We theoretically investigate the spin relaxation of polaron, which arises from the electron interactions with the longitudinal optical phonon between the sublevel Zeeman splitting of the polaron ground state by using the vibrational and the unitary transformation methods in a two-dimensional quantum dot, where the Rashba spin-orbital coupling is taken into account. In fact, this process occurs by means of the absorption (or emitting) of a deformation potential acoustic phonon (or a piezoelectric one). The relaxation rate dependences of the magnetic, the quantum dot radius, the lander parameter, the Rashba spin-orbital coupling parameter are studied under the conditions of the strong coupling limitation and the weak one.
- spin relaxation /
- polaron /
- Rashba spin-orbital coupling /
- quantum dot
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[1] Zutic I, Fabian J, Das S S 2004 Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 323
[2] Di Vincenzo D P 1995 Science 270 255
[3] Loss D, Di Vincenzo D P 1998 Phys. Rev. A 57 120
[4] Jiang H L, Zhang R J, Zhou H M, Yao D Z, Xiong G G 2011 Acta Phys. Sin 60 017204 (in Chinese) [蒋洪良,张荣军,周宏明,姚端正,熊贵光 2011 60 017204]
[5] Wu Y, Jiao Z X, Lei L, Wen J H, Lai T S, Lin W Z 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2961(in Chinese) [吴羽,焦中兴,雷亮,文锦辉,赖天树,林位株 2006 55 2961]
[6] Rugar D, Budakian R, Mamin H J, Chui BW2004 Nature 430 329
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[21] Li W P, Xiao J L, Yin J W, Yu Y F, Wang Z W 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047102
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[23] Wang X R, Zheng Y S 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 121303
[24] Hanson R, Witkamp B, Vandersypen L M K, Wvan Beveren L H, Elzerman J M, Kouwenhoven L P 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 196802
[25] Romano C L, Marques G E, Sanz L, Alcalde AM2008 Phys. Rev. B 77 033301
[26] Tokuda N 1980 J. Phys. C Solid State Phys. 13 173
[27] Lee C M, Lam C C, Gu S W 1999 Solid State Commun. 112 555
[28] Chen Q H, Ren Y H, Jiao Z K, Wang K L 1998 Phys. Rev. B 58 16340
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