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李柱松 朱泰山



李柱松, 朱泰山

Continuum modeling of thermal transport in superlattices and layered materials for new energy matierlas

Li Zhu-Song, Steven Zhu
  • 层状材料和超晶格结构为提高热电材料和隔热涂层提供了新的设计思路, 并成为最近的研究热点. 应用连续波动方程和线性阻尼理论, 本文研究了此类材料中的声子输运特性. 给出了在整个相空间里的界面调制和声子局域化效应, 得出了超晶格材料热导率的上极限和下极限; 同时, 分析表明界面锐化加强了声子带隙, 使得部分模态的声子局域化加强. 最后, 通过对石墨烯/氮化硼超晶格(G/hBN)和硅/锗超晶格的分子模拟(Si/Ge), 验证了该理论模型. 该方法适用于所有的层状材料和超晶格结构, 对此类新能源材料的设计提供了普适的设计思路.
    Both high-efficient thermoelectric materials and thermal insulating coatings requiring low thermal conductivities, layered materials and superlattices prove to be an efficient multiscale material design for such requirements. The interfaces are artificially introduced to scatter thermal phonons, thus hindering thermal transport. Very recently, it has been found that interface modulation can further reduce the thermal conductivity. All of the recent advances originate from highly demanding numerical computations. An efficient estimate of the thermal properties is important for fast and/or high-throughput calculations. In this article, the phonon transport on layered material is studied theoretically for general purposes, based on the fact that long-wavelength phonons contribute dominantly in general. According to the Debye hypothesis, the classical wave equation can describe phonon transport very well. This fact has been very recently used to model phonon transport carbon nanotubes, which justifies the applicability of continuum mechanics for nanomaterials. Furthermore, Kronig and Penny have solved the electron transport on periodic lattices. In a very similar way, for the periodic layered materials and superlattices, with Floquet and linear attenuation theory, the wave equations with and without damping are solved analytically. The wave equation decouples to Helmholtz equations in each direction with periodic excitation functions. In this paper, we propose to model the phonon transport by using Matthew-Hill equation, with which we can obtain the phonon spectrum (i.e. phonon dispersion relation). The proposed theory is justified by two-dimensional (2D) graphene/hexagon boron nitride superlattice and three-dimensional (3D) silicon/germanium superlattices. Like the carbon nanotube cases, using this continuum-mechanics method, we can reproduce the previous numerical results very quickly compared with using published molecular dynamics and density functional theory The effects of interface modulation and phonon localization are shown over full phase space, which further enables the calculating of both high and low bounds of thermal conductivity for all possible superlattices and layered materials. In order to model real interfaces, with considering possible mixing and transition due to other mechanisms, we use the smooth transition function, which is further modeled via sinusoidal series. Very interestingly, interface grading is shown to erase band gaps and delocalize modes. This fact has been seldom reported and can be helpful for designing real materials. Likewise, we take phonon damping (equivalent to inter-phonon scattering) into account by adding damping into the wave equation. It is observed that phonon damping smears the originally sharp boundaries of phonon phase space. In this way, evanescent phonons and transporting phonons can be treated simultaneously on the same footing. The proposed method can be used for modeling the efficient and general thermal materials
      通信作者: 李柱松, zhusongli922@gmail.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: DMR-0934206)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Zhu-Song, zhusongli922@gmail.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. DMR-0934206).

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    Dresselhaus M S, Chen G, Tang M Y, Yang R G, Lee H, Wang D Z, Ren Z F, Fleurial J P, Gogna P 2007 Adv. Mater. 19 1043


    Heremans J P, Dresselhaus M S, Bell L E, Morelli D T 2013 Nat. Nanotechnol. 8 471


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    Nolas G S, Sharp J, Goldsmid H J 2001 Thermoelectrics: Basic Principles and New Materials Developments (Berlin: Springer) pp12-23


    Tsu R 2011 Superlattice to Nanoelectronics (Boston: Elsevier) pp1-7


    Chen G 1997 J. Heat Trans. 119 220


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    Hicks L D, Harman T C, Dresselhaus M S 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 3230


    Zhu T, Ertekin E 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 195209


    Li X D, Yu S, Wu S Q, Wen Y H, Zhou S, Zhu Z Z 2013 J. Phys. Chem. C 117 15347


    Lindsay L, Broido D A 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 205441


    Lindsay L, Broido D A 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 155421


    Zhu T, Ye W 2010 Phys. Rev. E 82 036308


    Zhu T, Ye W 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 056316


    Zhu T, Ye W 2010 Num. Heat Trans. B 57 203


    Zhu T, Ye W 2012 J. Heat Trans. 134 051013


    Guo Z, Xu K 2016 arXiv:1602.01680v1


    Liu H, Xu K, Zhu T, Ye W 2012 Comput. Fluids 67 115


    Munoz E, Lu H, Yakobson B I 2010 Nano Lett. 10 1652


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    van der Pol B, Strutt M J O 1928 Phil. Mag. 5 18


    McLachlan N W 1964 Theory and Applications of Mathieu Functions (New York: Dover) pp11-23


    Magnus W, Winkler S 1966 Hill's Equation (New York: Interscience) pp7-13


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    Kwong M K, Wong J S W 2006 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 320 37


    Ruby L 1996 Am. J. Phys. 64 39


    Gutierrez-Vega J C 2003 Am. J. Phys. 71 233


    Kittel C 1996 Introduction to Solid State Physics (New York: Wiley) pp180-182


    Simkin M V, Mahan G D 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 927


    Zhu T, Ertekin E 2016 arXiv:1602.02419


    Savic I, Donadio D, Gygi F, Galli G 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 073113


    Chalopin Y, Esfarjani K, Henry A, Volz S, Chen G 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 195302


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-02-22
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