提出了描述高空核爆炸碎片云运动的流体-磁流体-粒子(particle-in-cell, PIC)混合模型, 相较目前的主流模型, 该模型能够计算更加广泛的空间尺度. 根据碎片云运动涉及的高温离子、低温离子和中性大气的不同性质, 采用三种模型进行联合求解: 高温离子用PIC粒子模型计算, 低温离子用磁流体模型计算, 中性大气用流体模型计算, 并将三者之间的相互作用作为源项加入相应的控制方程. 最后, 计算了美国Starfish试验中碎片云的扩展情况, 与试验结果进行了比对, 并验证了求解方案的可靠性. 此外, 还给出了不同投影角度下碎片云形状随时间的变化, 并分析了影响碎片云运动的主要因素, 包括大气阻力、磁压、槽型不稳定性和霍尔电流等.
- 高空核爆炸 /
- 流体-磁流体-粒子混合模型 /
- 碎片云
A Hydro-Magneto-PIC (particle-in-cell) hybrid model is proposed to describe the motion of the fission debris in high altitude nuclear explosions (HANEs). Compared with the state-of-art numerical models, our model is able to stably compute the motion of the fission debris in a broader spatial region. In a real HANE, the physical process contains many spatial scales. The upward moving debris particles manifest kinetic properties due to the fact that the dilute ambient atmosphere and the downward expanding particles manifest a fluid-like pattern and can be approximated by the usual hydro-dynamical models. Meanwhile, the debris particles receive electromagnetic forces from both the geomagnetic fields and the charged particles at all frequencies. This broad scale of frequencies can induce large- and small-scale instabilities, which cannot be solved by the usual hydrodynamic equations. Considering the motions of the debris and the different properties of the high temperature ions, the low temperature ions and the neutral atmosphere, we consistently combine three models for completely describing the debris expansion. The high temperature ions are described by the PIC model for their intrinsic kinetic behaviors, the low temperature ions are described by the magneto-hydrodynamic model for their fluid property, and fluid equations are applied to the neutral particles with no electromagnetic force. The corresponding interactions among the three components are added into the equations as the source terms. With the combination of the three models, our algorithm can stably calculate the regions that are a few thousand kilometers in altitude. Our proposed model contains both the kinetic and fluid properties, and is stable in numerical implementations. Finally, we calculate the debris motion in the Starfish experiment. The results confirm a consistency of our proposed model with the observations. The spatial scale of our simulation results is consistent with the result in the Starfish experiment. In addition, we also plot the distribution of the debris with different projection angles at various snapshots. These results give us an intuition to understand the influence of the various factors, such as the friction of atmosphere, the magnetic pressure, flute instability and the Hall currents. Our model provides a tool for implementing the HANE simulation in a broader scheme, and can also be utilized in other plasma systems.[1] Trelat S, Sochet I, Autrusson B, Cheval K, Loiseau O 2007 J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 5 4
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Wang J G, Niu S L, Zhang D H 2010 Parameter Hand Book of High Attitude Nuclear Detonation Effects (Bejing: Atomic Energy Press) p37 (in Chinese)
[1] Trelat S, Sochet I, Autrusson B, Cheval K, Loiseau O 2007 J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 5 4
[2] Winske D, Omidi N 1990 Geophys. Res. Lett. 17 2297
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[3] Drake J F, Mulbrandon M, Huba J D 1988 Phys. Fluids 31 3412
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[4] [5] Hideo A, Ikuo I, Toyoaki H, Futoshi O 1981 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 50 2729
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[6] Kopecky V 1968 Nucl. Fusion 8 313
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[7] Stirling A C 1965 J. Geophys. Res. 70 3161
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[8] Longmire C L, Hobbs W E 1997 Fireball Effects in Late-time Emp From Surface Bursts (Santa Barbara: Mission Research Corp) AD-A-066604
[9] [10] Durney A C, Elliot H, Hynds R J, Quenby J J 1962 Nature 195 1245
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[11] Hess W N 1963 J. Geophys. Res. 68 667
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[12] Unterberger R R, Byerly P E 1962 J. Geophys. Res. 67 4929
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[13] Baker R C, Strome W M 1962 J. Geophys. Res. 67 4927
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[14] Siebert K, Witt E 2019 Nominal Waveforms for Late-time High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) DTRA-TR-19-41
[15] Stuart G W 1965 Phys. Fluids 8 603
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[16] 乔登江, 华鸣 1986 抗核加固 3 98
Qiao D J, Hua M 1986 Antinuclear Hardening 3 98
[17] 杨斌, 牛胜利, 朱金辉, 黄流兴 2012 61 202801
Google Scholar
Yang B, Niu S L, Zhu J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 202801
Google Scholar
[18] John Z, Herman H, Albert G 1966 Radiation Trapped (Dordrech: Springer) p671
[19] Douglas S H 1982 J. Comput. Phys. 47 452
Google Scholar
[20] Brecht S H, Orens J H 1983 Study of Field Aligned Plasma Acceleration during a HANE Ad-A141340
[21] Thomas V A, Brecht S H 1986 Phys. Fluids 29 2444
Google Scholar
[22] Morrow D P 2014 Master Dissertation (Calhoun: Institutional Archive of the Naval Postgraduate School)
[23] Holmstrom M 2013 ASP Conference Series 474 202
[24] Thomas V A, Brecht S H 1987 J. Geophys. Res. 92 2289
Google Scholar
[25] Bai X N, Caprioli D, Sironi L, Spitkovsky A 2015 Astrophys. J. 809 55
Google Scholar
[26] Dan H H, Alfred M K, Austin A O 1977 Physics of High-altitude Nuclear Burst Effects DNA 4501F
[27] James M S, Thomas A G 2008 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 178 137
Google Scholar
[28] 王建国, 牛胜利, 张殿辉 2010 高空核爆炸效应参数手册 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第37页
Wang J G, Niu S L, Zhang D H 2010 Parameter Hand Book of High Attitude Nuclear Detonation Effects (Bejing: Atomic Energy Press) p37 (in Chinese)
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