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Study of crack healing effect in dimethyl phthalate crystals by mechanical spectroscopy

Zhou Heng-Wei Wang Li-Na Guo Xiu-Zhen Wu Na-Na Zhang Li Zhang Jin-Lu Huang Yi-Neng


Study of crack healing effect in dimethyl phthalate crystals by mechanical spectroscopy

Zhou Heng-Wei, Wang Li-Na, Guo Xiu-Zhen, Wu Na-Na, Zhang Li, Zhang Jin-Lu, Huang Yi-Neng
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  • The recently developed method to detect the stress-cracking and crack healing of glasses in real-time (called the RMS-CH in short,Wu et al.,Appl. Phys. Lett. 92,011918-1(2008)) is applied to the detections of crystals. The experimental results of dimethyl phthalate crystal indicate that,under the condition of constant heating rate:1) the crack-healing rate shows a sharp peak as a function of temperature,the peak temperature can be taken as the characteristic temperature Tcch of the crack-healing ,and Tcch=206 K;2) the peak is not symmetric,and the low temperature side is wider than the high temperature side,which means that the crack-healing has started at lower temperatures and the amount of healing below Tcch is more than that above Tcch. This behavior is similar to that in glasses,but Tcch is higher than that of glassy state. Moreover,Tcch is much lower than the melting point of the crystal,which indicates that the crack-healing mechanism is quite different from that of recrystallization. We would like to point out that two dynamical loss peaks related to the crack-healing process are observed for the first time,which will be helpful to the understanding of the mechanisms. The above results also show the feasibility and validity of the RMS-CH method to investigate the stress-cracking and crack-healing in crystals as in glasses.

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    ]Chen Z, Huo J L, Lu Y L, Wang Y X, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Zhen H H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 631 (in Chinese)[陈铮、霍进良、卢艳丽、王永欣、张静、赵彦、甄辉辉 2009 58 631]


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    ]Gu S Y, Wu Q, Zhao H P, Zhou Z C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1025 (in Chinese)[顾苏怡、吴倩、赵宏平、周正存 2008 57 1025]


    ]Li Y J, Xu A G, Yang Q L, Zhang G C, Zhao Y H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 940 (in Chinese)[李英骏、许爱国、杨其利、张广财、赵艳红 2008 57 940]


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  • [1]

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    [6]Smith D L,Evans B 1984 J. Geophys. Res. 89 4125


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    ]Wei D B,Han J T,Xie J X 2000 Materials Review 14 37 (in Chinese)[韦东滨、韩静涛、谢建新 2000 材料导报 14 37]


    ]Zhou Y Z,Qin R S,Xiao S H,He G H,Zhou B L 2000 J. Mat. Res. 15 1056


    ]White S R,Scottos N R,Moore J,Geublle P,Kessler M,Brown E,Suresh S,Viswanathan S 2001 Nature 409 794


    ]Lv J,Jin Z H,Zheng Z X,Ding H F 2001 Journal of Inorganic Materials 16 535 (in chinese)[吕珺、金志浩、郑治祥、丁厚福 2001 无机材料学报 16 535]


    ]Gao K W,Qiao L J,Chu W Y 2001 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 37 118 (in Chinese)[高克玮、乔利杰、褚武扬 2001 金属学报37 118]


    ]Ando K,Furusawa K,Chu M C,Hanagate T,Tuji K,Sato S 2001 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 84 2073


    ]Yang D Z 2002 Intelligent Materials and Intelligent systems (Tianjin:University of Tianjin Press (in chinese)[杨大智 2002 智能材料与智能系统(天津:天津大学出版社)]


    ]Chen X X,Dam M A,One K 2002 Science 295 1698


    ]Ando K,Shirai Y,Nakatani M 2002 J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 22 121


    ]Kessler M R,Sottos N R,White S R 2003 Composite A 34 743


    ]Kim Y W,Ando K,Chu M C 2003 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 86 465


    ]Greenwood J A 2004 J. Phys. D 37 2557


    ]Zhang H L,Huang P Z,Sun J,Gao H 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 1143


    ]Toohey K S,Sottos N R,Lewis J A,Moore J S,White S R 2007 Nature Mat. 6 581


    ]Kim H S,Kim M K,Kang S B,Ahn S H,Nam K W 2008 Mat. Sci. Eng. A 483-484 672


    ]Dementsov A,Privman V 2008 Phy. Rev. E 78 021104-1-6


    ]Caruso M M,Blaiszik B J,White S R,Sottos N R,Moore J S 2008 Adv. Fun. Mat. 18 1898


    ]Wool R P 2008 Soft Matter 4 400


    ]Chen D Y,Chen K J,Guo S H,Huang R,Huang X F,Li W,Ma Z Y,Wei D Y,Xu J,Xu L,Yao J,Zhou,J 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 303


    ]Zhang J M,Huang Y H,Xu K W,Ji V 2007 Chin. Phy. 16 210


    ]Yin T,Zhou L,Rong M Z,Zhang M Q 2008 Smart Mater. Struct. 17 015019


    ]Cheng Z Q, Sun X W, Xia G Q, Li H Q, Sheng H M, Qian R 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 375 (in Chinese)[程知群、孙晓玮、夏冠群、李洪芹、盛怀茂、钱蓉 49 375]


    ]Li Y C, Luo Z C, Wei D, Zhang G Y, Zhang H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 444 (in Chinese)[李昱材、罗志成、魏丹、张国英、张辉 2009 58 444]


    ]Chen Z, Huo J L, Lu Y L, Wang Y X, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Zhen H H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 631 (in Chinese)[陈铮、霍进良、卢艳丽、王永欣、张静、赵彦、甄辉辉 2009 58 631]


    ]Cui C, Ma X Y, Yang D R 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1037 (in Chinese)[崔灿、马向阳、杨德仁 2008 57 1037]


    ]Gu S Y, Wu Q, Zhao H P, Zhou Z C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1025 (in Chinese)[顾苏怡、吴倩、赵宏平、周正存 2008 57 1025]


    ]Li Y J, Xu A G, Yang Q L, Zhang G C, Zhao Y H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 940 (in Chinese)[李英骏、许爱国、杨其利、张广财、赵艳红 2008 57 940]


    ]Jin H M, Felia Adriana, Aroyave Majorri 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 561 (in Chinese)[靳刊明, Felix Adriana, Aroyave Majorri 2008 57 561]


    ]Li W W, Sun K 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1921 (in Chinese)[李万万、孙康 2006 55 1921]


    ]Li W W, Sun K 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6514 (in Chinese)[李万万、孙康 2007 56 6514]


    ]Zhang G Y, Zhang H, Liu C M, Zhou Y J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1771 (in Chinese)[张国英、张辉、刘春明、周永军 2005 54 1771]


    ]Wu W H,Zhang J L,Zhou H W,Guo X Z,Huang Y N 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 011918-1-3


    ]Ying X N,Yuan Y H,Zhang L,Huang Y N,Wang Y N,Wang X L,Zhou D S,Xue G 2006 Rev. Sci. Instru. 77 053902-1-12


    ]Huang Y N,Zhang J L,Ying X N 2006 Progress in Physics 26 359 (in Chinese)[黄以能、张晋鲁、应学农 2006 物理学进展 26 359]


    ]Ying X N,Yuan Y H,Zhang L,Huang Y N,Yang Z,Wang Y N 2006 Progress in Physics 26 408 (in Chinese)[应学农、袁颖憨、张亮、黄以能、杨震、王业宁 2006 物理学进展 26 408]


    ]Zhou H W,Zhang J L,Huang Y N,Ying X N,Zhang L,Wu W H,Shen Y F 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 56 6547 (in Chinese)[周恒为、张晋鲁、黄以能、应学农、张亮、吴文惠、沈异凡 2007 56 6547]


    ]Zhang J L,Zhang L L,Wu W H,Zhou H W,Guo X Z,Huang Y N 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 131906-1-3


    ]Guo X Z,Zhou H W,Zhang J L,Wu W H,Zhang J L,Huang Y N 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 417 (in Chinese)[郭秀珍、周恒为、张丽丽、吴文惠、张晋鲁、黄以能 2009 59 417]


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  • Received Date:  22 May 2009
  • Accepted Date:  16 June 2009
  • Published Online:  15 March 2010

