Stability about fractional chaotic system is studied and a theory about fractional chaotic system is proposed and proved under intermittent control in this paper. Based on the theorem, a controller is designed to realize the intermittent synchronizing fractional unified chaotic system. Numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the theorem.
- fractional /
- unified chaotic system /
- intermittent synchronization /
- stability
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[1] Mandelbort B B 1983 The fractal Geometry of Nature (New York: Freeman)
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[15] Matignon D 1996 IEEE International Conferenceon Systems, Man and Cybernetics Lille, France July 9—12, 1996
[16] Yan J P, Li C P 2004 Chaos, Soliton. Fract. 22 443
[17] Deng W H 2007 J. Comput. Phys. 227 1510
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