The macrospin model based on Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation is used to study the current-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic spin valves. We find that the DC spin-polarized current could either switch the magnetization of free layer or excite the steady-state precessional motion via the so-called spin-transfer torque effect. The AC current could drive the chaotic oscillations. The route to chaotic oscillation depending on the strength of current is demonstrated through a series of period doubling bifurcations.
- spin-transfer torque /
- micromagnetic simulation /
- magnetic spin-valve /
- chaos
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[1] Slonczewski J C 1996J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159 L1
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[7] Yoda H, Kishi T, Nagase T, Yoshikawa M, Nishiyama K 2010 The 11th Joint MMM-Intermag conference, Washington D C Jan. 18-22 (Invited talk, AA-02)
[8] Qiu Y C, Zhang Z Z, Jin Q Y, Liu Y W 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 052507
[9] Lee K J, Deac A, Redon O, Nozieres J P, Dieny B 2004 Nature Mater. 3 877
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[11] Rippard W H, Pufall M R, Kaka S, Silva T J, Russek S E, Katine J A 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 067203
[12] Mancoff F B, Rizzo N D, Engel B N, Tehrani S 2005 Nature
[13] Kaka S, Pufall M R, Rippard W H, Silva T J, Russek S E, Katine J A 2005 Nature (London) 437 389
[14] Yang Z, Zhang S, Li Charles Y 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 134101
[15] Liu Y W, Zhang Z Z, Wang J G, Freitas P P, Martins J L 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 8385
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[17] Zhao H, Liu Y W, Wang Y H, Hu B B 1998 Phys. Rev. E 58 4383
[18] Hao B L 1993 Starting with parabolas: an introduction to chaotic dynamics (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) p28 (in Chinese) [郝伯林 1993 从抛物线谈起——混沌动力学引论 (上海: 上海科技教育出版社) 第28页]
[19] Liu Y W, Zhao H, Wang Y H 1999 Acta Phys. Sin. 48 198 (in Chinese) [刘要稳、赵 鸿、汪映海 1999 48 198]
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