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谢娜 张宁 赵瑞 陈陶 郝丽丽 徐荣青



谢娜, 张宁, 赵瑞, 陈陶, 郝丽丽, 徐荣青

Test and analysis of the dynamic procedure for electrowetting-based liquid lens under alternating current voltage

Xie Na, Zhang Ning, Zhao Rui, Chen Tao, Hao Li-Li, Xu Rong-Qing
  • 基于高斯光束传输理论,研制了一种透镜焦距动态变化的测试装置,给出了测试机理.并采用该测试装置测试了自制的基于电润湿技术的液体透镜焦距随交流信号的动态变化过程,结果表明,液体透镜的焦距随着工作电压幅值和极性的变化而发生相应变化.在一个周期内,依次出现了4个频率为50 Hz的峰值信号1,2,3和4,峰值1和2分别是由工作电压极性引起的,峰值3和4是由振荡模态引起的,且峰值的幅度随电压的增大而增大.这是由于在低压时液体透镜液面的形状随时间按球形变化,高压时液面的形状不再按球形变化,而是会产生新的振荡模态.
    An experimental setup used to measure the important optical properties of electrowetting liquid lens is proposed. The simple and precise method of measuring dynamic responses and focal lengths of liquid lens under different excitation signals is based on Gaussian beam transmission theory. The measurement method can be widely used in all kinds of zoom lens systems. The device is simple and economical, and also has the advantages of convenient operation, high measurement precision and wide range measurement. This work provides a new way to study the dynamic response of electrowetting liquid lens and the the mechanism of electrowetting liquid lens. The fabrication process and some relevant noticeable points for the homemade liquid lens are introduced. The testing device of dynamic process of lens consists of a He-Ne laser, an electrowetting lens, a circular diaphragm, a phototube, a digital storage oscilloscope and a computer. The change of the focal length of liquid lens due to the applied voltage will affect the flux detected by the photoelectric receivers. It is proved according to Gaussian beam transmission theory that the light flux received by the phototube changes with time, which represents the relationship between the focal length and time and the dynamic characteristics of the liquid lens. Therefore, the intensity of output signal of photoelectric receiver reflects the focal length of liquid lens. A dynamic changing process of the focal length of a self-regulating varifocal liquid lens based on electrowetting technology is tested under alternating current signal. It shows that the focal length of the liquid lens changes with the corresponding amplitude and polarity of the sine voltage. In one cycle, 4 peak signals of 50 Hz appear in turn, and the peak amplitude increases with the increase of voltage. Peaks 1 and 2 are caused by the voltage polarity, while peaks 3 and 4 by the oscillation modes. This is due to the fact that the liquid surface changes with time in the spherical shape under low voltage, but it will generate new oscillation mode when the amplitude is high.
      通信作者: 徐荣青, xurq@njupt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61302155)、江苏省自然科学基金(批准号:BK20151508)和南京邮电大学基金(批准号:NY215163)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Xu Rong-Qing, xurq@njupt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61302155), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK20151508), and the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Foundation, China (Grant No. NY215163).

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    Yin X B, Liu Y J, Zhang L L, L Y L, Huo B F, Sun W M 2015Acta Phys. Sin. 64 184212(in Chinese)[尹向宝, 刘永军, 张伶莉, 吕月兰, 霍泊帆, 孙伟民2015 64 184212]


    McHale G, Brown C V, Sampara N 2013Nat. Commun. 4 1605


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    Ali H A A, Mohamed H A, Abdelgawad M 2015Biomicrofluidics 9 014115


    Jakub T Kedzierski, Richa B, Shaun B, Ingrid G, Behrouz A 2013J. Appl. Phys. 114 024901


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-02-17
  • 修回日期:  2016-08-23
  • 刊出日期:  2016-11-05

