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孙永丰 徐亮 沈先春 王钰豪 徐寒杨 刘文清



孙永丰, 徐亮, 沈先春, 王钰豪, 徐寒杨, 刘文清

Calibration method of instrument line shape for infrared radiometer

Sun Yong-Feng, Xu Liang, Shen Xian-Chun, Wang Yu-Hao, Xu Han-Yang, Liu Wen-Qing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 针对大口径干涉型红外光谱辐射计, 分析了不平行于主光轴的入射光, 对理想仪器线型函数的影响. 本文系统介绍了对仪器线型函数产生影响的截断效应、有限视场效应、离轴效应和离焦效应, 并通过HITRAN数据库对理想的水汽吸收光谱进行仿真, 建立了仪器线型函数误差与光谱畸变的定量关系. 根据仿真结果, 提出了因子权重校正算法. 利用水汽吸收的仿真数据对因子权重校正算法进行验证, 光谱漂移从0.51 cm–1降低到0.01 cm–1以下. 通过自研干涉型红外光谱辐射计对标准黑体的观测实验, 验证因子权重校正算法的准确性, 实测数据的光谱漂移从0.226 cm–1降低到0.012 cm–1, 校正后的光谱数据更为准确.
    Interferometric infrared spectral radiometer has high luminous flux and large passing aperture, so the spectral data collected by the instrument are the convolution of the target spectral data and the instrument line shape (ILS). The main factors affecting the ILS include truncation effect, finite field of view effect, off-axis effect, defocus effect and relative position of detector and so on. In this paper the truncation effect, finite field of view effect, off-axis effect and defocus effect on ILS are expounded. These ILS errors all cause the ideal spectrum to drift towards the low wave number and widen. In this paper, the ideal absorption spectrum of water vapor is simulated by the line-by-line integration, through using MATLAB software and combining with the data of water vapor spectrum in HITRAN database, and the quantitative relationship between the error of instrument linear function and spectral distortion is established. According to the simulation results, a factor weight correction algorithm is proposed. It is believed that with this method, the error spectrum caused by ILS has the same optical properties as the ideal spectrum, but the optical path difference is different. Therefore, the coefficient matrix H can be constructed to establish the quantitative relationship between the error spectrum and the ideal spectrum, and the error spectrum can be corrected by using Landweber iterative algorithm. In this paper, the simulation data of water vapor absorption are used to verify the factor weight correction algorithm, and the spectral drift decreases from 0.51 cm–1 to less than 0.01 cm–1. The accuracy of the factor weight correction algorithm is verified by the experimental observation of the standard black body with self-developed interferometric infrared spectral radiometer. The spectral drift of the measured data decreases from 0.226 cm–1 to 0.012 cm–1, and the corrected spectral data are more accurate.
      通信作者: 徐亮, xuliang@aiofm.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目(批准号: QYZDY-SSW-DQC016)、安徽省重点研究和开发计划(批准号: 1804d08020300)、国家自然科学基金专项 (批准号: 41941011)和国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2016YFC0201002, 2016YFC0803001-08)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Xu Liang, xuliang@aiofm.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. QYZDY-SSW-DQC016), the Key Research and Development Plan of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. 1804d08020300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41941011), and the National Key Research and Development Project, China (Grant Nos. 2016YFC0201002, 2016YFC0803001-08)

    刘文清, 陈臻懿, 刘建国, 谢品华, 张天舒, 阚瑞峰, 徐亮 2018 中国环境监测 34 1Google Scholar

    Liu W Q, Chen Z R, Liu J G, Xie P H, Zhang T S, Kan R F, Xu L 2018 Envir. Monitor. China 34 1Google Scholar


    Xiao H K, Levine S P, Nowak J, Puskar M, Spear R C 1993 Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 54 545Google Scholar


    Rehault J, Borrego-Varillas R, Oriana A, Manzoni C, Hauri C P, Helbing J, Cerullo G 2017 Opt. Express 25 4403Google Scholar


    徐亮, 刘建国, 高闽光, 陆亦怀, 刘文清, 张天舒, 魏秀丽, 赵雪松, 朱军, 陈华 2007 大气与环境光学学报 2 60Google Scholar

    Xu L, Liu J G, Gao M G, Lu Y H, Liu W Q, Zhang T S, Wei X L, Zhao X S, Zhu J, Chen H 2007 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 2 60Google Scholar


    金岭, 徐亮, 高闽光, 童晶晶, 程巳阳, 李相贤 2013 大气与环境光学学报 8 416Google Scholar

    Jin L, Xu L, Gao M G, Dong J J, Cheng S Y, Li X X 2013 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 8 416Google Scholar


    Shen X C, Ye S B, Xu L, Hu R, Jin L, Xu H Y, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 5794Google Scholar


    Hase F, Blumenstock T, Paton-Walsh C 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 3417Google Scholar


    Wiacek A, Taylor J R, Strong K, Saari R, Kerzenmacher T E, Jones N B, Griffith D W T 2007 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 24 432Google Scholar


    Han Y, Revercomb H, Cromp M, et al. 2013 J Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118 12734Google Scholar


    张磊, 杨敏珠, 邹曜璞, 韩昌佩 2015 光学精密工程 23 3322Google Scholar

    Zhang L, Yang M Z, Zou Y P, Han C P 2015 Opt. Prec. Eng. 23 3322Google Scholar


    Xu L, Wang J, Liu J G, Gao M G, Lu Y H, Liu W Q, Wei X L, Zhang T S, Chen 徐H, Liu Z M 2007 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 2 218Google Scholar

    徐亮, 王君, 刘建国, 高闽光, 陆亦怀, 刘文清, 魏秀丽, 张天舒, 陈华, 刘志明 2007 大气与环境光学学报 2 218Google Scholar


    熊伟, 施海亮, 俞能海 2015 光谱学与光谱分析 35 267Google Scholar

    Xiong W, Shi H L, Yu N H 2015 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 35 267Google Scholar


    Saarinen P, Kauppinen J 1992 Appl. Opt. 31 2353Google Scholar


    Salonen K I, Salomaa I K, Kauppinen J K 1995 Appl. Opt. 34 1190Google Scholar


    冯明春, 徐亮, 刘文清, 刘建国, 高闽光, 魏秀丽 2016 65 168Google Scholar

    Feng M C, Xu L, Liu W Q, Liu J G, Gao M G, Wei X L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 168Google Scholar


    冯明春, 刘文清, 徐亮, 高闽光, 魏秀丽, 童晶晶, 李相贤, 陈军 2015 光学学报 35 0423002Google Scholar

    Feng M C, Liu W Q, Xu L, Gao M G, Wei X L, Tong J J, Li X X, Chen J 2015 Act. Opt. Sini. 35 0423002Google Scholar


    Grohs P, Kereta Z, Wiesmann U 2016 Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process. 14 1650032Google Scholar


    Dicke R H 1953 Phys. Rev. 89 472Google Scholar


    Penner S S, Kavanagh R W 1953 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 43 385Google Scholar


    He J, Zhang Q G 2013 Optik 124 5245Google Scholar


    徐亮, 刘建国, 高闽光, 陆亦怀, 刘文清, 魏秀丽, 张天舒, 陈华, 刘志明 2008 光谱学与光谱分析 28 1052Google Scholar

    Xu L, Liu J G, Gao M G, Lu Y H, Liu W Q, Wei X L, Zhang T S, Chen H, Liu Z M 2008 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 28 1052Google Scholar

  • 图 1  波数1555 cm–1和1580 cm–1入射光不同动镜运动距离干涉数据和复原光谱

    Fig. 1.  Wavenumber 1555 cm–1 and 1580 cm–1 interferometric data and reconstructed spectra of different moving distance of incident light.

    图 2  有限视场效应光路示意图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of finite field-of-view effect light path.

    图 3  离焦效应与离轴效应光路示意图

    Fig. 3.  Diagram of light path of defocus effect and off-axis effect

    图 4  理想光谱与误差光谱权重关系示意图

    Fig. 4.  Diagram of weight relation between ideal spectrum and error spectrum.

    图 5  水汽吸收光谱仿真及校正流程图

    Fig. 5.  Flow chart of water vapor absorption spectrum simulation and correction.

    图 6  (a)水汽透过率谱; (b)包含水汽吸收峰的辐亮度谱

    Fig. 6.  (a) Water vapor transmittance spectrum; (b) radiance spectra containing water vapor absorption peaks.

    图 7  100 ℃时水汽的理想吸收光谱、仪器线型函数误差光谱与校正光谱

    Fig. 7.  Ideal absorption spectra of water vapor at 100 ℃, error spectra of instrument linear function and correction spectra.

    图 8  100 ℃黑体光源不同视场光阑复原光谱图

    Fig. 8.  Resurrected spectrum of 100 ℃ blackbody source with different field of view by diaphragm.

    图 9  100 ℃黑体光源不同视场光阑复原光谱归一化光谱图

    Fig. 9.  Normalized spectral images of 100 ℃ black-body light source with different field of view apertures.

    图 10  波数为1465. 2 $ {\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}}^{-1} $的水汽吸收峰校正前后对比

    Fig. 10.  Comparison of water vapor absorption peak with wave number of 1465. 2 $ {\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}}^{-1} $ before and after correction.

    表 1  100 ℃黑体光源孔径光阑为11 mm光谱校正前后波数误差对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of wave number errors before and after spectral correction of 11 mm aperture diaphragm of 100 ℃ blackbody light source.

    Wavenumbers /$ {\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}}^{-1} $
    shift /$ {\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}}^{-1} $
    Error-reduction value/$ {\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}}^{-1} $
    Measured spectrumCorrection spectrum
    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

    刘文清, 陈臻懿, 刘建国, 谢品华, 张天舒, 阚瑞峰, 徐亮 2018 中国环境监测 34 1Google Scholar

    Liu W Q, Chen Z R, Liu J G, Xie P H, Zhang T S, Kan R F, Xu L 2018 Envir. Monitor. China 34 1Google Scholar


    Xiao H K, Levine S P, Nowak J, Puskar M, Spear R C 1993 Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 54 545Google Scholar


    Rehault J, Borrego-Varillas R, Oriana A, Manzoni C, Hauri C P, Helbing J, Cerullo G 2017 Opt. Express 25 4403Google Scholar


    徐亮, 刘建国, 高闽光, 陆亦怀, 刘文清, 张天舒, 魏秀丽, 赵雪松, 朱军, 陈华 2007 大气与环境光学学报 2 60Google Scholar

    Xu L, Liu J G, Gao M G, Lu Y H, Liu W Q, Zhang T S, Wei X L, Zhao X S, Zhu J, Chen H 2007 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 2 60Google Scholar


    金岭, 徐亮, 高闽光, 童晶晶, 程巳阳, 李相贤 2013 大气与环境光学学报 8 416Google Scholar

    Jin L, Xu L, Gao M G, Dong J J, Cheng S Y, Li X X 2013 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 8 416Google Scholar


    Shen X C, Ye S B, Xu L, Hu R, Jin L, Xu H Y, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 5794Google Scholar


    Hase F, Blumenstock T, Paton-Walsh C 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 3417Google Scholar


    Wiacek A, Taylor J R, Strong K, Saari R, Kerzenmacher T E, Jones N B, Griffith D W T 2007 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 24 432Google Scholar


    Han Y, Revercomb H, Cromp M, et al. 2013 J Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118 12734Google Scholar


    张磊, 杨敏珠, 邹曜璞, 韩昌佩 2015 光学精密工程 23 3322Google Scholar

    Zhang L, Yang M Z, Zou Y P, Han C P 2015 Opt. Prec. Eng. 23 3322Google Scholar


    Xu L, Wang J, Liu J G, Gao M G, Lu Y H, Liu W Q, Wei X L, Zhang T S, Chen 徐H, Liu Z M 2007 J. Atmosph. Environ. Opt. 2 218Google Scholar

    徐亮, 王君, 刘建国, 高闽光, 陆亦怀, 刘文清, 魏秀丽, 张天舒, 陈华, 刘志明 2007 大气与环境光学学报 2 218Google Scholar


    熊伟, 施海亮, 俞能海 2015 光谱学与光谱分析 35 267Google Scholar

    Xiong W, Shi H L, Yu N H 2015 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 35 267Google Scholar


    Saarinen P, Kauppinen J 1992 Appl. Opt. 31 2353Google Scholar


    Salonen K I, Salomaa I K, Kauppinen J K 1995 Appl. Opt. 34 1190Google Scholar


    冯明春, 徐亮, 刘文清, 刘建国, 高闽光, 魏秀丽 2016 65 168Google Scholar

    Feng M C, Xu L, Liu W Q, Liu J G, Gao M G, Wei X L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 168Google Scholar


    冯明春, 刘文清, 徐亮, 高闽光, 魏秀丽, 童晶晶, 李相贤, 陈军 2015 光学学报 35 0423002Google Scholar

    Feng M C, Liu W Q, Xu L, Gao M G, Wei X L, Tong J J, Li X X, Chen J 2015 Act. Opt. Sini. 35 0423002Google Scholar


    Grohs P, Kereta Z, Wiesmann U 2016 Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process. 14 1650032Google Scholar


    Dicke R H 1953 Phys. Rev. 89 472Google Scholar


    Penner S S, Kavanagh R W 1953 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 43 385Google Scholar


    He J, Zhang Q G 2013 Optik 124 5245Google Scholar


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