A design method to enhance the efficiency of traveling wave tube is explored. The stair-step energy distribution of spent beam which is beneficial for the development of high collector efficiency depressed collector is obtained via the optimization of slow wave structures without degrading the basic electronic efficiency. A goal function expressed in the form of maximum collector efficiency of spent beam is designed to evaluate the collectability of spent beam. The optimization of slow wave structure based on collectability enhances the overall efficiency in the operation frequency band, and improves the small signal gain, but does not degrade nonlinear characteristic greatly compared with the simply optimization of slow wave structure based on electronic efficiency.
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[1] Hao J H, Ding W 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1136 (in Chinese) [郝建红、丁 武 2004 53 1136]
[2] Li B, Yang Z H 2003 Chin. Phys. 12 1235
[3] Li J Q, Mo Y L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4117 (in Chinese) [李建清、莫元龙 2006 55 4117]
[4] Xiao L, Su X B, Liu P K 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5150 (in Chinese) [肖 刘、苏小保、刘濮鲲 2006 55 5150]
[5] Komm D S, Benton R T, Limburg H C, Menninger W L, Zhai X L 2001 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 48 174
[6] Duan Z Y, Gong Y B, Lü M Y, Wei Y Y, Wang W X 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 934
[7] Jung S S, Soukhov A V, Jia B F, Park G S, Basu B N 2002 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 4007
[8] Ghosh T K, Challis A J, Jacob A, Bowler D, Carter R G 2008 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 55 668
[9] Ghosh T K, Challis A J, Jacob A, Bowler D 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 56 1135
[10] Hao B L, Xiao L, Liu P K, Li G C, Jiang Y, Yi H X, Zhou W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3118 (in Chinese) [郝保良、肖 刘、刘濮鲲、李国超、姜 勇、易红霞、周 伟 2009 58 3118]
[11] Srivastava V, Carter R G, Ravinder B, Sinha A K, Joshi S N 2000 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 47 2438
[12] Li B, Yang Z H, Li J Q, Zhu X F, Huang T, Hu Q, Hu Y L, Xu L, Ma J J, Liao L, Xiao L, He G X 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 56 919
[13] Deb K, Joshi D 2001 Technical Report KanGAL Report No. 2001003 (Kanpur: Indian Institute of Technology)
[14] Wang X P, Cao L M 2002 Genetic Algorithm: Theory, Application and Software (Xian: Xian Jiaotong University Press) p104 (in Chinese) [王小平、曹立明 2002 遗传算法: 理论、应用与软件实现 (西安:西安交通大学出版社) 第104页]
[15] Kalyanmoy D 2000 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 186 311
[16] Abe D K, Levush B, Antonsen T M, Whaley D R, Danly B G 2002 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 30 1053
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