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Magnetic entropy change and magnetic-field-induced strain in polycrystalline Ni47Mn32Ga21 alloy

Cai Pei-Yang Feng Shang-Shen Chen Wei-Ping Xue Shuang-Xi Li Zhi-Gang Zhou Ying Wang Hai-Bo Wang Gu-Ping


Magnetic entropy change and magnetic-field-induced strain in polycrystalline Ni47Mn32Ga21 alloy

Cai Pei-Yang, Feng Shang-Shen, Chen Wei-Ping, Xue Shuang-Xi, Li Zhi-Gang, Zhou Ying, Wang Hai-Bo, Wang Gu-Ping
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  • The Ni47Mn32Ga21 polycrystalline alloy is prepared by the directional solidification technique. The components and the microstructure of the alloy are investigated using SEM, metallography and EDS methods. The magnetic entropy change in the process of the structural and magnetic phase transition, and magnetic-field-induced strains with pressure are also studied through analyzing the magnetization as a function of temperature, and the isotherm magnetization and magnetic field-induced strain curves. The results show that there is little difference between the component and the designed component. The alloy is comprised mainly of martensitic phase at room temperature. In the heating process, the magnetic entropy change reaches a maximum value and has a larger peak half width near Curie temperature(365 K). The maximum value of the magnetic entropy change is -1.45 J/kg K in a magnetic field of 747 kA/m and its peak half width is 21 K. The Ni47Mn32Ga21 alloy exhibits excellent free recoverability of the magnetic-field-induced strains at room temperature(298 K). The magnetic-field-induced strain reaches a saturated value of -67010-6 without extra stress in a field of 480 kA/m. When the compressive stressis parallel to the direction of the magnetic field, the magnetic-field-induced strain increases evidently with the increase of the pressure, which reaches -130010-6 under a pressure of 27.3 MPa. Meanwhile the strain does not reach the saturated value.

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    Hu F X, Shen B G, Sun J R 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 3460


    Thang J Y, Luo J, Liang J K, Ji L N, Liu Y H, Li J B, Rao G H 2008 Aact Phys. Sin. 57 6482 (in Chinese) [张继业、 骆 军、 梁敬魁、 纪丽娜、 刘延辉、 李静波、 饶光辉 2008 57 6482]


    Pasquale M, Sasso C P, Lewis L H, Giudici L, Lograsso T, Schlage D 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 094435


    Cui Y T, You S Q, Wu L, Ma Y, Kong C Y, Yang X H, Pan F S 2010 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 39 0189


    Mandal K, Pal D, Scheerbaum N, Lyubina J, Gutfleisch O 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 073509


    Tegus O, Brck E, Zhang L, Dagula, Buschow K H J, Boer F R 2002 Physica B: Condensed Matter 319 174


    Duan J F, Huang P, Zhang H, Long Y, Wu G H, Ye R C, Chang Y Q, Wan F R 2007 J. Alloys Comp. 441 29


    Sderberg O, Ge Y, Sozinov A, Hannula S P, Lindroos V K 2005 Smart. Mater. Struct. 14 S223


    Guo S H, Zhang Y H, Zhao Z Q, Li J L,Wang X L 2004 Aact Phys. Sin. 53 1599 (in Chinese) [郭世海、 张羊换、 赵增祺、 李健靓、 王新林 2004 53 1599]


    Malla A, Dapino M J, Lograsso T A, Schlagel D L 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 99 063903


    Aliev A, Batdalov A, Bosko S, Buchelnikov V, Dikshtein I, Khovailo V, Koledov V, Levitin R, Shavrov V, Takagi T 2004 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272-276 2040


    Ingale B, Gopalan R, Chandrasekaran V, Ram S 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 023903


    Hu F X, Shen B G, Sun J R, Wu G H 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 132412


    Cherechukin A A, Takagi T, Matsumoto M, Buchel'nikov V D 2004 Phys. Lett. A 326 146


    Long Y, Zhang Z Y, Wen D, Wu G H, Ye R C, Chang Y Q, Wan F R 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 046102


    Liu X B, Shen B G 2005 Aact Phys. Sin. 54 5884 (in Chinese) [刘喜斌、 沈保根 2005 54 5884]


    Tang Y J, Solomon V C, Smith D J, Harper H, Berkowitz A E 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 97 10M309


    Karaca H E, Karaman I, Basaran B, Lagoudas D C, Chumlyakov Y I, Maier H J 2007 Acta Mate. 55 4253


    Karaman I, Karaca H E, Basaran B, Lagoudas D C, Chumlyakovc Y I, Maierd H J 2006 Scripta Mater. 55 403


    Marcos J, Planes A, Maosa L, Casanova F, Batlle X, Labarta A, Martnez B 2002 Phys. Rev. B 66 224413


    Hu F X, Sun J R, Wu G H, Shen B G 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5216


    Murray S J, Farinelli M, Kantner C, Huang J K, Allen S M, OHandley R C 1998 J. Appl. Phys. 83 7297


    Ma L, Zhu Z Y, Li M, Yu S D, Cui Q L, Zhou Q, Chen J L, Wu G H 2009 Aact Phys. Sin. 58 3479 (in Chinese) [马 丽、 朱志永、 李 敏、 于世丹、 崔启良、 周 强、 陈京兰、 吴光恒 2009 58 3479]

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  • Received Date:  26 December 2010
  • Accepted Date:  11 January 2011
  • Published Online:  05 May 2011

