Self-consistent circuit solution of Z-pinch driver discharging and wire array implosion is realized via Pspice analog behavioral modeling (ABM) based on the 0-dimensional implosion model. The influence of wire array and circuit parameters on implosion process is investigated using the method. Results show that wire array as its load is strongly coupled with Z-pinch driver. The maximum pinch current, the implosion time and the maximum kinetic energy (Ek) transferring to wire array are very sensitive to driver and wire array parameters. When the driver doesnot change and implosion time doesnot exceed a quarter of oscillation periods, the maximum pinch current, the implosion time and the maximum Ek increase while wire array mass increasing, and implosion time decreases as initial wire array radius increases. With keeping wire array unchanged, the implosion time decreases and implosion time increases as capacitance of driver increases, but the Ek efficiency firstly increases then decreases. The optimal array parameters for a given driver should make the implosion fully use the rising edge of current pulse, and make the pinch time close to a quarter of oscillation period, so that the implosion process could obtain maximum Ek efficiency.
- Z-pinch driver /
- 0-D implosion model /
- analog behavioral modeling /
- coupling characteristics
[1] Spielman R B, De Groot J S 2001 Laser and Particle Beams 19 509
[2] [3] Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Li J, Yang L B, Li P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7067(in Chinese) [任晓东、黄显宾、周少彤、张思群、李 晶、杨礼兵、李 平 2009 58 7067]
[4] [5] Ye F, Li Z H, Qin Y, Jiang S Q, Xue F B, Yang J L, Xu R K, Jin Y J 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 075204
[6] Ding N, Wu J M, Dai Z H, Zhang Y, Yin L, Yao Y Z, Sun S K, Ning C, Shu X J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8707(in Chinese) [丁 宁、邬吉明、戴自换、张 扬、尹 丽、姚彦忠、孙顺凯、宁 成、束小建 2010 59 8707]
[7] [8] [9] Sanford T W, Spielman R B, Allshouse G O 1998 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 26 1086
[10] [11] Savage M 2010 Proceeding of 13th International Conferene on Megagauss Field Generation and Related Topics, 6-10 July Suzhou, China
[12] Olson C L 2005 Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium (Washington, DC)
[13] [14] Olson C L, Mazarakis M G, Fowler W E, Sharpe R A, Smith D L, Turgeon M C, Langston W L, Pointon T D, Ottinger P F, Schumer J W, Welch D R, Rose D V, Genoni T C, Bruner N L, Thoma C, Barkey M E, Guthrie M, Kammer D C, Kulcinski G L, Kalinin Y G, Kingsep A S, Nedoseev S L, Smirnov V P, Kim A 2007 SAND2007-0059
[15] [16] [17] Ding N, Yang Z H, Ning C 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 808(in Chinese)[丁 宁、杨震华、宁 成 2004 53 808]
[18] [19] Xie W P, Wang W D, Deng J J, Ying C T, Ding B N 2003 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 15 61(in Chinese)[谢卫平、王文斗、邓建军、应纯同、丁伯南 2003 强激光与粒子束 15 61]
[20] [21] Pspice is a product of OrCAD by Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
[22] [23] Pspice A/D schematic version user guide includes Pspice A/D, Pspice A/D Basics, and Pspice Product Version 10.0 June 2003
[24] [25] Yang H W 2002 Ph. D. Thesis (Changsha:National University of Defense Technology)p83-94(in Chinese) [杨汉武 2002 博士学位论文(长沙:国防科学技术大学)第83-94页]
[26] Liberman M A, De Groot J S, Toor A, Spielman R B (Translated by Sun C W) 1999 Physics of High-Density Z-Pinch Plasmas(Beijing:Defence Industry Press)pp49-55(in Chinese)[利伯曼等著、孙承纬译 1999 高密度Z箍缩等离子体物理学(北京:国防工业出版社)第49-55页]
[27] [28] Stygar W A, Cuneo M E, Headley D I, Ives H C, Leeper R J, Mazarakis M G, Olson C L, Porter J L, Wagoner T C, Woodworth J R 2007 Phys. Rev. Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 10 030401
[29] [30] Zhou L J, Deng J J, Chen L, Dai Y M, Wang M, Xie W P, Feng S P, Yang L B 2010 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 22 465(in Chinese)[周良骥、邓建军、陈 林、戴英敏、王 勐、谢卫平、丰树平、杨礼兵 2010 强激光与粒子束 55 465]
[31] [32] Ding N, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Xiao D L, Shu X J, Ning C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1083(in Chinese)[丁 宁、张 扬、刘 全、肖德龙、束小建、宁 成 2009 58 1083]
[33] [34] [35] Song S Y 2004 Ph. D. Thesis (Mianyang:Institute of Fluid Physics)p56(in Chinese) [宋盛义 2004 博士学位论文(绵阳:流体物理研究所)第56页]
[36] Sanford T W, Humphreys D R, Poukey J W, Marder B M, Halbleib J A, Crow J T, Spielman R B, Mock R C 1994 SAND94-0694
[37] [38] Liu X S 2005 High Pulsed Power Technology (Beijing: Naitonal Defense Industry Press) p57-62(in Chinese)[刘锡三 2005 高功率脉冲技术 (北京:国防工业出版社)第57-62页]
[39] -
[1] Spielman R B, De Groot J S 2001 Laser and Particle Beams 19 509
[2] [3] Ren X D, Huang X B, Zhou S T, Zhang S Q, Li J, Yang L B, Li P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7067(in Chinese) [任晓东、黄显宾、周少彤、张思群、李 晶、杨礼兵、李 平 2009 58 7067]
[4] [5] Ye F, Li Z H, Qin Y, Jiang S Q, Xue F B, Yang J L, Xu R K, Jin Y J 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 075204
[6] Ding N, Wu J M, Dai Z H, Zhang Y, Yin L, Yao Y Z, Sun S K, Ning C, Shu X J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8707(in Chinese) [丁 宁、邬吉明、戴自换、张 扬、尹 丽、姚彦忠、孙顺凯、宁 成、束小建 2010 59 8707]
[7] [8] [9] Sanford T W, Spielman R B, Allshouse G O 1998 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 26 1086
[10] [11] Savage M 2010 Proceeding of 13th International Conferene on Megagauss Field Generation and Related Topics, 6-10 July Suzhou, China
[12] Olson C L 2005 Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium (Washington, DC)
[13] [14] Olson C L, Mazarakis M G, Fowler W E, Sharpe R A, Smith D L, Turgeon M C, Langston W L, Pointon T D, Ottinger P F, Schumer J W, Welch D R, Rose D V, Genoni T C, Bruner N L, Thoma C, Barkey M E, Guthrie M, Kammer D C, Kulcinski G L, Kalinin Y G, Kingsep A S, Nedoseev S L, Smirnov V P, Kim A 2007 SAND2007-0059
[15] [16] [17] Ding N, Yang Z H, Ning C 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 808(in Chinese)[丁 宁、杨震华、宁 成 2004 53 808]
[18] [19] Xie W P, Wang W D, Deng J J, Ying C T, Ding B N 2003 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 15 61(in Chinese)[谢卫平、王文斗、邓建军、应纯同、丁伯南 2003 强激光与粒子束 15 61]
[20] [21] Pspice is a product of OrCAD by Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
[22] [23] Pspice A/D schematic version user guide includes Pspice A/D, Pspice A/D Basics, and Pspice Product Version 10.0 June 2003
[24] [25] Yang H W 2002 Ph. D. Thesis (Changsha:National University of Defense Technology)p83-94(in Chinese) [杨汉武 2002 博士学位论文(长沙:国防科学技术大学)第83-94页]
[26] Liberman M A, De Groot J S, Toor A, Spielman R B (Translated by Sun C W) 1999 Physics of High-Density Z-Pinch Plasmas(Beijing:Defence Industry Press)pp49-55(in Chinese)[利伯曼等著、孙承纬译 1999 高密度Z箍缩等离子体物理学(北京:国防工业出版社)第49-55页]
[27] [28] Stygar W A, Cuneo M E, Headley D I, Ives H C, Leeper R J, Mazarakis M G, Olson C L, Porter J L, Wagoner T C, Woodworth J R 2007 Phys. Rev. Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 10 030401
[29] [30] Zhou L J, Deng J J, Chen L, Dai Y M, Wang M, Xie W P, Feng S P, Yang L B 2010 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 22 465(in Chinese)[周良骥、邓建军、陈 林、戴英敏、王 勐、谢卫平、丰树平、杨礼兵 2010 强激光与粒子束 55 465]
[31] [32] Ding N, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Xiao D L, Shu X J, Ning C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1083(in Chinese)[丁 宁、张 扬、刘 全、肖德龙、束小建、宁 成 2009 58 1083]
[33] [34] [35] Song S Y 2004 Ph. D. Thesis (Mianyang:Institute of Fluid Physics)p56(in Chinese) [宋盛义 2004 博士学位论文(绵阳:流体物理研究所)第56页]
[36] Sanford T W, Humphreys D R, Poukey J W, Marder B M, Halbleib J A, Crow J T, Spielman R B, Mock R C 1994 SAND94-0694
[37] [38] Liu X S 2005 High Pulsed Power Technology (Beijing: Naitonal Defense Industry Press) p57-62(in Chinese)[刘锡三 2005 高功率脉冲技术 (北京:国防工业出版社)第57-62页]
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