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Relationship between liquid structure and property Ⅱ—— Kinematic viscosity of Mg-9Al melt and its relationship with the microstructure

Сабирзянов А А Попель П С Mi Guang-Bao Li Pei-Jie Охапкин А В Константинова Н Ю


Relationship between liquid structure and property Ⅱ—— Kinematic viscosity of Mg-9Al melt and its relationship with the microstructure

Сабирзянов А А, Попель П С, Mi Guang-Bao, Li Pei-Jie, Охапкин А В, Константинова Н Ю
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  • The method of crucible rotating oscillation damping is employed to measure the kinematic viscosity of Mg-9Al melt, and the curve of viscosity ν versus temperature T from 890 K to 1190 K is obtained. It is found that there is an abnormal change for the viscosity in the first heating process, i.e., when the temperature is increased to 1000—1075 K, the viscosity varies from increase to decrease. However, in the subsequent cooling process and the second heating process, the viscosity increases (decreases) monotonically according to an exponential law with temperature, which accords with the Arrhenius equation. Based on the residual bond model and the calculation model for evolution behavior of "average atomic cluster", the correlation between viscosity and microstructure of Mg-9Al melt is discussed. The results show that the breakage of Al-Al(B) bonds in basic unit of β phase-like residual bond structures causes an abnormal change of viscosity in the first heating process; in the subsequent cooling process and the second heating process, the melt reaches a new dynamic equilibrium state, and Al atoms are uniformly distributed in the melt. At this time, the size of Mg-Al average atomic cluster dS and the number of short-range order atoms NS inside them increase (decrease) monotonically with temperature, and the relationship between viscosity ν and size of average atomic clusters dS is expressed as a linear function, i.e., ν = ν0 + K·dS, which presents a new way for revealing micro-structure change of alloy melt and further understanding the change characteristic of viscosity.

    Baum B A 1988 Melts 2 18 (in Russian)


    Nikitin V I 2002 Foundry 10 8 (in Russian)


    Chen H S, Zu F Q, Chen J, Zou L, Ding G H, Huang Z Y 2008 Sci China Technological Sciences 51 1402


    Glazov V M, Vobct M, Timoginko V I 1989 Research method of liquid metal and semiconductor property (Moscow: Metallurgical Industry Press) P48—50 (in Russian)


    Kurnaskii A I 1960 Memoir (vol.1) (Moscow: Soviet Union Academy of Sciences Press) (in Russian)


    Bachinskii A I 1960 Science memoir (Moscow: Soviet Union Academy of Sciences Press) (in Russian)


    Baum B A, Hassin G A, Tyagunov G V 1984 Liquid Steel (Moscow: Metallurgical Industry Press) P6 (in Russian)


    Angell C A 1995 Science 267 1924


    Geng H R, Sun J C, Yang Z X, Wang R, Ji L L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1320 (in Chinese) [耿浩然、孙春静、杨中喜、王 瑞、吉蕾蕾 2006 55 1320]


    An G Y 1990 Casting FormingTheroy (Beijing:Mechanism Industy Press) 27—34 (in Chinese) [安阁英1990 铸件形成理论 (北京:机械工业出版社) 第27—34页]


    Born M Green H S 1947 Proc.Roy.Soc. A 190 455


    Frenkel J I 1935 Nature 136 167


    Banchinkov G M 1947 Theory for liquid viscosity (Moscow: National Science and Technology Press) P 7—71 (in Russian)


    Iida T, Rodarick I L 1993 The Properties of Liquid Metal (Ox-Ford: Clavendon Press) p148


    Frenkel J I 1958 An Introduction to Metal Physics (Moscow: National Press of Physics-Mathematics) p236—252 (in Russian)


    Shpilrain E E, Fomin V A, Skovorotko S N 1983 Research of viscosity for liquid metal (Moscow: Science Press) p10—54 (in Russian)


    Kim W, Chair T S 2001 Bull Korean Chem. Soc. 22 43


    Popel P S, Calvo-Dahlborg M, Dahlborg U 2007 J. Non-Crystall Solids 353 3243


    Wang Y Q, Wu Y Q, Bian X F 2007 Chinese Science Bulletin 52 1441


    Mi G B, Li P J, Ohapkin A V, Konstantinova N Yu, Sabirzianov A A, Popel P S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 046601 (in Chinese)[弭光宝、李培杰、Охапкин А В, Константинова Н Ю, Сабирзянов А А, Попель П С 2011 60 046601]


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1571


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1830


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 2054


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J, Popel P S 2010 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 39 1881


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J, Wang 2009 J. Rare Metals 28 52


    Shvidkovskii E G 1955 Some problems in the viscosity of molten metals (Moscow: Gostekhizdat) P83 (in Russian) 83]


    Chhabra R P, Seth D K 1990 Z. Metallkde 81 264


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2009 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 19 2074 (in Chinese) [弭光宝、李培杰、何良菊 2009 中国有色金属学报 19 2074]


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2009 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 19 1372 (in Chinese)[弭光宝、李培杰、何良菊 2009 中国有色金属学报 19 1372]


    Yershov G S, Bychnov Yu B 1979 Regeneration of high strength aluminum alloy (Moscow: Metallurgy Press) p5—60 (in Russian)


    Li P J 1994 Ph D Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) p64—72 (in Chinese) [李培杰 1994 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学) 第64—72页]


    Brodova I G, Popel P S, Barbin N M 2005 Melt-basis for formation of structure and properties of aluminum alloy (Ekaterinburg: Izd.-vo UB RAS) p17—59 (in Russian)


    Zhang R L 1993 Empirical Electron Theory of Solids and Molecules (Jilin: Jilin Science and Technology Press) (in Chinese) [张瑞林1993 固体与分子经验电子理论 (长春:吉林科学技术出版社)]


    Arnold G L, Anbar A D, Barling J, Lyons T W 2004 Science 304 84


    Skrebcov A M 2008 Casting Process 5 9 (in Russian)


    Zu F Q, Zhu Z G, Guo L J, Zhang B, Shui J P, Liu C S 2001Physical Review B 64 180203


    Zu F Q, Zhu Z G, Guo L J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 1


    Guo L J, Zu F Q, Zhu Z G 2002 Acta Phys.Sin. 51 300 (in Chinese) [郭丽君、祖方遒、朱震刚 2002 51 300]


    Baum B A 1979 Metal liquid — problem and assumption (Moscow: Science press) p120 (in Russian)


    Popel P S 1988 Ph. D. Dissertation (Ekaterinburg: USTU-UPI) p280—320 (in Russian)


    Dean J A 1999 Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (15th Ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill) p6.124

  • [1]

    Baum B A 1988 Melts 2 18 (in Russian)


    Nikitin V I 2002 Foundry 10 8 (in Russian)


    Chen H S, Zu F Q, Chen J, Zou L, Ding G H, Huang Z Y 2008 Sci China Technological Sciences 51 1402


    Glazov V M, Vobct M, Timoginko V I 1989 Research method of liquid metal and semiconductor property (Moscow: Metallurgical Industry Press) P48—50 (in Russian)


    Kurnaskii A I 1960 Memoir (vol.1) (Moscow: Soviet Union Academy of Sciences Press) (in Russian)


    Bachinskii A I 1960 Science memoir (Moscow: Soviet Union Academy of Sciences Press) (in Russian)


    Baum B A, Hassin G A, Tyagunov G V 1984 Liquid Steel (Moscow: Metallurgical Industry Press) P6 (in Russian)


    Angell C A 1995 Science 267 1924


    Geng H R, Sun J C, Yang Z X, Wang R, Ji L L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1320 (in Chinese) [耿浩然、孙春静、杨中喜、王 瑞、吉蕾蕾 2006 55 1320]


    An G Y 1990 Casting FormingTheroy (Beijing:Mechanism Industy Press) 27—34 (in Chinese) [安阁英1990 铸件形成理论 (北京:机械工业出版社) 第27—34页]


    Born M Green H S 1947 Proc.Roy.Soc. A 190 455


    Frenkel J I 1935 Nature 136 167


    Banchinkov G M 1947 Theory for liquid viscosity (Moscow: National Science and Technology Press) P 7—71 (in Russian)


    Iida T, Rodarick I L 1993 The Properties of Liquid Metal (Ox-Ford: Clavendon Press) p148


    Frenkel J I 1958 An Introduction to Metal Physics (Moscow: National Press of Physics-Mathematics) p236—252 (in Russian)


    Shpilrain E E, Fomin V A, Skovorotko S N 1983 Research of viscosity for liquid metal (Moscow: Science Press) p10—54 (in Russian)


    Kim W, Chair T S 2001 Bull Korean Chem. Soc. 22 43


    Popel P S, Calvo-Dahlborg M, Dahlborg U 2007 J. Non-Crystall Solids 353 3243


    Wang Y Q, Wu Y Q, Bian X F 2007 Chinese Science Bulletin 52 1441


    Mi G B, Li P J, Ohapkin A V, Konstantinova N Yu, Sabirzianov A A, Popel P S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 046601 (in Chinese)[弭光宝、李培杰、Охапкин А В, Константинова Н Ю, Сабирзянов А А, Попель П С 2011 60 046601]


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1571


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1830


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China. Phys. Mech. Astron 53 2054


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J, Popel P S 2010 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 39 1881


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J, Wang 2009 J. Rare Metals 28 52


    Shvidkovskii E G 1955 Some problems in the viscosity of molten metals (Moscow: Gostekhizdat) P83 (in Russian) 83]


    Chhabra R P, Seth D K 1990 Z. Metallkde 81 264


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2009 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 19 2074 (in Chinese) [弭光宝、李培杰、何良菊 2009 中国有色金属学报 19 2074]


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2009 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 19 1372 (in Chinese)[弭光宝、李培杰、何良菊 2009 中国有色金属学报 19 1372]


    Yershov G S, Bychnov Yu B 1979 Regeneration of high strength aluminum alloy (Moscow: Metallurgy Press) p5—60 (in Russian)


    Li P J 1994 Ph D Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) p64—72 (in Chinese) [李培杰 1994 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学) 第64—72页]


    Brodova I G, Popel P S, Barbin N M 2005 Melt-basis for formation of structure and properties of aluminum alloy (Ekaterinburg: Izd.-vo UB RAS) p17—59 (in Russian)


    Zhang R L 1993 Empirical Electron Theory of Solids and Molecules (Jilin: Jilin Science and Technology Press) (in Chinese) [张瑞林1993 固体与分子经验电子理论 (长春:吉林科学技术出版社)]


    Arnold G L, Anbar A D, Barling J, Lyons T W 2004 Science 304 84


    Skrebcov A M 2008 Casting Process 5 9 (in Russian)


    Zu F Q, Zhu Z G, Guo L J, Zhang B, Shui J P, Liu C S 2001Physical Review B 64 180203


    Zu F Q, Zhu Z G, Guo L J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 1


    Guo L J, Zu F Q, Zhu Z G 2002 Acta Phys.Sin. 51 300 (in Chinese) [郭丽君、祖方遒、朱震刚 2002 51 300]


    Baum B A 1979 Metal liquid — problem and assumption (Moscow: Science press) p120 (in Russian)


    Popel P S 1988 Ph. D. Dissertation (Ekaterinburg: USTU-UPI) p280—320 (in Russian)


    Dean J A 1999 Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (15th Ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill) p6.124

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  • Received Date:  06 October 2010
  • Accepted Date:  12 January 2011
  • Published Online:  15 May 2011

