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张改 谢海妹 宋海滨 李晓菲 张茜 亢一澜



张改, 谢海妹, 宋海滨, 李晓菲, 张茜, 亢一澜

Experimental analysis of influence of different charge-discharge modes on lithium storage performance of reduced graphene oxide electrodes

Zhang Gai, Xie Hai-Mei, Song Hai-Bin, Li Xiao-Fei, Zhang Qian, Kang Yi-Lan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 针对充放电模式对电极储锂性能的影响开展综合实验研究与机理分析. 设计了4种充放电模式, 进行不同充放电模式下还原氧化石墨烯电极的储锂性能实验, 并从电极动态反应性能和应变两方面开展实验分析充放电模式对储锂时间和容量的影响机理. 实验结果显示, 不同充放电模式下电极储锂时间越短容量折损越多, 综合数据分析指出电荷转移阻抗、扩散系数、过电位和应变均表现出了非线性和阶段性的特点. 最后提出“大电流-小电流”模式为可行的充放电优化方案, 利用电化学进程的非线性平衡了快充技术中时间和容量之间的矛盾, 为快速充电技术的设计和优化提供了一定的指导.
    In this paper we conduct comprehensive experimental research and analyze the effect of charge-discharge modes on the performance of lithium storage. Four charge-discharge modes are designed, and the lithium storage performance experiments of the reduced graphene oxide electrode under different charge-discharge modes are carried out to analyze the effect mechanism of charge-discharge mode on lithium storage time and capacity from two aspects of electrode dynamic reaction performance and strain. The experimental results show that the shorter the lithium storage time of the electrode, the more the capacity loss under different charge-discharge modes. Comprehensive data analysis indicates that the charge transfer resistance, diffusion coefficient, overpotential and strain in the electrochemical process show non-linear and staged characteristics, resulting in the different lithium storage performances’ mechanism of different stages under different charge-discharge modes. Finally, “High current-low current” mode is proposed as a feasible optimization plan for charging and discharging. In the initial stage-I, the dual role of large electric field drive and concentration gradient drive enhances the migration and diffusion rate and shortens the lithium storage time; in the stage-II, the small current relieves local concentration accumulation and increases the amount of lithium inserted, thereby giving full play to the greatest advantage of current in each stage and balance the discrepancy between time and capacity. And this discussion provides certain guidance for designing and optimizing the fast charging technology.
      通信作者: 谢海妹, xiehaimei@tju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12072228, 12021002)和中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 2021M692388)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Xie Hai-Mei, xiehaimei@tju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12072228, 12021002) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2021M692388).

    Cai W, Yao Y X, Zhu G L, Yan C, Jiang L L, He C, Huang J Q, Zhang Q 2020 Chem. Soc. Rev. 49 3806Google Scholar


    Xie W, Liu X, He R, Li Y, Yang S 2020 J. Energy Storage 32 101837Google Scholar


    Tomaszewska A, Chu Z Y, Feng X N, O'Kane S, Liu X H, Chen J Y, Ji C Z, Endler E, Li R H, Liu L S, Li Y L, Zheng S Q, Vetterlein S, Gao M, Du J Y, Parkes M, Ouyang M G, Marinescu M, Offer G, Wu B 2019 eTransportation 1 100011Google Scholar


    张兴玉 2020 69 248201

    Zhang X Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 248201


    Keil P, Jossen A 2016 J. Energy Storage 6 125Google Scholar


    Pharr M, Suo Z G, Vlassak J J 2014 J. Power Sources 270 569Google Scholar


    Jung H, Gerasopoulos K, Talin A A, Ghodssi R 2017 J. Power Sources 340 89Google Scholar


    Zheng Y, He Y B, Qian K, Li B H 2015 Electrochim. Acta 176 270Google Scholar


    Abe Y, Hori N, Kumagai S 2019 Energies 12 4507Google Scholar


    Shi B Q, Han B, Xie H M, Kang Y, Zhang Q 2021 Electrochim. Acta 378 138151Google Scholar


    Xie H M, Song H B, Guo J G, Kang Y, Yang W, Zhang Q 2019 Carbon 144 342Google Scholar


    Khan A B, Choi W 2018 IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 33 1132Google Scholar


    Ji D Y, Chen L D, Ma T Y, Jing, Wang S Q 2019 J. Power Sources 437 226911Google Scholar


    Anseán D, Gonzalez M, Viera J C, Garcia V M, Blanco C, Valledor M 2013 J. Power Sources 239 9Google Scholar


    Xu M, Wang R, Reichman B, Wang X 2018 J. Energy Storage 20 298Google Scholar


    Suresh R, Rengaswamy R 2018 Comput. Chem. Eng. 119 326Google Scholar


    Wu X G, Shi W W, Du J Y 2017 Energies 10 1271Google Scholar


    Hu X, Li S, Peng H, Sun F 2013 J. Power Sources 239 449Google Scholar


    Waldmann T, Kasper M, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M 2015 Electrochim. Acta 178 525Google Scholar


    Liu Y H, Hsieh C H, Luo Y F 2011 IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 26 654Google Scholar


    Wen K, Xia M, Deng P, Lv W, He W 2019 Chem. Eng. Sci. 200 80Google Scholar


    Sethuraman V A, Srinivasan V, Newman J 2013 J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 A394


    Ko Y, Cho Y G, Song H K 2014 RSC Adv. 4 16545Google Scholar


    Finegan D P, Quinn A, Wragg D S, Colclasure A M, Lu X, Tan C, Heenan T M, Jervis R, Brett D J, Das S 2020 Energy Environ. Sci. 13 2570Google Scholar


    An F Q, Zhang R, Wei Z G, Li P 2019 RSC Adv. 9 21489Google Scholar


    Zhang S S 2006 J. Power Sources 161 1385Google Scholar


    Pham-Cong D, Ahn K, Hong S W, Jeong S Y, Choi J H, Doh C H, Jin J S, Jeong E D, Cho C R 2014 Curr. Appl. Phys. 14 215Google Scholar


    Song H B, Na R, Hong C Y, Zhang G, Li X F, Kang Y L, Zhang Q, Xie H M 2022 Carbon 188 146


    Cançado L G, Jorio A, Ferreira E H M, Stavale F, Achete C A, Capaz R B 2011 Nano Lett. 11 3190Google Scholar


    Song H B, Xie H M, Xu C C, Kang Y L, Zhang Q 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 18861Google Scholar


    Wang G X, Shen X P, Yao J, Park J 2009 Carbon 47 2049Google Scholar


    闻雷, 刘成名, 宋仁升, 罗洪泽, 石颖, 李峰, 成会明 2014 化学学报 72 333Google Scholar

    Wen L, Liu C M, Song R S, Luo H Z, Shi Y, Li F, Cheng H M 2014 Acta Chim. Sin. 72 333Google Scholar


    Liu Z H, Kang Y L, Song H B, Zhang Q, Xie H 2020 Chin. Phys. B 30 016201Google Scholar


    Liang H Z, Zhang X Y, Yang L, Wu Y K, Chen H S, Song W L, Fang D N 2019 Sci. China:Technol. Sci. 62 1277Google Scholar


    庄全超, 杨梓, 张蕾, 崔艳华 2020 化学进展 32 761Google Scholar

    Zhuang Q C, Yang Z, Zhang L, Cui Y H 2020 Prog. Chem. 32 761Google Scholar


    Barsoukov E, Kim J H, Kim J H, Yoon C O, Lee H 1999 Solid State Ionics 116 249Google Scholar


    Zhu Y J, Gao T, Fan X L, Han F, Wang C 2017 Acc. Chem. Res. 50 1022Google Scholar


    Kang Y L, Qiu Y, Lei Z K, Hu M 2005 Opt. Laser Eng. 43 847Google Scholar


    陆敬予, 柯承志, 龚正良, 李德平, 慈立杰, 张力, 张桥保 2020 70 198102Google Scholar

    Lu J Y, Ke C Z, Gong Z L, Li D P, Ci L J, Zhang L, Zhang Q B 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 198102Google Scholar


    Zabel J, Nair R R, Ott A, Georgiou T, Geim A K, Novoselov K S, Casiraghi C 2012 Nano Lett. 12 617Google Scholar


    Zeng Z, Liu N, Zeng Q, Lee S W, Mao W L, Cui Y 2016 Nano Energy 22 105Google Scholar


    Stampfer C, Molitor F, Graf D, Ensslin K, Jungen A, Hierold C, Wirtz L 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 241907Google Scholar


    Lu B, Song Y C, Zhang J Q 2016 J. Power Sources 320 104Google Scholar


    Lu B, Ning C, Shi D, Zhao Y, Zhang J 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 026201Google Scholar

  • 图 1  4组放电模式示意图 (a) 参考组A, 恒定小电流模式; (b) 实验组B, 大电流-小电流模式; (c) 实验组C, 小电流-大电流模式; (d) 参考组D, 恒定大电流模式(I1表示大电流阶段的电流密度, I2表示小电流阶段的电流密度)

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of four discharge modes: (a) Reference group A, constant low current mode; (b) experiment group B, high current-low current mode; (c) experiment group C, low current-high current mode; (d) reference group D, constant high current mode (I1 represents the current density at the high current stage, I2 represents the current density at the low current stage).

    图 2  (a) rGO 电极的拉曼光谱图; (b) 改进的CR2032纽扣电池结构示意图, 具有可视的Kapton窗口以实现拉曼测量

    Fig. 2.  (a) Raman spectrum of rGO electrode; (b) schematic diagram of the modified CR2032 coin-cell assembly including a visible Kapton window to realize Raman measurement.

    图 3  放电模式对循环第4圈比容量(左轴)和时间(右轴)的影响

    Fig. 3.  Effects of discharge modes on the specific capacity (left axis) and time (right axis) of the 4th cycle.

    图 4  (a) 4组放电模式下rGO电极容量保持率(左轴)和库仑效率(右轴)随循环圈数的演化; (b) 4组放电模式下rGO电极能耗比率随循环圈数的变化; (c) 第3/25/50圈循环下放电模式对能耗比率的影响

    Fig. 4.  (a) Evolve of capacity retention rate (left axis) and coulomb efficiency (right axis) of the rGO electrode with the cycles under four discharge modes; (b) evolve of energy consumption rate of rGO electrode with the cycles under four discharge modes; (c) influence of discharge modes on the energy consumption of the 3/25/50 cycle.

    图 5  (a) rGO电极主要动态反应过程示意图; (b) rGO电极的标准电化学阻抗图谱和等效电路; (c) 第4圈嵌锂过程中4组放电模式的电荷转移阻抗增量$\bar{R}_{\rm{ct} }$随嵌锂阶段的变化; (d) 第4圈嵌锂过程中4组放电模式的扩散系数随嵌锂阶段的变化

    Fig. 5.  (a) Schematic diagram of the main dynamic reaction process of rGO electrode; (b) standard electrochemical impedance spectrum and equivalent circuit of the rGO electrode; (c) evolve of charge transfer resistance with the degree of lithiation under four discharge modes of the 4th cycle; (d) evolve of diffusion coefficient with the degree of lithiation under four discharge modes of the 4th cycle.

    图 6  第4圈嵌锂过程rGO电极的原位拉曼光谱-应变测量 (a) 参考组A (恒定小电流)、(b) 实验组B (大电流-小电流)、(c) 实验组C (小电流-大电流)和 (d) 参考组D (恒定大电流)的G峰谱线信息和电位曲线随时间的演化; (e) 4种放电模式下G峰频移随时间的演化及线性拟合结果

    Fig. 6.  In-situ Raman spectroscopy-strain measurement of rGO electrode during the 4th lithiation process: The evolution of the G peak spectral line information and potential curves with time of (a) reference group A (constant low current), (b) experimental group B (high current-low current), (c) experimental group C (low current-high current) and (d) reference group D (constant high current); (e) evolution and linearity of G peak frequency shift and fitting result under four discharge modes.

    图 7  两阶段恒流模式下锂化过程示意图 (a) 实验组B (大电流-小电流); (b) 实验组C (小电流-大电流)

    Fig. 7.  Schematic diagram of the lithiation process under two-stage constant current modes: (a) Experimental group B (high current-low current); (b) experimental group C (low current-high current).

    图 8  “大电流-小电流”两阶段恒流模式的优化机理 (a) 阶段-I主要优化时间; (b) 阶段-II主要优化容量

    Fig. 8.  Optimization mechanism of “High current-Low current” two-stage constant current mode: (a) Stage-I mainly optimizes time; (b) stage-II mainly optimizes capacity.

    表 1  实验组B (大电流-小电流)加载流程示意

    Table 1.  Schematic diagram of the process of experimental group B (high current-low current).

    1静置0t = 1 min
    2放电I1 = 160 mA·g–1SOC = 45%
    3放电I2 = 40 mA·g–1V ≤ 0.1 V
    4静置0t = 10 min
    5充电I2 = 40 mA·g–1V ≥ 2 V
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  4组放电模式下第4圈嵌锂过程80% SOC时电极应变值

    Table 2.  Microstrain of the electrode at 80% SOC during the 4th lithiation process under four discharge modes.

    实验组别80% SOC处
    80% SOC处
    参考组A (恒定小电流)1579.440.2596
    实验组B (大电流-小电流)1580.220.2693
    实验组C (小电流-大电流)1573.230.3812
    参考组D (恒定大电流)1581.860.2438
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  两阶段恒流模式下第4圈嵌锂过程中电极电荷转移阻抗和应变增加速率的分阶段响应

    Table 3.  Phased response of charge transfer impedance and strain rate of the 4th cycle during lithiation process under two-stage constant current modes.

    嵌锂阶段电荷转移阻抗$ \bar{R}_{{\rm{ct}}} $增量 应变增加速率
    阶段-I0.190.15 15.374.28
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 4  B, C, D放电模式下rGO电极综合储锂性能参数相较于参考组A的增量百分比

    Table 4.  Percentage increase of comprehensive lithium storage performance parameters of the rGO electrode compared to the reference group A in the B, C, D discharge modes.

    时间比容量电荷转移阻抗$\bar{R}_{\rm{ct}}$扩散系数80% SOC过电位/V应变 容量保持率库仑效率能量比率
    实验组B–34.9%–5.2%3.8%45.3%0.0053.5% –1.8%1.3%10.2%
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  • [1]

    Cai W, Yao Y X, Zhu G L, Yan C, Jiang L L, He C, Huang J Q, Zhang Q 2020 Chem. Soc. Rev. 49 3806Google Scholar


    Xie W, Liu X, He R, Li Y, Yang S 2020 J. Energy Storage 32 101837Google Scholar


    Tomaszewska A, Chu Z Y, Feng X N, O'Kane S, Liu X H, Chen J Y, Ji C Z, Endler E, Li R H, Liu L S, Li Y L, Zheng S Q, Vetterlein S, Gao M, Du J Y, Parkes M, Ouyang M G, Marinescu M, Offer G, Wu B 2019 eTransportation 1 100011Google Scholar


    张兴玉 2020 69 248201

    Zhang X Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 248201


    Keil P, Jossen A 2016 J. Energy Storage 6 125Google Scholar


    Pharr M, Suo Z G, Vlassak J J 2014 J. Power Sources 270 569Google Scholar


    Jung H, Gerasopoulos K, Talin A A, Ghodssi R 2017 J. Power Sources 340 89Google Scholar


    Zheng Y, He Y B, Qian K, Li B H 2015 Electrochim. Acta 176 270Google Scholar


    Abe Y, Hori N, Kumagai S 2019 Energies 12 4507Google Scholar


    Shi B Q, Han B, Xie H M, Kang Y, Zhang Q 2021 Electrochim. Acta 378 138151Google Scholar


    Xie H M, Song H B, Guo J G, Kang Y, Yang W, Zhang Q 2019 Carbon 144 342Google Scholar


    Khan A B, Choi W 2018 IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 33 1132Google Scholar


    Ji D Y, Chen L D, Ma T Y, Jing, Wang S Q 2019 J. Power Sources 437 226911Google Scholar


    Anseán D, Gonzalez M, Viera J C, Garcia V M, Blanco C, Valledor M 2013 J. Power Sources 239 9Google Scholar


    Xu M, Wang R, Reichman B, Wang X 2018 J. Energy Storage 20 298Google Scholar


    Suresh R, Rengaswamy R 2018 Comput. Chem. Eng. 119 326Google Scholar


    Wu X G, Shi W W, Du J Y 2017 Energies 10 1271Google Scholar


    Hu X, Li S, Peng H, Sun F 2013 J. Power Sources 239 449Google Scholar


    Waldmann T, Kasper M, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M 2015 Electrochim. Acta 178 525Google Scholar


    Liu Y H, Hsieh C H, Luo Y F 2011 IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 26 654Google Scholar


    Wen K, Xia M, Deng P, Lv W, He W 2019 Chem. Eng. Sci. 200 80Google Scholar


    Sethuraman V A, Srinivasan V, Newman J 2013 J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 A394


    Ko Y, Cho Y G, Song H K 2014 RSC Adv. 4 16545Google Scholar


    Finegan D P, Quinn A, Wragg D S, Colclasure A M, Lu X, Tan C, Heenan T M, Jervis R, Brett D J, Das S 2020 Energy Environ. Sci. 13 2570Google Scholar


    An F Q, Zhang R, Wei Z G, Li P 2019 RSC Adv. 9 21489Google Scholar


    Zhang S S 2006 J. Power Sources 161 1385Google Scholar


    Pham-Cong D, Ahn K, Hong S W, Jeong S Y, Choi J H, Doh C H, Jin J S, Jeong E D, Cho C R 2014 Curr. Appl. Phys. 14 215Google Scholar


    Song H B, Na R, Hong C Y, Zhang G, Li X F, Kang Y L, Zhang Q, Xie H M 2022 Carbon 188 146


    Cançado L G, Jorio A, Ferreira E H M, Stavale F, Achete C A, Capaz R B 2011 Nano Lett. 11 3190Google Scholar


    Song H B, Xie H M, Xu C C, Kang Y L, Zhang Q 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C 123 18861Google Scholar


    Wang G X, Shen X P, Yao J, Park J 2009 Carbon 47 2049Google Scholar


    闻雷, 刘成名, 宋仁升, 罗洪泽, 石颖, 李峰, 成会明 2014 化学学报 72 333Google Scholar

    Wen L, Liu C M, Song R S, Luo H Z, Shi Y, Li F, Cheng H M 2014 Acta Chim. Sin. 72 333Google Scholar


    Liu Z H, Kang Y L, Song H B, Zhang Q, Xie H 2020 Chin. Phys. B 30 016201Google Scholar


    Liang H Z, Zhang X Y, Yang L, Wu Y K, Chen H S, Song W L, Fang D N 2019 Sci. China:Technol. Sci. 62 1277Google Scholar


    庄全超, 杨梓, 张蕾, 崔艳华 2020 化学进展 32 761Google Scholar

    Zhuang Q C, Yang Z, Zhang L, Cui Y H 2020 Prog. Chem. 32 761Google Scholar


    Barsoukov E, Kim J H, Kim J H, Yoon C O, Lee H 1999 Solid State Ionics 116 249Google Scholar


    Zhu Y J, Gao T, Fan X L, Han F, Wang C 2017 Acc. Chem. Res. 50 1022Google Scholar


    Kang Y L, Qiu Y, Lei Z K, Hu M 2005 Opt. Laser Eng. 43 847Google Scholar


    陆敬予, 柯承志, 龚正良, 李德平, 慈立杰, 张力, 张桥保 2020 70 198102Google Scholar

    Lu J Y, Ke C Z, Gong Z L, Li D P, Ci L J, Zhang L, Zhang Q B 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 198102Google Scholar


    Zabel J, Nair R R, Ott A, Georgiou T, Geim A K, Novoselov K S, Casiraghi C 2012 Nano Lett. 12 617Google Scholar


    Zeng Z, Liu N, Zeng Q, Lee S W, Mao W L, Cui Y 2016 Nano Energy 22 105Google Scholar


    Stampfer C, Molitor F, Graf D, Ensslin K, Jungen A, Hierold C, Wirtz L 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 241907Google Scholar


    Lu B, Song Y C, Zhang J Q 2016 J. Power Sources 320 104Google Scholar


    Lu B, Ning C, Shi D, Zhao Y, Zhang J 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 026201Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-07-29
  • 修回日期:  2021-09-13
  • 上网日期:  2022-01-07
  • 刊出日期:  2022-03-20

