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杨敏 李小平 刘彦明 石磊 谢楷



杨敏, 李小平, 刘彦明, 石磊, 谢楷

Propagation of electromagnetic signals in the time-varying plasma

Yang Min, Li Xiao-Ping, Liu Yan-Ming, Shi Lei, Xie Kai
  • 高速飞行器等离子鞘套由于飞行姿态调整、湍流、非均匀烧蚀等因素的影响,使其等离子体参数存在时变特性. 针对这种传输介质的快速时变特性引起的电波幅度、相位上的寄生调制效应,本文利用大面积辉光放电等离子体产生装置,搭建了等离子体中信号传输实验系统,进行了S频段的单频信号与调制信号传输实验,观测验证了调制效应的存在,且其调制频率与等离子体变化频率具有一致性,进一步分析了等离子参数与寄生调制效应的关系. 理论和实验结果表明:即使当载波频率大于等离子频率时,时变等离子引起的寄生调制效应也会使传输信号的星座图发生旋转,造成其判决容差裕度变小,通信可靠性下降,并且载波频率越接近等离子频率时,其寄生调制效应越强烈.
    Because the boundary layer of the plasma sheath formed around the hypersonic vehicle flying in atmosphere is turbulent, the parameters of plasma sheath, such as the electron density, become time-varying. Both the amplitude and phase of electromagnetic (EM) signal are modulated by the time-varying plasma. By using a large volume uniform plasma generator, an experimental system for the propagation of EM signals in the time-varying plasma is built. The propagation experiment of the monochromatic signals and binary phase shift keying signals in S band of plasma is conducted. The modulations of the amplitude and phase of EM signal are proved, and the rotation of constellation of the multiple phase shift keying (MPSK) signal is observed. The experimental and simulation results demonstrate that the frequency of parasitic modulation is the same as that of time-varying plasma and the parasitical modulation intensity varies in proportion to the ratio of the electron density profile to the carrier frequency. Even if the carrier frequency is higher than the plasma frequency, the parasitical modulation will make the constellation of the MPSK signals circumvolve, and the bit error rate higher.
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2014CB340205)、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号:61301173)和中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号:K72125087)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2014CB340205), the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 613001173), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. K72125087).

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    Yang M, Li X P, Xie K, Liu Y M, Liu D L 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 1


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  • [1]

    Rybak J P, Churchill R J 1971 IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. 7879


    Hartunian R A, Stewart G E, Ravn O 2007 Causes and Mitigation of Radio Frequency Blackout During Reentry of Reusable Launch Vehicles (El Segundo: Aerosp. Corporation) p1


    Potter D L 2006 The 37th AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference San Francisco, USA, June 5-8, 2006 p235


    Wang B Y 1982 J. Astronau. 3 81 (in Chinese) [王柏懿 1982 宇航学报 3 81]


    Daniel G, Joseph S, Robert S 1992 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Unmagnetized Plasmas (Malibu, CA: Hughes Research Laboratories) p1


    Heald C B, Wharton M A 1965 Plasma Diagnostics with Microwaves (1st Ed.) (New York: John Wiley Sons) p120


    Ma C G, Zhao Q, Luo X G, He G, Zheng L, Liu J W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 055201 (in Chinese) [马春光, 赵青, 罗先刚, 何果, 郑玲, 刘建卫 2011 60 055201]


    Zheng L, Zhao Q, Luo X G, Ma P, Liu S Z, Huang C, Xing X J, Zhang C Y, Chen X L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 155203 (in Chinese) [郑灵, 赵青, 罗先刚, 马平,刘述章, 黄成, 邢晓俊, 张春艳, 陈旭霖 2012 61 155203]


    Zheng L, Zhao Q, Liu S Z, Xing X J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 245202 (in Chinese) [郑灵, 赵青, 刘述章, 邢晓俊 2012 61 245202]


    Wu R H, Liu H Y, Liu J Q, Chang Q 2013 J. Beijing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut. 18 585 (in Chinese) [邬润辉, 刘洪艳, 刘佳琪, 常青 2013 北京航空航天大学学报 18 585]


    Gillman E D, Foster J E, Blankson I M 2007 Review of Leading Approaches for Mitigating Hypersonic Vehicle Communications Blackout and a Method of Ceramic Particulate Injection Via Cathode Spot Arcs for Blackout Mitigation (Cleveland, Ohio: NASA) p8


    Potter D L 2011 The 17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference San Francisco, USA, April 11-14, 2011 p2153


    Anthony D, Richard G 1971 AIAA J. 8 1533


    Lin T C, Sproul L K 2006 Comput. Fluids 35 703


    Shawn G O, Brian E G, Fergason S D 1999 IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 27 587


    Yang M, Li X P, Xie K, Liu Y M, Shi L 2013 J. Astronaut. 34 842 (in Chinese) [杨敏, 李小平, 谢楷, 刘彦明, 石磊 2013 宇航学报 34 842]


    Yang M, Li X P, Xie K, Liu Y M, Liu D L 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 1


    Zhu B, Yang J, Huang X G, Mao G W, Liu J P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2352 (in Chinese) [朱冰, 杨娟, 黄学刚, 毛根旺, 刘俊平 2006 55 2352]


    Wang L, Cao J X, Wang Y, Niu T Y, Wang K, Zhu Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1429 (in Chinese) [王亮, 曹金祥, 王艳, 牛田野, 王舸, 朱颖 2007 56 1429]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-08-22
  • 修回日期:  2013-12-16
  • 刊出日期:  2014-04-05

