One of the significant methods of multiscale simulation named bridging domain method which is a mixed atomistic-continuum formulation is reviewed. The mode related to atomistic/continuum coupling is introduced. The coupled method with the treatment of the overlapping subdomain is discussed, in which different scaling parameters (weigh factors) are adopted to calculate the energy of the system in the overlapping subdomain and to constrain the atomic and the continuum displacements by the Lagrange multiplier method. A bridging domain model is set up to investigate the effect of cutting speed on chip and workpiece atom force distribution in the nanometric cutting of single crystal copper. Simulation results show the cutting deformation coefficient decreases and the workpiece atom force increases with the increase of cutting speed. In addition, the machined surface qualities at different cutting speeds are investigated. The multiscale model and simulation of nanometric cutting are accomplished based on the bridging domain method, which lays a theoretical foundation for exploring the trans-scale simulation of nanometric cutting.
- bridging domain /
- nanometric cutting /
- single crystal copper /
- cutting speeds
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[1] Li R, Hu Y Z, Wang H, Zhang Y J 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 4253
[2] [3] Xie H X, Wang C Y, Yu T, Du J P 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 251
[4] [5] He A M, Shao J L, Wang P, Qin C S 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8836 (in Chinese) [何安民、邵建立、王 裴、秦承森 2010 59 8836]
[6] [7] Wang H L, Wang X X, Wang Y, Liang H Y 2007 Acta Metall. Sin. 43 259 (in Chinese) [王海龙、王秀喜、王 宇、梁海弋 2007 金属学报43 259]
[8] [9] Ikawa N, Shimada S, Tanaka H, Ohmori G 1991 Ann. CIRP 40 551
[10] Maekawa K, Itoh A 1995 Wear 188 115
[11] [12] [13] Kim J D, Moon C H 1996 J. Mater. Process. Technol. 59 309
[14] [15] Komanduri R, Chandrasekaran N, Raff L M 1999 Ann. CIRP 48 67
[16] Fang F Z, Wu H, Liu Y C 2005 Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 45 1681
[17] [18] Miller R E, Tadmor E B 2002 J. Comput. Aided Mater. Des. 9 203
[19] [20] [21] Liu W K, Karpov E G, Zhang S, Park H S 2004 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 193 1529
[22] [23] Zhao X, Li J H, Wang S Q, Zhang C P 2008 Acta Metall. Sin. 44 1455 (in Chinese) [赵 星、李久会、王绍青、张彩碚 2008 金属学报 44 1455]
[24] Jiang W G, Li J W, Su J J, Tang J L 2007 Acta Mech. Solida Sin. 28 375 (in Chinese) [江五贵、黎军顽、苏建君、汤井伦 2007 固体力学学报 28 375]
[25] [26] [27] Wang H T, Qin Z D, Ni Y S, Zhang W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1057 [王华滔、秦昭栋、倪玉山、张 文 2009 58 1057]
[28] [29] Shao Y F, Wang S Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7258 (in Chinese) [邵宇飞、王绍青 2010 59 7258]
[30] Xiao S P, Belytschko T 2004 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 193 1645
[31] [32] Tadmor E B, Ortiz M, Phillips R 1996 Philos. Mag. A 73 1529
[33] [34] Anciaux G, Coulaud O, Roman J 2006 Proceedings of ICPP 2006, Columbus, OH, United States 2006 p473
[35] [36] Anciaux G http:[2008]
[37] [38] [39] Daw M S, Baskes M I 1984 Phys. Rev. B 29 6443
[40] [41] Girifalco L A, Weizer V G 1959 Phys. Rev. 114 687
[42] [43] Shimizu J, Zhou L B, Eda H 2002 J. Mater. Process. Technol. 129 19
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