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孙波 吴加贵 王顺天 吴正茂 夏光琼



孙波, 吴加贵, 王顺天, 吴正茂, 夏光琼

Theoretical and experimental investigation on the narrow-linewidth photonic microwave generation based on parallel polarized optically injected 1550 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser

Sun Bo, Wu Jia-Gui, Wang Shun-Tian, Wu Zheng-Mao, Xia Guang-Qiong
  • 提出一种基于1550 nm垂直腔表面发射激光器(1550 nm-VCSEL)获取高质量微波信号的全光方案. 在该方案中, 采用波长位于VCSEL中被抑制模式的中心波长附近、振动方向与VCSEL中主导模式相同的偏振光注入(即平行注入) 1550 nm-VCSEL获取高频微波, 并借助双光反馈对该高频微波的线宽进行窄化. 一方面, 基于VCSEL的自旋反转模型, 从理论上分析了采用该方案产生微波信号的可行性; 另一方面, 通过构建相应的实验系统, 对该方案产生的微波的特性进行初步实验研究. 实验结果表明: 在合适的注入条件下, 1550 nm-VCSEL能够产生30 GHz左右的微波信号, 但该信号的线宽较宽(百兆水平); 引入双光反馈后, 微波线宽可被压窄两个数量级以上, 得到了线宽低于1 MHz、信噪比大于40 dB的微波信号.
    Photonic microwave generation has attracted much attention in recent years due to its potential applications in various fields such as radio-over-fiber communication, signal processing and radar systems. So far, different photonic microwave generation schemes have been proposed and investigated, such as the optical heterodyne method based on the beat of two independent lasers with a certain wavelength difference, the external modulation method based on electro-optical modulator, the dual-mode beat method based on the monolithic dual-mode semiconductor lasers, and the optoelectronic microwave oscillator method based on optoelectronic feedback loops. These schemes have their own advantages and deficiencies. Unlike the above schemes, in this paper we propose an all optical scheme for generating high-quality microwave based on a 1550 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (1550 nm-VCSEL). For such a scheme, high frequency microwave can be obtained based on a 1550 nm-VCSEL subjected to external optical injection, where the polarization of the injected light is the same as that of the dominant mode of the free-running 1550 nm-VCSEL (named parallel-polarized optical injection) and its wavelength is adjusted to being close to the wavelength of the suppressed polarization mode of the free-running 1550 nm-VCSEL. With the aid of double optical feedback, the linewidth of the obtained microwave can be narrowed. In this work, firstly, the feasibility of microwave generation based on parallel-polarized optically injected 1550 nm-VCSEL is analyzed theoretically by using the spin-flip model. Next, a corresponding experimental system is constructed, and the performance of microwave generation is preliminarily investigated experimentally. The experimental results show that 30 GHz microwave signals could be obtained based on a parallel-polarized, optically injected 1550 nm-VCSEL under suitable injection parameters, but the linewidth of microwave signal is relatively wide (hundreds of MHz). Finally, after introducing double optical feedback, the linewidth of microwave signal can be reduced by more than two orders of magnitude and narrowed to less than 1 MHz, meanwhile the signal-noise ratio is larger than 40 dB. This work is helpful to develop relevant techniques to acquire high-performance narrow linewidth photonic microwave.
      通信作者: 吴加贵, mgh@swu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61178011, 61275116, 61475127, 11474233, 61575163)、重庆市高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划(批准号: 102060-20600512)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: XDJK2013B037, SWU114004)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Jia-Gui, mgh@swu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61178011, 61275116, 61475127, 11474233, 61575163), the Foundation of Chongqing College Key Yung Teachers, China (Grant No. 102060-20600512), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. XDJK2013B037, SWU114004).

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    Yao J P 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 314


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    Pan B W, Lu D, Sun Y, Yu L Q, Zhang L M, Zhao L J 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 6395


    Hyodo M, Abedin K S, Onodera N 1999 Opt. Commun. 171 159


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    Liu W S, Jiang M, Chen D, He S L 2009 J. Lightw. Technol. 27 4455


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    Chan S C, Liu J M 2006 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 42 699


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    Niu S X, Wang Y C, He H C, Zhang M J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7241 (in Chinese) [牛生晓, 王云才, 贺虎成, 张明江 2009 58 7241]


    Chan S C 2010 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46 421


    Juan Y S, Lin F Y 2011 IEEE Photon. J. 3 644


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    Fan L, Wu Z M, Deng T, Wu J G, Tan X, Chen J J, Mao S, Xia G Q 2014 J. Light. Technol. 32 4660


    Miguel M S, Feng Q, Moloney J V 1995 Phys. Rev. A 52 1728


    Regalado J M, Prati F, Miguel M S, Abraham N B 1997 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 33 765


    Altes J B, Gatare I, Panajotov K, Thienpont H, Sciamanna M 2006 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 42 198


    Liu J, Wu Z M, Xia G Q 2009 Opt. Express 17 12619


    Li N Q, Pan W, Yan L S, Luo B, Xu M F, Jiang N 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 060502


    Jiang N, Pan W, Luo B, Xiang S Y, Yang L 2012 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 24 1094


    Xiang S Y, Pan W, Li N Q, Yan L S, Luo B, Zhang L Y, Zhu H N 2013 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 49 274


    Quirce A, Valle A 2012 Opt. Express 20 13390


    Chen Y L, Wu Z M, Tang X, Lin X D, Wei Y, Xia G Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 104207 (in Chinese) [陈于淋, 吴正茂, 唐曦, 林晓东, 魏月, 夏光琼 2013 62 104207]


    Perez P, Quirce A, Valle A, Consoli A, Noriega I, Pesquera L, Esquivias I 2015 IEEE Photon. J. 7 5500614


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    Seyab R A, Schires K, Khan N A, Hurtado A, Henning I D, Adams M J 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 17 1242


    Torre M S, Hurtado A, Quirce A, Valle A, Pesquera L, Adams M J 2011 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 47 92


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  • 收稿日期:  2015-08-25
  • 修回日期:  2015-09-07
  • 刊出日期:  2016-01-05

