Degenerate electronic Fermi system with intrinsic (spin) magnetic moment and Landau diamagnetic moment of the electrons in a neutron star interior is magnetized. Taking the magnetizing effect into consideration, the magnetic induced equation must be changed: the resulting equation has an additional magnetic induction term and a magnetic diffusion coefficient that is different from the original one for plasma. When effective magnetic diffusion coefficient equals critical value ( zero) the fully degenerate electronic system approaches a new phase. In this phase, the magnetic field of neutron star will become very large until other mechanisms suppress the increasing of the field in the neutron star lowered crust. For a stable or de Hass-Van Alphen oscillatory state, it is possible for the neutron star to become a magnetar .
- neutron star /
- degeneracy /
- magnetizing
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[35] -
[1] Anderson P, Itoh N 1975 Nature 256 25
[2] Ruderman M, Zhu T H, Chen K Y 1998 Astrophysical Journal 492 267
[3] Alpar M A, Cheng K S, Pines D 1989 Astrophysical Journal 346 823
[4] Radhakrishnan V, Manchester R N 1969 Nature 222 228
[5] Lyne A G, Rrichard R S 1987 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 229 223
[6] Wang N, Manchester R N, Pace R T, Bailes M, Kaspi V M, Stappers B W, Lyne A G 2000 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 317 843
[7] Dai Z G,Lu T,Peng Q H 1993 Acta Phys. Sin. 42 1210 [戴子高、陆 埮、彭秋和 1993 42 1210]
[8] Pacini F 1967 Nature 216 567
[9] Gold T 1968 Nature 218 731
[10] Ostriker J P, Gunn J E 1969 Astrophysical Journal 157 1395
[11] Manchester R N 2004 Science 567 542
[12] Kouvelioton C 1998 Nature 393 235
[13] Kaspi V M 2003 Astrophysical Journal 588 93
[14] Thompson C, Duncan R C 1995 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 275 255
[15] Woods P M, Thompson C 2006 in Compact Stller X-ray Source (Cambridge: Cambridge University) pp547—586
[16] Haberl H 2007 Astrophysica and Space Science 308 181
[17] Gil J, Melikidze G, Geppert U 2003 Astronomy & Astrophysics 407 315
[18] Ruderman M 2005 arXiv: 0510623
[19] Angle J P R 1981 Astrophysical Journal 45 457
[20] Thompson C, Duncan R C 1993 Astrophysical Journal 408 194
[21] Geppert U 2009 In Neutron Stars and Pulsars (Volume. 1) (Berlin: Springer) p319—352
[22] Geppert U, Rheinhardt M 2006 Astronomy & Astrophysics 456 639
[23] Urpin V, Levshakov S 1986 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 219 703
[24] Peng Q H, Luo Z Q 2006 Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics 248 253
[25] Peierls R E 1933 Z. Phys. 81 186
[26] Spitzer L 1956 in Physics of Fully Ionized Gases ( New York: Inter Science)
[27] Brandenburg A, Kandaswamy S 2005 arXiv: 0405052V2
[28] Pauli W 1927 Z. Phys. 41 81
[29] Landau L D, Lifshitz E M 1980 in Statistical Physics (New York: Pergamon Press)
[30] Ghosh P 2007 in Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars (New Jersey : World Scientific)
[31] Douchin F, Haensel P 2000 Phys. Lett. B 485 107
[32] Landau L D, Lifshitz E M 1977 in Quanturn Mechanics (New York: Pergamon Press)
[33] Johson M H, Lippmann B A, Harding A K 1949 Phys. Rev.76 828
[34] Harding A K, Lai D 2006 arXiv: 0606674V2
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