纳米颗粒及其阵列结构的光学性能与颗粒本身的表面等离子体共振及周期结构参数密切相关.本文根据Mie散射理论和多极子振荡理论,研究了光在银球型纳米颗粒及阵列中的传输性质.对于单个纳米颗粒,当颗粒半径小于50 nm时,消光峰由电偶极子共振产生;当半径大于50 nm时,除电偶极子振荡产生的消光峰外,在短波处将出现由电四极子共振产生的消光峰,且两种极子的共振频率随颗粒半径的增加而减小.由电偶极子共振产生的消光峰位置的理论计算结果与实验结果相符合.对于由球形颗粒组成的无限大二维周期阵列,消光峰主要由单个颗粒产生的消光峰和Wood-Rayleigh反常衍射造成的消光峰组成.通过控制纳米颗粒的尺寸、形状以及阵列的周期、排列方式,可以调节两种极子的共振峰位.本文的结果将对设计具有特定光学性能的纳米结构产生重要的实际意义.The optical properties of nanoparticles and their array are closely related to their surface plasmon resonance of the particle and periodic structure parameters. In this paper, optical response features of single Ag nanosphere and periodical two-dimensional structure arrays are theoretically studied. The Mie theories and the multipole resonance theory are employed in the simulation. For Ag spheres each with a radius of less than 40 nm, one extinction peak can be observed and attributed to electric dipole resonance. When the radius of Ag sphere is more than 40 nm, apart from the peak contributed by the electric dipole, there is a peak of extinction at short wavelength, caused by resonance of the electric quadrupole. Generally, the frequency of multipole resonance decreases with increasing particle radius. The simulated results are in accord with the experimental data. For an infinite two-dimensional Ag-nanosphere arrays, two resonance peaks come from the dipole resonance of single particle and the Wood-Rayleigh anomalous diffraction. The frequency of multipole resonance can be controlled by tuning the size and the periodicity distribution of arrays. This paper provides a significant method to design advanced nanostructures with particular optical properties.
- Ag-nanoparticle /
- periodical arrays /
- extinction efficiency /
- multipole resonance
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[1] Akerman M E, Chan W C W, Laakkonen P, Bhatia S N, Ruoslahti E 2002 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99 12617
[2] Santra S, Zhang P, Wang K M, Tapec R, Tan W H 2001 Anal. Chem. 73 4988
[3] Meng L J, Zhang K W, Zhong J X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1009 (in Chinese)[孟利军, 张凯旺, 钟建新2007 56 1009]
[4] Wang Z Y, Zhang R J, Wang S Y, Lu M, Chen X, Zheng Y X, Chen L Y, Ye Z, Wang C Z, Ho K M 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 7810
[5] Yerci S, Li R, Dal Negro L 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 081109
[6] McMahon J M, Schatz G C, Gray S K 2013 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 5415
[7] Liu Y H, Zi W, Liu S Z, Yan B J 2015 Sol. Energy. Mater. Sol. Cells 140 180
[8] Kim U J, Yoo S, Park Y, Shin M, Kim J, Jeong H, Baik C W, Roh Y G, Lee J, Im K, Son H, Hwang S, Lee C W, Park S 2015 Acs Photonics 2 506
[9] Cottancin E, Celep G, Lerme J, Pellarin M, Huntzinger J R, Vialle J L, Broyer M 2006 Theor. Chem. Acc. 116 514
[10] Huang W Y, Qian W, El-Sayed M A 2005 J. Phys. Chem. B 109 18881
[11] Paramelle D, Sadovoy A, Gorelik S, Free P, Hobley J, Fernig D G 2014 Analyst 139 4855
[12] Chen F Y, Johnston R L 2009 Plasmonics 4 147
[13] Lazzari R, Jupille J, Cavallotti R, Simonsen I 2014 J. Phys. Chem. C 118 7032
[14] Bohren C F, Huffman D R 1983 Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles. (New York:Wiley) pp99-101
[15] Draine B T, Flatau P J 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 1491
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[17] Lerme J, Bonnet C, Broyer M, Cottancin E, Marhaba S, Pellarin M 2008 Phys. Rev. B 77 245406
[18] Li S Q, Qi W H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 117802 (in Chinese)[李思祺, 齐卫宏2014 63 117802]
[19] Yin C, Xu T, Chen B Y, Han Q B 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 164202 (in Chinese)[殷澄, 许田, 陈秉岩, 韩庆邦2015 64 164202]
[20] Almpanis E, Papanikolaou N 2016 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 33 99
[21] Evlyukhin A B, Reinhardt C, Seidel A, Luk'yanchuk B S, Chichkov B N 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 045404
[22] Auguie B, Barnes W L 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 143902
[23] Agnihotri S, Mukherji S, Mukherji S 2014 Rsc Adv. 4 3974
[24] Fedotov V A, Rogacheva A V, Savinov V, Tsai D P, Zheludev N I 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 2967
[25] Miroshnichenko A E, Evlyukhin A B, Yu Y F, Bakker R M, Chipouline A, Kuznetsov A I, Luk'yanchuk B, Chichkov B N, Kivshar Y S 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8069
[26] Rayleigh L 1907 Philos. Mag. 14 60
[27] Hessel A, Oliner A A 1965 Appl. Opt. 4 1275
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