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付柏山 廖奕 周俊



付柏山, 廖奕, 周俊

Dilution refrigerator and its heat transfer problems

Fu Bai-Shan, Liao Yi, Zhou Jun
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 在低温物理和量子信息科学等学科的研究中, 持续保持稳定的mK级低温是至关重要的. 稀释制冷机是用来获得极低温的制冷装置, 它利用了超流态4He与其同位素3He的混合溶液在超低温下的相分离效应. 热交换器的性能是决定连续循环工作制冷机性能的关键因素. 在极低温下, 氦与金属之间存在巨大的界面热阻(即卡皮查热阻), 利用多孔的烧结金属颗粒来提高接触面积, 可以有效地解决热交换问题. 因此, 研究极低温下金属颗粒与液氦之间的热交换, 并以此为指导研制高性能的银粉烧结换热器具有重要的应用价值.
    In the research of cryogenic physics and quantum information science, it is essential to maintain a steady low temperature of millikelvin regime continuously. Dilution refrigerator is a widely used refrigeration device to achieve extremely low temperature. It utilizes the phase separation effect of superfluid 4He and its isotope 3He mixed solution at ultra-low temperatures. The performance of heat exchanger is the key factor to determine the performance of continuous cycle refrigerating machine. At extremely low temperatures, there appears a huge interfacial thermal resistance between helium and metal (Kapitza resistance), and the problem of heat exchange can be effectively solved by using the porous sintered metal particles to increase the contact area. Therefore, it is of significance to study the heat exchange between metal particles and liquid helium at extremely low temperature and to develop the relevant high-performance sintered Ag powder heat exchanger.
      通信作者: 周俊, zhoujunzhou@njnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大项目(批准号: 11890703)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Jun, zhoujunzhou@njnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11890703).

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  • 图 1  3He-4He溶液相图, X3He的浓度

    Fig. 1.  Phase diagram of 3He-4He solution, where X is the concentration of 3He.

    图 2  稀释制冷机原理图, 箭头方向表示3He流动方向

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of dilution refrigerator (direction of arrows represent the flow direction of 3He).

    图 3  超低温稀释制冷机系统及其关键换热部件: 连续换热器和银粉烧结换热器(图片由南方科技大学量子科学与工程研究院提供)

    Fig. 3.  Ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerator system and its key components: Continuous heat exchanger and sintered Ag powder heat exchanger. (Image courtesy of Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology).

    图 4  金属纳米颗粒与3He液体之间的界面热阻. 圆点为实验值, 虚线为单金属颗粒计算值, 实线为考虑烧结颗粒中软声子模式后的计算值, 摘自文献[16]

    Fig. 4.  Interfacial thermal resistance between metal nanoparticles and liquid 3He. The dot is the experimental value, the dashed line is the calculated value of single metal particles, and the solid line is the calculated value after considering the soft phonon mode in the sintered particles, which is extracted from the Ref. [16].

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    郑茂文, 卫铃佼, 全加, 林鹏, 梁惊涛, 赵密广 2020 低温 4 211

    Zheng M W, Wei L J, Quan J, Lin P, Liang J T, Zhao M G 2020 Low Temp. Phys. Lett. 4 211


    Deng C, Huang Y, An M, Yang N 2021 Mater. Today Phys. 16 100305Google Scholar


    Deng S, Xiao C, Yuan J, Ma D, Li J, Yang N, He H 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 115 101603Google Scholar


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    Swartz E T, Pohl R O 1989 Rev. Mod. Phys. 61 605Google Scholar


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