By the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method (FP-LAPW), we investigate the electronic structures and optical properties of Fe-doped SnO2 system, including the density of states (DOS), band structure, dielectric function and other optical spectra. The calculation indicates that the Fe doped materials are all direct transition semiconductors with half-metallic property. With the increase of Fe-doping concentration, the Fermi level goes into valence band gradually, and the band gap reduces with the coupling of Fe atoms increasing. Moreover, impurity can change the property of the bond formation to some extent, and make it have metallic bond characteristic. Furthermore, we find that the optical spectrum (such as absorption spectrum), extinction coefficient, etc are blue shifted, corresponding to the imaginary part of dielectric function. The peaks are related to the transition of electrons, which indicates internal relationship between the electronic structures and optical properties theoretically.
- band structure /
- density of states /
- optical properties /
- dielectric function
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[1] Wang P W, Shan X D, Zhang X Z, Yu D P 2008 Chin. Electr. Microsc. Soc. 27 261 (in Chinese)[王朋伟、单旭东、章新政、余大鹏 2008 电子显微学报 27 261]
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[16] Zhang F Y, You J Q, Zeng Z, Zhong G H 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 3815
[17] Shi S L, Liu Y G, Zhang J Y, Wang T H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 4564
[18] Yu F, Wang P J, Zhang C W 2009 J. Jinan University (Sci. and Tech.) 23 414 (in Chinese)[于 峰、王培吉、张昌文 2009 济南大学学报 23 414]
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