Grain boundary model in phase-field simulation during microstructure evolution in solid states is discussed based on the way to express grain boundary and its physical background. The effects of different values of simulation parameters on feature of grain boundary in the phase field model are investigated systematically and a new conception of grain boundary range is suggested based on the simulation results of recrystallization of AZ31 magnesium alloy. The gradient range of the order parameter expresses the boundary range, whose physical meaning is found to be the range of grain boundary energy distribution across the boundary. The range is also corresponding to the segregation range of alloying elements around the boundary. It is shown that the gradient parameter determines the boundary range but the grain boundary energy is determined by both the gradient parameter and the coupling parameter. The effect of the boundary range value on microstructure feature is examined by simulating the recrystallization of the alloy. The simulation results are consistent well with reported experimental measurements when the boundary range has a value of 1.18 μm. Grain growth phase-field simulation in industrial space and time scale is realized for the first time using the new model developed by introducing the new conception of the grain boundary range.
- phase field /
- grain boundary /
- computer simulation /
- microstructure
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[1] Nestler B, Wheeler A A 2000 Physica D 138 114
[2] Yang Y J, Wang J C, Zhang Y X, Zhu Y C, Yang G C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2797 (in Chinese)[杨玉娟、 王锦程、 张玉祥、 朱耀产、 杨根仓 2009 58 2797]
[3] Li J J, Wang J C, Yang G C 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3516
[4] Lu Y, Wang F, Zhu C S, Wang Z P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 780 (in Chinese) [路 阳、 王 帆、 朱昌盛、 王智平 2006 55 780]
[5] Guo W, Zong B Y, Wang G, Zuo L 2004 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 20 245
[6] Shen C, Chen Q, Wen Y H, Simmons J P, Wang Y Z 2004 Scripta Mater. 50 1029
[7] Guo W, Zong Y P, Zuo L, Wang Y Z 2006 Acta Metal. Sin. 42 549 (in Chinese)[郭 巍、 宗亚平、 左 良、 王云志 2006 金属学报 42 549]
[8] Krill Ⅲ C E, Chen L Q 2002 Acta Mater. 50 3057
[9] Zhu J Z, Liu Z K, Vaithyanathan V, Chen L Q 2002 Script. Mater. 46 401
[10] Wen Y H, Wang B, Simmons J P, Wang Y Z 2006 Acta Mater. 54 2087
[11] Zhou Y M, He Y G, Lu A X, Wan Q 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3966
[12] Cahn J W 1961 Acta Metall. 9 795
[13] Gunton J D, Miguel M S, Sahni P S 1983 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (London: Academic Press) pp267—466
[14] Zhu J Z, Wang T, Ardell A J, Zhou S H, Liu Z K, Chen L Q 2004 Acta Mater. 52 2837
[15] Fan D N, Chen L Q 1997 Acta Mater. 45 611
[16] Chen D Q, Zheng Z Q, Liu Z Y, Li S C 2003 Acta Metal. Sin. 39 1238 (in Chinese) [陈大钦、 郑子樵、 刘祖耀、 李世晨 2003 金属学报 39 1238 ]
[17] Wang M T, Zong B Y, Wang G 2009 Comput. Mater. Sci. 45 217
[18] Zong Y P, Wang M T, Guo W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 S161 (in Chinese)[宗亚平、 王明涛、 郭 巍 2009 58 S161]
[19] Fan D N, Chen L Q, Chen S P 1997 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 238 78
[20] Kim S G, Kim W T, Suzuki T 1999 Physica E 60 7186
[21] Moreau G, Cornet J A, Calais D 1971 J. Nucl. Mater. 38 197
[22] Liu R C, Wang L Y, Gu L G, Huang G S 2004 Forming Tech. Light Metals 32 22(in Chinese)[刘饶川、 汪凌云、 辜蕾钢、 黄光胜 2004 轻合金加工技术 32 22]
[23] Gjostein N A, Rhines F N 1959 Acta Metall. 7 319
[24] Frber B, Cadel E, Menand A, Schmitz G, Kirchheim R 2000 Acta Mater. 48 789
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