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吴学由 梁金福



吴学由, 梁金福

Translation and nonspherical oscillation of single bubble in ultrasound field

Wu Xue-You, Liang Jin-Fu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基于摄动理论和广义伯努利方程, 推导出单气泡在超声场中径向振动方程、平移方程和气泡形变方程. 数值计算这3个方程, 可以得到气泡半径、气泡中心的位移和气泡形变随时间的演化图. 计算结果表明: 当气泡初始半径和驱动声压不变时, 气泡中心初始平移速度增大, 气泡径向振动几乎不变, 但气泡中心位移和形变量增大, 气泡非球形振动愈加明显. 当初始平移速度比较小时, 气泡的${R_{0}}\text {-}p_{\rm a}$相图中, 不稳定区域仅集中在高驱动声压区域. 随着气泡中心初始平移速度不断增大, 半径和驱动声压均较小的区域开始呈现不稳定性, 且整体不稳定空间范围逐渐增大. 另外, 气泡在声驻波场中不同位置呈现出不同的振动特征. 离波腹点越近的气泡, 其径向振动幅度越大, 但气泡的平移和形变量变化很小, ${R_{0}}\text {-} p_{\rm a}$相图中不稳定性区域平面分数之间的误差小于4%.
    Based on the perturbation theory and generalized Bernoulli equation, the equations describing the radius, translation and deformation of a single gas bubble in ultrasonic field are derived. The evolutions of the radius, displacement and deformation of the bubble with time can be obtained by numerically calculating these equations. The calculation results show that when the initial radius of the bubble and the driving pressure both keep constant, the displacement and shape variable of the bubble increase with the augment of the initial translational velocity of the bubble’s center, and the non-spherical vibration of the bubble becomes more intense. However, the radial vibration of the bubble almost remains unchanged. When the initial translation velocity of the bubble is relatively small, the unstable region is concentrated only in the region of high driving sound pressure in the $R_{0}\text-p_{\rm a}$ phase diagram of the bubble. As the initial translational velocity increases, the region with small radius and driving sound pressure begins to show instability, and the overall unstable region gradually increases. In addition, a bubble presents different vibration characteristics at different positions in the acoustic standing wave field. The closer to the antinode of sound wave the bubble is, the greater the radial amplitude of the bubble’s vibration is. However, the variable of the translation and shape of the bubble are very small. The error between the plane fractions of the unstable region in the phase diagram of $R_{0}\text{-} p_ {\rm a}$ is less than 4%.
      通信作者: 梁金福, jfliang@gznu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11864007, 11564006)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liang Jin-Fu, jfliang@gznu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11864007, 11564006)

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  • 图 1  含有气泡脉动、平移和形变的几何图形

    Fig. 1.  Geometry for single bubble with pulsation, translation and shape perturbation.

    图 2  不同初始平移速度$v_{x0}$下, (a)气泡径向半径、(b)气泡中心平移以及(c)气泡表面形变随时间的演化. $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $p_{\rm a}$ = 1.15 × 105 Pa

    Fig. 2.  Evolutions of (a) radius, (b) translation and (c) deformation with time for a cavitation bubble with different initial translational velocity ($v_{x0}$), respectively. $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $p_{\rm a}$ = 1.15 × 105 Pa

    图 3  不同初始平移速度条件下, 不同时刻气泡振动的形状 (a) $v_{x0}$ = 0; (b) $v_{x0}$ = 1 m/s; (c) $v_{x0}$ = 3 m/s; (d) $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s. 其中$R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $p_{\rm a}$ = 1.15 × 105 Pa

    Fig. 3.  Simulations of shapes of a gas bubble’s oscillation at different times under different initial translational velocity: (a) $v_{x0}$ = 0; (b) $v_{x0}$ = 1 m/s; (c) $v_{x0}$ = 3 m/s; (d) $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s. $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $p_{\rm a}$ = 1.15 × 105 Pa

    图 4  不同初始平移速度下, 气泡的${R_{0}}\text {-}$$p_{\rm a}$相图 (a) $v_{x0}$ = 0; (b) $v_{x0}$ = 1 m/s; (c) $v_{x0}$ = 3 m/s; (d) $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s. $p_{\rm a}= $$ 1.15$× 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm

    Fig. 4.  ${R_{0}}\text {-}$$p_{\rm a}$ phase diagram of a gas bubble under different initial translational velocity: (a) $v_{x0}$ = 0; (b) $v_{x0}$ = 1 m/s; (c) $v_{x0}$ = 3 m/s; (d) $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s. $p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm

    图 5  不同位置处, 气泡半径、平移位移和形变随时间的演化图像($p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s)

    Fig. 5.  Evolution of bubble’s radius, translation and deformation at different distance d from the antinodal point of acoustical wave. $p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s.

    图 6  不同位置处, 不同时刻气泡振动的形状($p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s) (a) d = 0; (b) d = λ/5; (c) d = λ/4; (d) d = λ/2

    Fig. 6.  Simulations of shapes of a gas bubble’s oscillation at different times at different distances from the antinodal of acoustical wave: (a) d = 0; (b) d = λ/5; (c) d = λ/4; (d) d = λ/2. $p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s.

    图 7  不同位置处, 气泡的$R_{0}$-$p_{\rm a}$相图($p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm,$v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s) (a) d = 0; (b) d = λ/5; (c) d = λ/4; (d) d = λ/2

    Fig. 7.  $R_{0}$-$p_{\rm a}$ phase diagrams of a gas bubble at different distances from the antinodal of acoustical wave: (a) d = 0; (b) d = λ/5; (c) d = λ/4; (d) d = λ/2. $p_{\rm a}=1.15$ × 105 Pa, $R_{0}$ = 4.5 µm, $v_{x0}$ = 5 m/s.

    表 1  数值计算中使用的物理量参数

    Table 1.  Physical parameters used in the numerical calculation.

    超声频率fHz2.5 × 104
    气泡内初始压强$ p_{0}$Pa1.013 × 105
    环境压强$ p_{\infty}$Pa1.013 × 105
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