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商继祥 赵云波 胡丽娜



商继祥, 赵云波, 胡丽娜

Abnormal viscosity changes in high-temperature metallic melts

Shang Ji-Xiang, Zhao Yun-Bo, Hu Li-Na
  • 高温金属熔体的黏度是衡量液态金属动力学性质的一个重要指标,是高温金属熔体的基本物理性能之一.熔体的黏度在表征脆性系数、金属玻璃形成能力的大小和液-液相变现象方面起关键性作用.本文在介绍高温金属熔体黏度测量方法的基础上,综合评述了单质、二元和多元合金黏度随温度的变化规律和黏度突变特征,分析了黏度突变研究的物理意义,并指出高温金属熔体黏度今后研究的发展方向.
    The viscosity of high-temperature metallic melt, which is an important index for evaluating dynamics of liquid melt, is one of the basic physical properties. It not only influences the mold-filling capacity of melting metal in traditional casting techniques, but also exhibits more distinct influence on the fabrication of advanced material, such as metallic glass. According to the variation tendency of viscosity with temperature in alloy melt, the fragility of superheated melt could be obtained, which has proved to correlate with the ability of alloy to form glass. Besides, the viscosity of alloy well above the liquidus temperature also plays a key role in probing into the characteristic of liquid-liquid phase transition, the fragile-to-strong transition phenomenon, how the potential energy landscape evolves during cooling, etc. It has been generally accepted that the viscosity of metallic melt at high temperatures increases with temperature decreasing and could be fitted by an Arrhenius curve in the whole temperature range. However, recently more and more studies show that the viscosity of metallic melt cannot be fitted by only one Arrhenius curve. Instead, there exists at least one specific temperature below which the viscosity data begins to deviate from the Arrhenius curve at high temperature during cooling. These data could be described by another Arrhenius curve. In order to in depth understand this phenomenon, in this paper we summarize the viscosity data of different metallic melts in the literature. On the basis of introducing the method of detecting high-temperature melt viscosity, we discuss comprehensively the changing tendency of viscosity with temperature and the characteristics of abnormal viscosity changes in pure metal, binary and multivariate alloys well above the liquidus temperature. It is found that the abnormal viscosity changes generally occur in alloys that could form the types of intermetallic compounds. The abnormal viscosity change in metallic melt is accompanied with exothermic or endothermic effect, depending on alloy system, and reflects the existence of liquid-liquid transition well above the liquidus temperature. Besides, such an abnormal change of viscosity influences the ability to form metallic glass liquids. Although the abnormal dynamic change of metallic melt hints the existence of complexity of structural change in liquid during cooling, what is the key factor underlying this phenomenon remains a mystery. By combining the advanced experimental techniques such as high-energy X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering with the computer simulation method, this problem may be understood further. Besides, the relation between viscosity abnormity and the phase diagram is another problem that deserves to be noticed in the future.
      通信作者: 胡丽娜, hulina0850@sina.com
    • 基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(批准号:2016YFB0300500)和国家自然科学基金(批准号:51571131)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Hu Li-Na, hulina0850@sina.com
    • Funds: Project supported by National Science and Technology Major Project, China (Grant No. 2016YFB0300500) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51571131).

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    Hu L N, Zhang C Z, Yue Y Z, Bian X F 2010 Chin. Sci. Bull. 55 115 (in Chinese)[胡丽娜, 张春芝, 岳远征, 边秀房 2010 科学通报 55 115]


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    Sato Y, Kameda Y, Nagasawa T, Sakamoto T, Moriguchi S, Yamamura T, Waseda Y 2003 J. Cryst. Growth 249 404


    Kehr M, Hoyer W, Egry I 2007 Int. J. Thermophys. 28 1017


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    Schenck H, Frohberg M G, Hoffmann K 1963 Steel Res. Int. 34 93


    Emadi D, Gruzleski J E, Toguri J M 1993 Metall. Trans. B 24 1055


    Xu Y P, Zhao X L, Yan T L 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 036601


    Wu Y Q, Bian X F, Mao T, Li X L, Li T B, Wang C D 2006 Phys. Lett. A 361 265


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    Guo H D 2008 M. S. Dissertation (Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)[郭海东 2008 硕士学位论文(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Sun C J, Geng H R, Zhang N, Teng X Y, Ji L L 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 73


    Mao T, Bian X F, Morioka S, Wu Y Q, Li X L, L X Q 2007 Phys. Lett. 366 155


    Sun M H, Geng H R, Bian X F, Liu Y 2000 Acta Metal. Sin. 36 1134 (in Chinese)[孙民华, 耿浩然, 边秀房, 刘燕 2000 金属学报 36 1134]


    Wang L, Bian X F, Liu J T 2004 Phys. Lett. A 326 429


    Ofte D, Wittenberg L J 1963 Trans. Metall. Soc. Aime. 227 706


    Rothwell E 1961 J. Inst. Metals 90 389


    Gebhardt E, Kostlin K 1957 Z. Metallkd. 48 636


    Schenck H, Frohberg M G, Hoffmann K 1963 Arch. Eisenhuettenw. 34 93


    Cavalier G 1963 Compt. Rend. 256 1308


    Kaplun A B, Avaliani M 1977 High Temp. 15 259


    Nikolaev B, Vollmann J 1996 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 208 145


    Martin-Garin L, Martin-Garin R, Despre P 1978 J. Less Common. Met. 59 1


    Zhao X, Wang C Z, Zheng H J, Tian Z A, Hu L N 2017 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 15962


    Zhao Y, Hou X X, Bian X F 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 3542


    Zhou C, Hu L N, Sun Q J, Bian X F, Yue Y Z 2013 Appl. Phys. 103 171904


    Ning S, Bian X F, Ren Z F 2010 Phys. B:Condens. Matter 405 3633


    Mao T, Bian X F, Xue X Y, Zhang Y N, Guo J, Sun B A 2007 Phys. B:Phys. Condens. Matter 387 1


    Konstantinova N Y, Popel' P S, Yagodin D A 2009 High Temp. 47 336


    Inoue A, Takeuchi A 2010 Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 1 273


    Wang L, Liu J T 2004 Phys. Lett. A 328 241


    Zheng H J, Hu L N, Zhao X, Wang C Z, Sun Q J, Wang T, Hui X D, Yue Y Z, Bian X F 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 471 120


    Zhang F, Du Y, Liu S H, Jie W Q 2015 Comput. Coupling Phase Diagrams Thermochem. 49 79


    Jia R, Bian X F, Lu X Q, Song K K, Li X L 2010 Phys. Mech. Astron. 53 390


    Gancarz T, Gasior W 2016 Fluid Phase Equilib. 418 57


    Liu Y H, Lu X W, Bai C G, Lai P S, Wang J S 2015 J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 30 106


    Xiong L H, Lou H B, Wang X D, Debela T T, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Wang S Y, Wang C Z, Jiang J Z 2014 Acta Mater. 68 1


    Xiong L H, Chen K, Ke F S, Lou H B, Yue G Q, Shen B, Dong F, Wang S Y, Chen L Y, Wang C Z, Ho K M, Wang X D, Lai L H, Xiao T Q, Jiang J Z 2015 Acta Mater. 92 109


    Xiong L H, Yoo H, Lou H B, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Jian J Z, Xie H L, Xiao T Q, Jeon S, Lee G M 2015 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 27 035102


    Xiong L H, Guo F M, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Ren Y, Jiang J Z 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 459 160


    Xiong L H, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Xie H L, Xiao T Q, Jiang J Z 2017 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 035101


    Su Y, Wang X D, Yu Q, Cao Q P, Ruett U, Zhang D X, Jiang J Z 2018 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 30 015402


    Wang C W, Hu L N, Chen W, Tong X, Zhou C, Sun Q J, Hui X D, Yue Y Z 2014 J. Phys. Chem. 141 164507


    Hu L N, Zhou C, Zhang C Z, Yue Y Z 2013 J. Phys. Chem. 138 174508


    Sun Q J, Hu L N, Zhou C, Zheng H J, Yue Y Z 2015 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 143 164504


    Sun Q J, Zhou C, Yue Y Z, Hu L N 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1170


    Iida T, Roderick I L, 1993 The Properties of Liquid Metals (Oxford:University Press) pp147-199


    Gui M C 1994 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)[桂满昌 1994 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Iidia T, Ueda M, Morita Z 1976 Tetsu to Hagane 62 1169


    Morita Z, Iida T, Ueda M 1997 Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 30 600


    Djemili B, Martin-Garin L, Hicter P 1980 J. Phys. Colloq. C8 41 363


    Enskog D 1922 Arkiv. Mth. Astron. Fys. 16 16


    Tham M K, Gubbins K E 1971 J. Chem. Phys. 55 268

  • [1]

    Han X F 2005 M. S. Dissertation (Jinan:Shandong University) (in Chinese)[韩秀峰 2005 硕士学位论文 (济南:山东大学)]


    Angell C A 1985 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 73 1


    Bian X F, Sun B A, Hu L N, Jia Y B 2005 Phys. Lett. A 335 61


    Meng Q G, Zhou J K, Zheng H X, Li J G 2006 Scr. Mater. 54 777


    Hu L N, Bian X F 2003 Chin. Sci. Bull. 48 2393 (in Chinese)[胡丽娜, 边秀房 2003 科学通报 48 2393]


    Hu L N, Zhang C Z, Yue Y Z, Bian X F 2010 Chin. Sci. Bull. 55 115 (in Chinese)[胡丽娜, 张春芝, 岳远征, 边秀房 2010 科学通报 55 115]


    Books R F, Dinsdale A T, Quested P N 2005 Meas. Sci. Technol. 16 354


    Dinsdale A T, Quested P N 2004 J. Mater. Sci. 39 7221


    Torklep K, Oye H A 1979 J. Phys. E 12 875


    Sato Y, Kameda Y, Nagasawa T, Sakamoto T, Moriguchi S, Yamamura T, Waseda Y 2003 J. Cryst. Growth 249 404


    Kehr M, Hoyer W, Egry I 2007 Int. J. Thermophys. 28 1017


    Nunes V M B, Santos F J V, de Castro C A N 1998 Int. J. Thermophys. 19 427


    Schenck H, Frohberg M G, Hoffmann K 1963 Steel Res. Int. 34 93


    Emadi D, Gruzleski J E, Toguri J M 1993 Metall. Trans. B 24 1055


    Xu Y P, Zhao X L, Yan T L 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 036601


    Wu Y Q, Bian X F, Mao T, Li X L, Li T B, Wang C D 2006 Phys. Lett. A 361 265


    Sun C, Geng H, Liu J, Gneg H, Yang Z 2004 Phys. Meas. 1 16


    Wang C Z 2017 M. S. Dissertation (Jinan:Shandong University) (in Chinese)[王春震 2017 硕士学位论文 (济南:山东大学)]


    Guo H D 2008 M. S. Dissertation (Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)[郭海东 2008 硕士学位论文(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Sun C J, Geng H R, Zhang N, Teng X Y, Ji L L 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 73


    Mao T, Bian X F, Morioka S, Wu Y Q, Li X L, L X Q 2007 Phys. Lett. 366 155


    Sun M H, Geng H R, Bian X F, Liu Y 2000 Acta Metal. Sin. 36 1134 (in Chinese)[孙民华, 耿浩然, 边秀房, 刘燕 2000 金属学报 36 1134]


    Wang L, Bian X F, Liu J T 2004 Phys. Lett. A 326 429


    Ofte D, Wittenberg L J 1963 Trans. Metall. Soc. Aime. 227 706


    Rothwell E 1961 J. Inst. Metals 90 389


    Gebhardt E, Kostlin K 1957 Z. Metallkd. 48 636


    Schenck H, Frohberg M G, Hoffmann K 1963 Arch. Eisenhuettenw. 34 93


    Cavalier G 1963 Compt. Rend. 256 1308


    Kaplun A B, Avaliani M 1977 High Temp. 15 259


    Nikolaev B, Vollmann J 1996 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 208 145


    Martin-Garin L, Martin-Garin R, Despre P 1978 J. Less Common. Met. 59 1


    Zhao X, Wang C Z, Zheng H J, Tian Z A, Hu L N 2017 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 15962


    Zhao Y, Hou X X, Bian X F 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 3542


    Zhou C, Hu L N, Sun Q J, Bian X F, Yue Y Z 2013 Appl. Phys. 103 171904


    Ning S, Bian X F, Ren Z F 2010 Phys. B:Condens. Matter 405 3633


    Mao T, Bian X F, Xue X Y, Zhang Y N, Guo J, Sun B A 2007 Phys. B:Phys. Condens. Matter 387 1


    Konstantinova N Y, Popel' P S, Yagodin D A 2009 High Temp. 47 336


    Inoue A, Takeuchi A 2010 Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 1 273


    Wang L, Liu J T 2004 Phys. Lett. A 328 241


    Zheng H J, Hu L N, Zhao X, Wang C Z, Sun Q J, Wang T, Hui X D, Yue Y Z, Bian X F 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 471 120


    Zhang F, Du Y, Liu S H, Jie W Q 2015 Comput. Coupling Phase Diagrams Thermochem. 49 79


    Jia R, Bian X F, Lu X Q, Song K K, Li X L 2010 Phys. Mech. Astron. 53 390


    Gancarz T, Gasior W 2016 Fluid Phase Equilib. 418 57


    Liu Y H, Lu X W, Bai C G, Lai P S, Wang J S 2015 J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 30 106


    Xiong L H, Lou H B, Wang X D, Debela T T, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Wang S Y, Wang C Z, Jiang J Z 2014 Acta Mater. 68 1


    Xiong L H, Chen K, Ke F S, Lou H B, Yue G Q, Shen B, Dong F, Wang S Y, Chen L Y, Wang C Z, Ho K M, Wang X D, Lai L H, Xiao T Q, Jiang J Z 2015 Acta Mater. 92 109


    Xiong L H, Yoo H, Lou H B, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Jian J Z, Xie H L, Xiao T Q, Jeon S, Lee G M 2015 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 27 035102


    Xiong L H, Guo F M, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Ren Y, Jiang J Z 2017 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 459 160


    Xiong L H, Wang X D, Cao Q P, Zhang D X, Xie H L, Xiao T Q, Jiang J Z 2017 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 035101


    Su Y, Wang X D, Yu Q, Cao Q P, Ruett U, Zhang D X, Jiang J Z 2018 J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 30 015402


    Wang C W, Hu L N, Chen W, Tong X, Zhou C, Sun Q J, Hui X D, Yue Y Z 2014 J. Phys. Chem. 141 164507


    Hu L N, Zhou C, Zhang C Z, Yue Y Z 2013 J. Phys. Chem. 138 174508


    Sun Q J, Hu L N, Zhou C, Zheng H J, Yue Y Z 2015 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 143 164504


    Sun Q J, Zhou C, Yue Y Z, Hu L N 2014 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1170


    Iida T, Roderick I L, 1993 The Properties of Liquid Metals (Oxford:University Press) pp147-199


    Gui M C 1994 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)[桂满昌 1994 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Iidia T, Ueda M, Morita Z 1976 Tetsu to Hagane 62 1169


    Morita Z, Iida T, Ueda M 1997 Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 30 600


    Djemili B, Martin-Garin L, Hicter P 1980 J. Phys. Colloq. C8 41 363


    Enskog D 1922 Arkiv. Mth. Astron. Fys. 16 16


    Tham M K, Gubbins K E 1971 J. Chem. Phys. 55 268

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-12-22
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