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Studys of characteristics for pump-induced emission and anharmonic cavity-QED in quantum dot-cavity systems

Chen Xiang Mi Xian-Wu


Studys of characteristics for pump-induced emission and anharmonic cavity-QED in quantum dot-cavity systems

Chen Xiang, Mi Xian-Wu
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  • Theoretical derivation and numerical calculation achieve the quantum dot numerically exact multi-photon emission spectra starting from the interaction of quantum dot and cavity,using the master equation that includes incoherent pumping and pure dephasing and combines with the quantum regression theorem, and considering the relevant initial conditions.Then comparing the multi-photon(fermion statistics) spectra with the one-thoton(boson system) correlation level, our analysis shows that according to the fermion statistics the pure dephasing, and the thermal bath model, an excellent fitting to the data is obtained with the recent experimental of Ref[22] results in a quantum dot-micropiller cavity system. The theory and the recent experiments both show pump-induced stimulated emission and anharmonic cavity-QED in quantum dot-cavity systems.

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    Hennessy K, Badolato A, Winger M, Gerace D, Atature M, Gulde S, Falt S, Hu E L, Imamoglu A 2007 Nature 445 896


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  • [1]

    Michler P, Kiraz A, Becher C, Schoenfeld W V,Petroff P M, Lidong Zhang, Hu E, Imamoglu A 2000 Science 290 2282


    Moreau E, Robert I, Gérard J M, Abram I, Manin L, Thierry-Mieg V 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 2865


    Santori C, Fattal D, Vuckovic J, Solomon G S,Yamamoto Y 2002 Nature 419 594


    Ellis D P J 2008 New J. Phys. 10 043035


    Johne R, Gippius N A, Pavlovic G, Solnyshkov D D, Shelykh I A, Malpuech G 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 240404


    McKeever J, Boca A, Boozer A D, Miller R, Buck J R,Kuzmich A, Kimble H J 2004 Science 303 1992


    Reithmaier J P, Sek G, Loffler A,Hofmann C,Kuhn S, Reitzenstein S,Keldysh LV, Kulakovskii V D, Reinecke T L, Forchel A 2004 Nature 432 197


    Yoshie T, Scherer A, Hendrickson J, Khitrova G, Gibbs H. M,Rupper G, Ell C, Shchekin O B, Deppe D G 2004 Nature 432 200


    Peter E, Senellart P, Martrou D, Lematre A,Hours J, Gérard J M, Bloch J 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 067401


    Xiang S H,Song K H 2005 Acta Phys.Sin.54 1190(in Chinese)[向少华、宋克慧 2005 54 1190]


    Song K H,Guo G C 1999 Acta Phys.Sin.48 0661(in Chinese)[宋克慧、郭光灿1 999 48 0661]


    Hennessy K, Badolato A, Winger M, Gerace D, Atature M, Gulde S, Falt S, Hu E L, Imamoglu A 2007 Nature 445 896


    Press D, Gotzinger S, Reitzenstein S, Hofmann C, Loffler A, Kamp M, Forche A, Yamamoto Y 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 117402


    Cui G Q, Raymer M G 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 053807


    Auffeves A, Besga B, Gérard J M, Poizat J P 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 063833


    Yamaguchi M, Asano T, Noda S 2008 Opt. Express 16 18067


    Naesby A, Suhr T, Kristensen P T, Mrk J 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 045802


    Hughes S, Peijun Y 2009 Opt. Express 17 3322


    Keldysh LV 2006 JETP Lett. 84 494


    Laussy F P,Valle E D, Tejedor C 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 083601


    Laussy F P, Valle E D, Tejedor C 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 235325


    Münch S, Reitzenstein S, Franeck P, Loffler A, Heinde T, Hofling S, Worschech L, Forchel A 2009 Opt. Express 17 12821


    Laucht A, Hauke N, Villas-Boas J M, Hofbauer F, Bohm G, Kaniber M, FinleyJ J2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 087405


    Liu S Q,Liu Z D,Li F Q 1991 Acta Phys.Sin. 40 1049 (in Chinese)[刘三秋、刘正东、李佛铨 1991 40 1049]


    Cheng G P,Ke S S,Zhang L H,Li G X 2007 Acta Phys.Sin.56 0830(in Chinese)[程桂平、柯莎莎、张立辉、李高翔 2007 物 理学报56 0830] 〖26] Peijun Y,Pathak K,Illes E,Hughes S 2009 arXiv:0909. 5642v3


    Carmichael H J 1999 Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg)


    Tian L, Carmichael H J 1992 Quantum Opt. 4 131


    Löffler M, Meyer G M, Walther H 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 3923


    Mandel L, Wolf E1995 Optical Cogerence and Quantum Optics(Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,England)


    Ridolfo A, Stefano O D, Portolan S, Savasta S 2009 arXiv:0906.1455v1


    Reitzenstein S,Münch S,Franeck P,Rahimi I, Löffler A, Höffling L,Worschech L, Forchel A 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 127401

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  • Received Date:  18 March 2010
  • Accepted Date:  28 May 2010
  • Published Online:  05 February 2011

