Laser indirect-drive has the potential to get ultra-high pressure which is very useful for shock physics. The sandwiched target is used to suppress the ionization effect which causes the blanking area in optical streak camera (OSC) in indirect-drive experiment. The blanking effect can be avoided by the time scale and the intensity. With the thick ablator, the blanking effect appears before the shock wave arrives at the transparent material. Then the blanking effect can be avoided in time scale. With the high Z material, the X-ray which causes the blanking effect can be blocked before the transparent material. For one shock experiment, the shock wave result in Al2O3 is achieved after using the thick ablator to stagger the blanking effect and shock wave signal. The shock wave result in quartz and polystyrene material is obtained after the block layer has been added to the ablator layer. The sandwiched target provides the technique support for the equation of state and shock timing experiment in indirect-drive.
- shock wave /
- optical diagnosis /
- ionization effect /
- interfere meter
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[1] Barker L M, Hollenbach R E 1972 J. Appl. Phys. 43 4669
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[4] [5] Wang F, Peng X S, Liu S,Jiang X H, Ding Y K 2009 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 21 799 (in Chinese)[王 峰、彭晓世、刘慎业、蒋小华、丁永坤 2009 强激光与粒子束 21 799]
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[11] [12] [13] Zhang Y, Li Y T , Zheng Z Y, Liu F, Zhong J Y, Lin X X, Liu F, Lu X, Zhang J 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 3728
[14] Hicks D G, Celliers P M, Collins G W, Eggert J H, Moon S J 2003 Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 035502
[15] [16] [17] Theobald W, Miller J E, Boehly T R, Vianello E, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, Eggert J, Celliers P M 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 122702
[18] [19] Celliers P M, Collins G W, Da Silva L B, Gold D M, Cauble R, Wallace R J, Foord M E, Hammel B A 2000 Phys.Rev.Lett. 84 5564
[20] Celliers P M, Collins G W, Hicks D G, Koenig M, Henry E, Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Batani D, Bradley D K, Da Silva L B, Wallace R J, Moon S J, Eggert J H, Lee K K M, Benedetti L R, Jeanloz R, Masclet I, Dague N, Marchet B, Gloahec Le M R, Reverdin Ch, Pasley J, Willi O, Neely D, Danson C 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11(8) L41
[21] [22] [23] Wang H Y, Liu J H, Peng G R,Wang W K 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 096203
[24] Li Y H, Liu F S, Ma H Y, Cheng X L, Ma X J, Sun Y Y, Zhang M J, Xue X D 2010 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 2104 (in Chinese)[李永宏、刘福生、马海云、程小理、马小娟、孙燕云、张明建、薛学东 2010 59 2104]
[25] [26] [27] Huang X G, Fu S Z, Shu H, Ye J J, Wu J, Xie Z Y, Fang Z H, Jia G, Luo P Q, Long T, He J H, Gu Y, Wang S J 2010 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 6394 (in Chinese) [黄秀光、傅思祖、舒 桦、叶君建、吴 江、谢志勇、方智恒、贾 果、罗平庆、龙 滔、何钜华、顾 援、王世绩 2010 59 6394]
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