基于量子点材料的特殊物理性能和量子点聚合物复合材料高的光电转换性能, 本文在MOPPV溶液中制备了粒度可控、 结晶性好、颗粒尺寸约为3.75 nm的ZnSe量子点材料, 最终获得不同质量比的MOPPV/ZnSe复合材料. 分别使用X射线衍射、透射电子显微镜、紫外可见吸收光谱等研究其特性结果表明MOPPV与ZnSe量子点可以有效地复合且发生光诱导电荷转移; 通过对MOPPV、ZnSe和MOPPV/ZnSe复合材料太阳电池性能的研究发现, 与MOPPV和ZnSe单体相比复合材料光伏特性呈现增加的趋势, 并且复合材料光电性能随着ZnSe量子点材料质量浓度的增加呈现先增大后减小的现象, 当MOPPV和ZnSe的质量比为1:1时, 其转换效率最大, 开路电压为0.516 V, 短路电流为2.018 mA, 填充因子为25.53%, 转换效率为0.167%.Based on some special physical properties of solar cells prepared from quantum dots polymeric materials, which have high photoelectric conversion performance, we use MOPPV solution for obtaining controllable grain sizes, good crystallinity, with a particle size of about 3.75 nm ZnSe quantum dot polymer composite materials, and different quality ratios of the composites. We also use XRD, TEM, UV-vis absorption spectra to study the characterizstics of the materials. The result shows that MOPPV and ZnSe quantum dots have effectively combined together and photoinduced charge transfer. Through the study of MOPPV, ZnSe, and MOPPV/ZnSe composite materal solar cell performance, we found that the composites exhibit an increasing trend compared with MOPPV, ZnSe monomer material photovoltaic characteristics, and the photoelectric properties of the composites showed an increase at first and then reduced with increasing quality of ZnSe quantum dots; when the ratio of MOPPV and the quality of the ZnSe is 1:1, its conversion efficiency reaches a maximum, The Voc, Isc, FF and conversion efficiency of solar cells were 0.516 V, 2.018 mA, 25.53%, and 0.167%.
- quantum dot /
- composite materials /
- current-voltage characteristic
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[1] Declerck P, Houbertz R, Jakopic G 2008 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1007 (S01-02) 15-21
[2] Ren J, Zheng J B, Zhao J L 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2868 (in Chinese) [任驹, 郑建邦, 赵建林 2007 56 2868]
[3] Jiang B Y, Zheng J B, Wang C F, Hao J, Cao C D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 138801 (in Chinese) [姜冰一, 郑建邦, 王春锋, 郝娟, 曹崇德 2012 61138801]
[4] Peng Y C, Fu G S 2009 Chinese Journal of Materials Research 23 449
[5] Zhao Y, Xiong S Z, Zhang X D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 314 (in Chinese) [赵颖, 熊绍珍, 张晓丹 2010 58 314]
[6] Wang F, Cheng Z M, Liu G B 2010 Science & Technology Rev. 28 53 (in Chinese) [王风, 程志梅, 刘高斌 2010 科技导报 28 53]
[7] Nikesh V V, Shailaja Mahamuni 2001 Semicond Sci. Technology 16 687
[8] Xiong S, Huang S H, Tang A W 2008 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 28 249
[9] Schaller R D, Sykora M, Pietryga J M, Klimov V I 2006 Nano Letter. 6 424
[10] Wu C S, Chen Y 2009 Macromolecules 42 3729
[11] Kim Y K, Lee K Y 2000 Synth. Met. 111 207
[12] Liang Y, Feng D, Wu Y, Ray C, Yu L 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 7792
[13] Murase N, Gao M Y, Gaponik N 2001 Int. J. Mordern Phys. 15 3881
[14] Chen W B, Yang W F, Zou H J, Tang J X, Deng L F, Li P T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 117107 (in Chinese) [陈卫兵, 杨伟丰, 邹豪杰, 汤建新, 邓林锋, 黎沛涛 2011 60 117107]
[15] Hines M A, Guyot-Sionnest P 1998 J. Phys. Chem. 102 3655
[16] Hao Z H, Hu Z Y, Zhang J J, Hao Q Y, Zhao Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 117106 (in Chinese) [郝志红, 胡子阳, 张建军, 郝秋艳, 赵颖 2011 60 117106]
[17] Huang H Z 2003 Beijing: Chemical Industry Press 243
[18] Li W M 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan: HuaZhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [李卫民 2009 博士学位论文(武汉: 华中科技大学)]
[19] Feng W, Gao Z K 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2567 (in Chinese) [封伟, 高中扩 2008 57 2567]
[20] Liu Z, Zhao Z F, Guo H M, Wang Y Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 217303 (in Chinese) [刘柱, 赵志飞, 郭浩民, 王玉琦 2012 61 217303]
[21] Hao H Y, Yao X, Wan X 2005 Journal of Xi'An Jiao Tong University 39 1391 (in Chinese) [郝海燕, 姚熹, 万幸 2005 西安交通大学报 39 1391]
[22] Wang A K, Zhou G X 2004 Journal of Solar Enegy 25 804 (in Chinese) [王爱坤, 周国香 2004 太阳能学报 25 804]
[23] Nguyen T N T, Woo K K, Umme F, Luo X D, Chinho P 2011 Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 95 3009
[24] Luke X R, Thierry L, Simon D, Andrew M 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry 4 1561
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