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李军依 叶玉儿 凌晨 李林 刘泱 夏勇



李军依, 叶玉儿, 凌晨, 李林, 刘泱, 夏勇

Generation of focusing ring of metalens and its application in optical trapping of cold molecules

Li Jun-Yi, Ye Yu-Er, Ling Chen, Li Lin, Liu Yang, Xia Yong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 超表面可以对入射光场的相位、偏振、幅度等自由度进行精确调控, 为发展下一代基于量子态片上实验平台提供了一种新途径, 具有重要的应用前景. 本文提出了一种新型的超表面结构, 即具有不同占空比的硅结构光栅单元构成的超透镜, 在焦平面上可形成聚焦光环. 研究了在焦平面上环形光场的强度分布和不同数值孔径超透镜的聚焦特性. 采用这种超透镜聚焦光环来构建一个氟化镁(MgF)分子的光学存储环, 计算了MgF分子在聚焦光场中所受的光学势和偶极力, 对MgF分子束在存储环运动过程进行了Monte-Carlo模拟. 研究结果表明, 设计的超表面结构具有很好的聚焦特性, 聚焦光环的光场强度比入射光增强了55.1倍; 同时可以实现对MgF分子的装载并囚禁在表面存储环内.
    Metasurface can precisely control degrees of freedom of the phase, polarization, and amplitude of the incident light field. It provides a new way to develop the next generation of the experimental platform of quantum-state manipulation on-chip, which has important application prospects. This paper proposes a new type of metasurface structure, that is, a metalens composed of silicon grating elements with different duty ratios that can form a focusing ring on the focal plane. The intensity distribution of the ring light field in the focal plane and the focusing characteristics of metalens with different numerical apertures are studied. An optical storage ring of magnesium fluoride (MgF) molecule is constructed by using this kind of metalens focusing ring. The optical potential and dipole force of the MgF molecule in the focused light field are calculated, and the dynamic process of MgF molecule motion in the storage ring is simulated by the Monte-Carlo method. The research results show that for the incident light of 1064-nm radially polarized light, the designed metasurface structure has good focusing characteristics, and the light field intensity of the focusing ring is 55.1 times stronger than that of the incident light. The focal length of the annular light field is 22 μm and the full width at half maximum of the light intensity distribution in the focal plane is 0.8 μm, and the numerical aperture of the hyperlens is 0.69. The maximum dipole potential of MgF molecules in the light field is 32 μK, which can realize the loading of MgF molecules and trap them in the surface storage ring.
      通信作者: 刘泱, liuyang59@mail.sysu.edu.cn ; 夏勇, yxia@phy.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 91836103, 11974434)和广东省自然科学基金(批准号: 2020A1515011159)
      Corresponding author: Liu Yang, liuyang59@mail.sysu.edu.cn ; Xia Yong, yxia@phy.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91836103, 11974434) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(Grant No. 2020A1515011159)

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    McGilligan J P, Griffin P F, Elvin R, Ingleby S J, Riis E, Arnold A S 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1Google Scholar


    Zhu L, Liu X, Sain B, Wang M, Schlickriede C, Tang Y, Deng J, Li K, Yang J, Holynski M, Zhang S, Zentgraf T, Bongs K, Lien Y-H, Li G 2020 Sci. Adv. 6 eabb6667Google Scholar


    Barker D, Norrgard E, Klimov N, Fedchak J, Scherschligt J, Eckel S 2019 Phys. Rev. Appl. 11 064023Google Scholar


    Elvin R, Hoth G W, Wright M, Lewis B, McGilligan J P, Arnold A S, Griffin P F, Riis E 2019 Opt. Express 27 38359Google Scholar


    Cai W, Yu H, Xu S, Xia M, Li T, Yin Y, Xia Y, Yin J 2018 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 3049Google Scholar


    Yu H, Mao Z, Li J, Ye Y, Yin Y, Xia Y, Yin J 2020 J. Opt. 2 2


    Crompvoets F M, Bethlem H L, Jongma R T, Meijer G 2001 Nature 411 174Google Scholar


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    Anderegg L, Augenbraun B L, Bao Y, Burchesky S, Cheuk L W, Ketterle W, Doyle J M 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 890Google Scholar


    Yan K, Wei B, Yin Y, Xu S, Xu L, Xia M, Gu R, Xia Y, Yin J 2020 New J. Phys. 22 033003Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)单元结构的示意图, Si柱宽度为W, 高度为H, SiO2基底的在周期为P; (b)和(c)分别表示扫描单元衬底周期和占空比得到的相位、透射率二维图; (d)当P = 380 nm时, 相位和透射率分别与占空比之间的关系, 黑色实线为透射率曲线, 红色实线为相位变化曲线

    Fig. 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of the unit structure, the width of the Si column is W, the height is H, and the period of the SiO2 substrate is P; (b) and (c) represent the two-dimensional diagram of the phase and transmittance obtained by scanning the period and duty cycle of the unit structure, respectively; (d) when P = 380 nm, the dependence of the phase and transmittance on the duty cycle, respectively, the black solid line is the transmittance curve, and the red solid line is the phase change curve.

    图 2  超表面环形透镜设计原理图 (a)超表面环形光场形成的原理图; (b)半径方向截面光栅排布结构示意图; (c)当焦距f = 22 μm时, 对应的相位分布图, 红色实线为所需相位曲线, 蓝色原点为单元结构实际所需的分立相位值

    Fig. 2.  Design principle diagram of the metasurface ring lens: (a) Principle diagram of the formation of the ring light field; (b) layout structure diagram of the cross section of the half grating; (c) corresponding phase distribution for f = 22 μm, the red solid line is the required phase curve, and the blue dot is the discrete phase value required by the unit structure.

    图 3  超表面环形光场的光强分布 (a)焦平面上二维光强度分布; (b)焦平面上一维光强度分布

    Fig. 3.  Intensity distribution of ring light field on the metasurface: (a) Two-dimensional intensity distribution on focal plane; (b) one-dimensional intensity distribution on focal plane.

    图 4  数值孔径NA对焦平面上聚焦光环的最大光强的影响

    Fig. 4.  Effect of numerical aperture NA on the maximum intensity of the ring light field on the focal plane.

    图 5  MgF分子在环形聚焦光场中所受光学势和偶极力(见插图)

    Fig. 5.  Optical potential and dipole force(inset firure) of MgF molecule in ring focused light field.

    图 6  MgF分子束在存储环运动若干圈的飞行时间谱. 插图是探测原理示意图

    Fig. 6.  Time-of-flight spectrum of MgF molecular beam moving in the storage ring for several cycles. The illustration is the schematic diagram of molecule detection.

    图 7  单个MgF分子在表面储存环中运动运动轨迹图, 其中红色虚线为分子在储存环中运动的俯视图, 也就是运动轨迹在xoy平面的投影

    Fig. 7.  Motion trajectory of a single MgF molecule in the surface storage ring, in which the red dotted line is the top view of the motion of the molecule in the storage ring, that is, the projection of the motion trajectory on the xoy plane.

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    Kildishev A V, Boltasseva A, Shalaev V M 2013 Science 339 123009


    Genevet P, Capasso F, Aieta F, Khorasaninejad M, Devlin R 2017 Optica 4 139Google Scholar


    Chen W T, Zhu A Y, Capasso F 2020 Nat. Rev. Mater. 5 604Google Scholar


    Arbabi A, Arbabi E, Kamali S M, Horie Y, Han S, Faraon A 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 1


    Khorasaninejad M, Chen W T, Devlin R C, Oh J, Zhu A Y, Capasso F 2016 Science 352 1190Google Scholar


    Wang S, Wu P C, Su V C, Lai Y C, Chu C H, Chen J W, Lu S H, Chen J, Xu B, Kuan C H 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 1Google Scholar


    Wang S, Wu P C, Su V C, Lai Y C, Chen M K, Kuo H Y, Chen B H, Chen Y H, Huang T T, Wang J H 2018 Nat. Nanotech. 13 227Google Scholar


    Chen W T, Zhu A Y, Sanjeev V, Khorasaninejad M, Shi Z, Lee E, Capasso F 2018 Nature Nanotech. 13 220Google Scholar


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    肖行健, 祝世宁, 李涛 2020 红外与激光工程 49 61

    Xing X J, Zhu S N, Li T 2020 Infrared Laser Eng. 49 61


    欧凯, 郁菲茏, 陈金, 李冠海, 陈效双 2021 红外与激光工程 50 24

    Ou K, Yu F L, Chen J, Li G H, Chen X S 2021 Infrared Laser Eng. 50 24


    莫昊燃, 纪子韬, 郑义栋, 梁文耀, 虞华康, 李志远 2021 红外与激光工程 50 40

    Mo H R, Ji Z T, Zheng Y D, Liang W Y, Yu H K, Li Z Y 2021 Infrared Laser Eng. 50 40


    Reichel J, Hänsel W, Hänsch T 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 3398Google Scholar


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    Imhof E, Stuhl B K, Kasch B, Kroese B, Olson S E, Squires M B 2017 Phys. Rev. A 96 033636Google Scholar


    McGilligan J P, Griffin P F, Elvin R, Ingleby S J, Riis E, Arnold A S 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1Google Scholar


    Zhu L, Liu X, Sain B, Wang M, Schlickriede C, Tang Y, Deng J, Li K, Yang J, Holynski M, Zhang S, Zentgraf T, Bongs K, Lien Y-H, Li G 2020 Sci. Adv. 6 eabb6667Google Scholar


    Barker D, Norrgard E, Klimov N, Fedchak J, Scherschligt J, Eckel S 2019 Phys. Rev. Appl. 11 064023Google Scholar


    Elvin R, Hoth G W, Wright M, Lewis B, McGilligan J P, Arnold A S, Griffin P F, Riis E 2019 Opt. Express 27 38359Google Scholar


    Cai W, Yu H, Xu S, Xia M, Li T, Yin Y, Xia Y, Yin J 2018 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 3049Google Scholar


    Yu H, Mao Z, Li J, Ye Y, Yin Y, Xia Y, Yin J 2020 J. Opt. 2 2


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