Meakin P,Huang H 2007 J.Comput.Phys.222 110
[4] Cheng N S 2009 Powder Technology 189 395
[5] Gabitto J,Tsouris C 2008 Powder Technology 183 314
[6] Feng J,Joseph D D 1995 J.Fluid Mech.303 83
[7] Liu H T,Tong Z H,An K,Ma L Q 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 6369(in Chinese) [刘汉涛,仝志辉,安康,马理强 2009 \ 586369]
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[9] Lim C Y 2002 Phys.Fluids A 14 2299
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[11] Liu M B,Liu G R 2010 Arxiv.Comput.Methods Engrs.17 25
[12] Chang J Z,Liu M B,Liu H T 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 3954 (in Chinese) [常建忠,刘谋斌,刘汉涛 2008 57 3954]
[13] Espanol P 1995 Phys.Rev.E:Stat.Phys.Plasmas Fluid 52 1734
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[17] Marsh C A,Backx G,Ernst M H 1997 Phys.Rev.56 1676
[18] Sangani A S,Acrivos A 1982 International Journal of Multiphase Flow 8 193
[19] Boek E S,Coveney P V,Lekkerkerker H N W 1996 Journal of Physics- Condensed Matter 8 9509
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[21] Chen S,Phan-Thien N,Khoo B C,Fan X J 2006 Phys.Fluids 18 103605
[22] Kim J M,Phillips R J 2004 Chem.Eng.Sci.59 4155
[23] Liu M B,Chang J Z 2010 Acta Phys.Sin.59 7556 (in Chinese)[刘谋斌,常建忠 2010 59 7556]
[24] Groot R D,Warren P B 1997 J.Chem.Phys.107 4423
[25] Batchelor G K 1967 An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press) p120
[26] Brown P P,Lawler D F 2003 J.Environ.Eng.129 222
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