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朱光 刘建华 程军胜 冯忠奎 戴银明 王秋良



朱光, 刘建华, 程军胜, 冯忠奎, 戴银明, 王秋良

Effects of different coil combinations on the optimal design of a 25 T superconducting magnet

Zhu Guang, Liu Jian-Hua, Cheng Jun-Sheng, Feng Zhong-Kui, Dai Yin-Min, Wang Qiu-Liang
  • 20 T以上强磁场在高场科学工程中有着不可替代的作用. 电工研究所正在研制一个25 T全超导磁体系统, 包括15 T背景磁场和10 T高温超导内插磁体. 在磁体的设计和优化中, 线圈的数量和种类对于最终优化结果十分关键. 为了研究磁体数量和磁体相关参数的关系, 计算了20 组不同的线圈组合下磁体的优化结果. 优化中除了考虑必要的限制条件以外, 还采用了一种结合局部优化算法和全局优化算法的方法. 通过对比分析发现, 线圈数量和磁体造价之间, 存在一个“V”形的关系. 更进一步地, 本文分析了不同超导体在磁体中应该贡献的最佳磁场, 以及背景磁体统一供电给优化结果带来的影响.
    High field above 20 T is required in diverse physical programs and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) systems. For intended science program requirements, as a demonstration of the development in high field superconducting magnet technology, a 25 T (4.2 K) 52 mm cold-bore all-superconducting magnet consisting of a 10 T high-temperature superconducting insert magnet and a 15 T low-temperature superconducting background magnet, is being developed at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The development of such a magnet requires its optimization, and the choosing the number and type of coils is crucial to the final optimal design. However there are few researches focusing on the effect of coil combinations. To study the relationship between the number of coils and the magnet parameters, we first discuss the magnet optimization. The objective function of the optimization is defined as the weighted function of coil volume according to the costs of different superconductors, and the following constraint conditions are taken into considerations: center field, YBCO conductor characterization, hoop stress in Nb3Sn coils, and the critical performances of these wires. All those constraint conditions are taken in the analytical form, and the magnetic field, stress results are verified with the finite element method. To guarantee the reliability of the optimal results, in addition to consider the constraint conditions, a method of combining global optimization and local optimization is adopted. 20 different coil combinations are selected according to the investigation of superconducting wires, and their optimal results are calculated. The following conclusions are drawn from the analyses of these results. Firstly, in the design of high field magnet, the number of coils and magnet cost demonstrate a "V"-shaped relationship, that is, there exist an optimal number of coils. Secondly, when the objective function demonstrates good values, Nb3Sn coils generate fields in a range of 6-7 T, whereas NbTi coils generate fields in a range of 8-9 T. Finally, the objective functions under two different situations, i.e., Nb3Sn coils and NbTi coils are powered together and separately, are calculated. From the comparisons we find that the effect of reducing one power supply is acceptable when the number of coils is not too big.
      通信作者: 王秋良, qiuliang@mail.iee.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51307163, 51477167)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Qiu-Liang, qiuliang@mail.iee.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51307163, 51477167).

    Wang Q L 2007 High Magnetic Field Superconducting Magnet (Beijing: Science Press) pp118-128 (in Chinese) [王秋良 2007 高磁场超导磁体科学(北京: 科学出版社) 第118-128页]


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    Xu A, Jaroszynski J J, Kametani F, Chen Z, Larbalestier D C 2010 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 014003


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    Lombardo V, Barzi E, Norcia G, Lamm M, Turrioni D, van Raes T 2010 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 55A 246


    Braccini V, Xu A, Jaroszynski J, Xin Y, Larbalestier D C 2011 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 03500


    Turrioni D, Barzi E, Lamm M, Lombardo V, Thieme C 2008 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 54 451


    Yamada R, Kikuchi A, Barzi E, Chlachidze G, Rusy A 2010 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 20 1399


    Osamura K, Suzuki H, Sato M, Harjo S, Ochiai S 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 094001


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  • [1]

    Wang Q L 2007 High Magnetic Field Superconducting Magnet (Beijing: Science Press) pp118-128 (in Chinese) [王秋良 2007 高磁场超导磁体科学(北京: 科学出版社) 第118-128页]


    Hahn S, Bascuñán J, Yao W, Iwasa Y 2010 Physica C 470 1721


    Bird M D, Bai H, Bole S 2009 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 1612


    Hazelton D W, Selvamanickam V, Duval J M 2009 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 2218


    Xu A, Jaroszynski J J, Kametani F, Chen Z, Larbalestier D C 2010 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 014003


    Lombardo V, Barzi E, Norcia G, Lamm M, Turrioni D, Van T, Raes A, Zlobin T 2010 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 55 246


    Lee S Y, Kwak S Y, Seo J H, Park S H, Kim W S, Lee J K, Bae J H, Kim S H, Sim K D, Seong K C, Jung H K, Choi K, Hahn S 2009 Physica C 469 1789


    Noguchi S, Tsuda M 2011 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 2279


    Noguchi S, YInaba Y, Igarashi H 2008 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 18 762


    Markiewicz W D, Larbalestier D C, Weijers H W, Voran A J, Pickard K W 2012 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 22 4300704


    Lombardo V, Barzi E, Norcia G, Lamm M, Turrioni D, van Raes T 2010 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 55A 246


    Braccini V, Xu A, Jaroszynski J, Xin Y, Larbalestier D C 2011 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 03500


    Turrioni D, Barzi E, Lamm M, Lombardo V, Thieme C 2008 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 54 451


    Yamada R, Kikuchi A, Barzi E, Chlachidze G, Rusy A 2010 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 20 1399


    Osamura K, Suzuki H, Sato M, Harjo S, Ochiai S 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 094001


    Asano T, Takao T, Iwamura T, Minowa S, Sato H 2008 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 18 583

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-11-18
  • 修回日期:  2015-12-21
  • 刊出日期:  2016-03-05

