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Nucleation and coagulation of nanoparticles in a planar jet

Liu Yan-Hua Gan Fu-Jun Zhang Kai


Nucleation and coagulation of nanoparticles in a planar jet

Liu Yan-Hua, Gan Fu-Jun, Zhang Kai
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  • The nucleation and coagulation of nanoparticles in the binary system of water vapor (relative humidity 70%) and sulfuric acid vapor (5×10-6) were detailedly studied by performing numerical simulation in a planar jet (Re=8300). The large eddy simulation was utilized to calculate the flow field, and the particle field is obtained by using the direct quadrature method of moment to solve the particle general dynamic equation. The distributions of particle number concentration, volume concentration and average diameter were discussed. The result shows that the growth of the calculated momentum thickness is consistent with the previous experimental data. The interface of the jet will roll up and generate the coherent vortices which will lead to an obvious decrease of the specie concentration of sulfuric acid vapor and increase of number concentration of nanoparticles in the vortex core. The appearance of the coherent vortices increases the possibility of particle collision and enhances the particle coagulation. The nanoparticle nucleation is enhanced in the vortex core where high particle number concentration will accelerate the particle coagulation.

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    [1]Penttinen P, Timonen K L, Tiittanen P, Mirme A, Ruuskanen J, Pekkanen L 2001 Environ. Health Perspect. 109 319


    [2]Meng L J, Zhang K W, Zhong J X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1009  (in Chinese) [孟利军、张凯旺、钟建新 2007 56 1009]


    [3]Li J, Liu W L, Meng L J, Zhang K W, Zhong J X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 382 (in Chinese)[李俊、刘文亮、孟利军、张凯旺、钟建新 2008   57 382]


    [4]Friedlander S K 2000 Smoke, Dust, and Haze : Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamics (Oxford: Oxford University Press )


    [5]Talukdar S S, Swihart M T 2004 J. Aerosol Sci. 35 889


    [6]Wang L, Marchisio1 D L, Vigil R D, Fox R O 2005 J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 282 380


    [7]Liu S, Lin J Z 2008 J. Hydrodyn. 20 1


    [8]Lemmetty M, Ronkko T, Virtanen A, Keskinen J, Pirjola L 2008 Aerosol Sci. Technol. 42 916


    [9]Miller S E, Garrick S C 2004 Aerosol Sci. Technol. 38 79


    ]Lin J Z, Chan T L, Liu S, Zhou K, Zhou Y, Lee S C 2007 Int. J. Nonlin. Sci. Num. 81 45


    ]Yu M Z, Lin J Z, Chen L H 2007 J. Appl. Math. Mech. 28 1445


    ]Yu M Z, Lin J Z, Chen L H 2006 Acta Mech. Sin. 22 29


    ]Yin Z Q, Lin J Z, Zhou K, Chan T L 2007 Int. J. Nonlin. Sci. Num. 81 535


    ]Yu M Z, Lin J Z, Xiong H B 2007 Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 15 828


    ]Yu M Z, Lin J Z, Chan T L 2008 Powder Technol. 181 9


    ]Yin Z Q, Lin J Z, Zhou K 2008 J. Appl. Math. Mech. 29 153


    ]Yu M Z, Lin J Z, Chan T L 2008 Chem. Eng. Sci. 63 2317


    ]Feng Y, Lin J Z 2008 Chin. Phys. 17 4547


    ]Lin J Z, Shi X, Yu Z S 2003 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 29 1355


    ]Smagorinsky J 1963 Month. Wea. Rev. 91 99


    ]Fox R O 2003 Computational Models for Turbulent Reacting Flow (Oxford: Oxford University Press)


    ]Marchisio D L, Fox R O 2005 J. Aerosol Sci. 36 43


    ]Vanni M 2000 J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 221 143


    ]Diemer R B, Olson J H 2002 Chem. Eng. Sci. 57 2211


    ]Park S H, Lee K W, Otto E, Fissan H 1999 J. Aerosol Sci. 30 3


    ]Otto E, Fissan H 1999 Adv. Powder Technol. 10 1


    ]McGraw R, Nemesure S, Schwartz S E 1998 J. Aerosol Sci. 29 761


    ]Holmes N S 2007 Atmos. Environ. 41 2183


    ]Vehkamaki H, Kulmala M, Lehtinen K E J, Noppel M 2003 Environ. Sci. Technol. 37 3392


    ]Upadhyay R R, Ezekoye O A 2006 J. Aerosol Sci. 37 799


    ]Otto E, Fissan H, Park S H, Lee K W, Otto E 1999 J. Aerosol 2 Sci. 30 17


    ]Pratsinis S E, Kim K S 1989 J. Aerosol Sci. 20 101


    ]Le Ribault C, Sarkar S, Stanley S A 1999 Phys. Fluids 11 3069


    ]Thomas F O, Chu H C 1989 Phys. Fluids 1 1566


    ]Vehkamaki H, Kulmala M, Napari I, Lehtinen K E J, Timmreck C, Noppel M, Laaksonen A 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 4622

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  • Received Date:  28 July 2009
  • Accepted Date:  06 November 2009
  • Published Online:  05 March 2010

