The multi-pole method is used to analyse and compare the dispersion coefficient, dispersion slope, nonlinear coefficient, confinement loss of photonic crystal fibers of hexagonal, octagonal and decagonal structures with the same structure parameters. The photonic crystal fiber with hexagonal structure is more suited for study of dispersion compensation and high nonlinearity. The nonlinear coefficient of photonic crystal fiber with hexagonal structure is 0.37 m-1·W-1 at 0.8 μm. The photonic crystal fiber with decagonal structure is more suited for study of flat dispersion curve and low confinement loss.The confinement loss of photonic crystal fiber with decagonal structure is about 3000 orders of magnitude less than that with hexagonal structure around 0.8 μm.The dispersion of photonic crystal fibre with decagonal structure is less than 0.17 and larger than -0.07 ps/(km·nm) from 1.4 to 1.65 μm, resulting in nearly zero dispersion of photonic crystal fiber around 1.55 μm. The cladding structure of photonic crystal fiber is closer to the circular structure, the dispersion of which is much flatter, the nonlinear coefficient and the confinement loss of which are much lower.
- photonic crystal fiber /
- dispersion coefficient /
- nonlinear coefficient /
- confinement loss
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[1] Knight J C, Russell P S 2002 Science 296 276
[2] Li S G, Liu X D, Hou L T 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1873 (in Chinese) [李曙光、刘晓东、侯蓝田 2004 53 1873 ]
[3] Knight J C, Arriaga J, Birks T A, Russell P S J 2000 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 12 807
[4] Hu M L, Wang Q Y, Li Y F, Wang Z, Zhang Z G, Chai L, Zhang R B 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 4252 (in Chinese) [胡名列、王清月、栗岩峰、王 专、张志刚、柴 路、章若冰 2004 53 4252]
[5] Wei D B, Zhou G Y, Zhao X T, Yuan J H, Meng J, Wang H Y, Hou L T 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3011 (in Chinese) [魏东宾、周桂耀、赵兴涛、苑金辉、孟 佳、王海云、侯蓝田 2008 57 3011]
[6] Ren G B, Wang Z, Lou S Q, Jian S S 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 484 (in Chinese) [任国斌、王 智、娄淑琴、简水生 2004 53 484]
[7] Li S G, Ying G L, Zhou G Y, Hou L T 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 238 (in Chinese) [李曙光、刑光龙、周桂耀、侯蓝田 2006 55 238]
[8] Zhang F D, Liu X Y, Zhang M, Ye P D 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6 (in Chinese) [张方迪、刘小毅、张 民、叶培大 2006 55 6]
[9] Ni Y, Zhang L, Gu C, Jia S, Peng J D 2004 Opt. Express 15 4602
[10] Xu Y, Yariv A 2003 Opt. Express 11 1039
[11] White T P, Kuhlmey B T, McPhedran R C, Maystre D, Renversez G, de Sterke C M, Botten L C 2002 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19 2322
[12] Kuhlmey B T, White T P, Renversez G, Maystre D, Botten L C, de Sterke C M, Mcphedran R C 2002 J.Opt. Soc. Am.B 19 2331
[13] White T P, McPhedran R C, Botten L C, Kuhlmey B T, Mcphedran R C 2001 Opt. Express 9 721
[14] Birks T A, Mogilevtsev D, Knight J C, Arriaga J 1999 Proc. Opt. Fiber Conf. San Diego. California FG4 114
[15] Limpert J, Schreiber T, Nolte S 2003 Opt. Express 11 818
[16] Sun T L, Li Q H, Liu J H, Liu Y 2008 Laser Technol. 32 330 (in Chinese) [孙太龙、励强华、刘晶会、刘 颖 2008 激光技术 32 330]
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