A novel molten salt synthsis technology is developed to prepare single phase and V-doped MnNb2O6powder. The prepared samples are characterized by XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM, HRTEM and SAED. The results show that the MnNb2O6 powder has an orthorhombic structure.and the samples prepared in different molten salts exhibit different shapes:flake shape, rod shape, and rectangular shape. The effects of temperature and doped on structure and morphology are discussed. HRTEM and SAED indicate the rod-shape MnNb2O6 has the properties of anisotropic growth and crystalline integrality. Magnetic properties are measured by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) in a temperature range of 2—30 K under a magnetic field of 2T. The magnetic measurement results indicate that MnNb1.8V0.2O6 undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition with a Néel temperature of 5.4 K. Above 20 K, the inverse susceptibility is fitted well to the Curie-Weiss law θ=-33.9 K,C=10.52 K emu mol ·f.u.-1 and effective moment 5.82 μ B can be obtained. With V-doped amount increases, antiferromagnetic interaction increases. According to the Anderson model, the MnNb2-xVxO6 is antiferromagnet in a low temperature range, which is induced by the superexchange interaction of Mn2+-O2--Mn2+.
- molten salt synthesis /
- columbite MnNb2O6 /
- structure and morphology /
- antiferromagnetic properties
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[1] Pullar R C J 2009 Am. Ceram. Soc. 92 563
[2] Pullar R C, Breeze J D, Alford N M 2005 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 88 2466
[3] Pullar R C, Okeneme K, Alford N M 2003 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 23 2479
[4] Li G, Peraldo Bicelli L, Razzini G 1991 Solar Energy Mater. 21 335
[5] Yea J, Zou Z, Matsushita A 2003 Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 28 651
[6] Takita Y, Kikutani K, Xia C 2005 Appl. Catal. A: General 283 209
[7] Nielsen O V, Lebechx B, Larsens F K 1976 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 9 2401
[8] Nielsen O V, Johansson T, Holmes L M 1976 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 1 320
[9] Orera A, García-Alvarado F, Irvine J T S 2007 Chem. Mater.19 2310
[10] Flaviano G A, Orera A, Jesús C V 2006 Chem. Mater. 18 3827
[11] Cristina T, Maria C M,Lorenzo M 2004 Chem. Phys. 6 4056
[12] Wachtel A 1964 J. Electrochem. Soc. 111 534
[13] Soumonni O 2004 MS Thesis (Atlanta:Georgia Institute of Technology)
[14] Cho I S, Kim DW, Noh TH 2010 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10 1196
[15] Cho I S, Bae S T ,Yim D K 2009 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 92 506
[16] An H Z, Wang C, Wang T M 2007 J. Inorg. Mater. 22 922
[17] Kim N K 1997 Mater.Lett. 32 127
[18] Ananta S, Brydson R, Thomas N W 1999 Eur.Ceram.Soc.19 355
[19] Ananta S 2004 Mater.Lett. 58 2781
[20] Belous A G, Ovchar O V, Jancar B 2007 J.Eur.Ceram.Soc. 27 2933
[21] Belous A G, Ovchar,O V, Kramarenko A V 2006 Inorg.Mater. 42 1369
[22] Shi L H, Yan W B 2009 Acta Phys. Sin.58 4987(in Chinese)[师丽红、阎文博 2009 58 4987]
[23] Gao C Y, Xia H R, Xu J Q, Si S C, Zhang H J, Wang J Y, Song H L 2007 Acta Phys. Sin.56 4648 (in Chinese)[高成勇、夏海瑞、徐建强、司书春、张怀金、王继杨、宋化龙 2007 56 4648]
[24] Zhang L, Georg G, Igor D 2008 Chem. Asian J. 3 746
[25] AlexAnder B, FrAncois H, RoBert L 2010 Am. Mineral. 95 537
[26] Yao L Z 1995 The basis of crystal growth(Hefei: China university of science and technology press) p55 (in Chinese) [姚连增 1995 晶体生长基础(合肥: 中国科技大学出版社) 第55页]
[27] Zhang K C,Zhang L S 1997 Crystal growth science and technology (Vol.1, Second Edition) (Beijing: Science press) p399 (in Chinese) [张克从、张乐穗 1997 晶体生长科学与技术上册(第二版)(北京: 科学出版社) 第339页]
[28] Duan S Z 1990 Molten salt Chemistry:Principle and application (Beijing: Metallurgy industry press)p413 (in Chinese) [段淑贞 1990 熔盐化学: 原理和应用(北京: 冶金工业出版社)第413页]
[29] Xie G 1998 Theory and application of molten salts (Beijing: Metallurgy industry Press) p101(in Chinese)[谢 刚 1998 熔融盐理论与应用(北京: 冶金工业出版社)第101页]
[30] Zhou C C, Liu F M, Ding P 2009 Chin.Phys.B 18 5055
[31] Guo L, Dai J, Tian J, He T 2008 Ceram.Int. 34 1783
[32] Jiang S T, Li W 2003 Condensed matter physics of magnetic(Beijing: Science press) p355 (in Chinese) [姜寿亭、李 卫 2003 凝聚态磁性物理(北京:科学出版社)第355页]
[33] Jiang X F, Liu X F, Liu Y J, Zhang Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3432 (in Chinese)[张 瑜、 刘拥军、 刘先锋、 江学范 2010 59 3432]
[34] Liu D Y, Chen D M , Zou L J 2009 Chin.Phys.B 18 4497
[35] Zhou C C, Liu F M, Ding P, Cai L G, Zhong W W, Zhang H 2010 Chin.Phys.B 19 067503
[36] Li P F, Chen Z H 2010 Chin.Phys. B 19 027503
[37] Qu Z, Pi L, Fan J Y, Tan S, Zhang B, Zhang M, Zhang Y H 2007 Chin.Phys.B 16 258
[38] Jiang K 2010 Chin.Phys.B 59 2801
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