The electronic structure of Ti alloys has been calculated by the recursion method. Alloying elements Ni, Co, Pt, Ru and Ir were confirmed to segregate on the surface of Ti alloys. Ni and Co atoms form atomic clusters, while Pt, Ru and Ir atoms form the ordered phase with Ti atoms. The microcells are formed between the area with alloying atomic clusters and the region without alloying elements. Ti is dissolved preferentially in the corrosive media, and the enrichment layer on the surface of Ti alloys is formed by the remaining insoluble grain of the alloying elements. The enrichment layer of alloying atoms serves as the electrocatalytic surface, which facilitates the passivation of Ti alloys and improves the corrosion resistance. The co-added alloy elements, such as Ru-Ni, Ru-Ir, Ru-Mo and Ru-W, have the same effect as adding the noble metals (such as Pt).
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[1] [1]Ueda M 1992 Corrosion 1 79
[2] [2]Been J 1999 JOM 6 21
[3] [3]Pound B G 1994 Acta. Metal. Mater. 5 1551
[4] [4]Schutz R W 2003 Corrosion 59 1043
[5] [5]Sedriks A J 1975 Corrosion 31 60
[6] [6]Taki K 1987 J. Met. 12 47
[7] [7]Kitayama S, Shida Y 1991 ISIJ Int. 31 897
[8] [8]Zhang X Y, Zhao Y Q, Bai C G 2005 Titanium Alloys and Application (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) p255 (in Chinese)[张喜燕、赵永庆、白晨光 2005 钛合金及应用 (北京:化学工业出版社) 第255页]
[9] [9]Haydock R 1980 Solid State Physics 35 (New York:Academic Press) p216
[10] ]Liu G L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1983 (in Chinese)[刘贵立 2006 55 1983]
[11] ]Liu G L, Li R D 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 776 (in Chinese)[刘贵立、李荣德 2006 55 776]
[12] ]Harrison W A 1980 Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids (San Francisco: Freeman) p551
[13] ]Slater J C, Koster G F 1954 Phys. Rev. 94 1498
[14] ]Wang L G, Wang C Y 1997 Mater. Sci. and Engin. A 234-236 521
[15] ]Hu Q M, Xu D S, Li D 2002 Acta Metall. Sin. 38 562 (in Chinese)[胡青苗、 徐东升、 李东 2002 金属学报 38 562]
[16] ]Taki J 1987 J. Met. 12 47
[17] ]Kitayama S, Shida S, Oshiyama M 1990 Sumitomo Search 1 23
[18] ]Rosenberg H W, Hunter D B 1965 Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 233 681
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