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顾亦然 夏玲玲



顾亦然, 夏玲玲

The propagation and inhibition of rumors in online social network

Gu Yi-Ran, Xia Ling-Ling
  • 根据真实在线社交网络中谣言的传播特点以及有疾病潜伏期的传染病模型, 提出一个新的基于在线社交网络的谣言传播SEIR模型.首先建立基于SEIR模型的动力学演化方程组, 然后给出一个高效的抑制谣言传播的免疫策略—-重要熟人免疫策略. 最后在真实在线社交网络Facebook的用户数据集上,结合SEIR模型与动力学演化方程组以及包含重要熟人免疫策略在内的多种免疫策略,对免疫前后谣言传播的演化过程进行计算机仿真. 仿真结果表明SEIR模型符合真实在线社交网络的传播特性,且重要熟人免疫策略是解决在线社交网路中谣言抑制问题的最佳方案.
    In this paper, a new rumor spreading SEIR model is proposed with considering both the spreading characteristics of rumors in the real online social network and the epidemic dynamics models with latency. First, the dynamical evolution equations based on the SEIR model are established. Then an efficient immunization strategy—important acquaintance immunization strategy, is given for the inhibition of rumor spreading. Finally, based on the user datasets of Facebook, the SEIR model and its dynamical evolution equations with various immunization strategies including important acquaintance immunization strategy are utilized in the computer simulation for the evolution process of rumor spreading before and after immunization. Simulation results show that SEIR model conforms to propagation characteristics of the real online social network, and the important acquaintance immunization strategy is an optimal scheme to solve the inhibition of rumor spreading in the online social network.
    • 基金项目: 2012年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(批准号: 12YJAZH120)、 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号: 2009AA01Z212)和江苏省"六大人才高峰" (批准号: SJ209006)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Research Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education, China 2012 (Grant No. 12YJAZH120), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2009AA01Z212) and the Six Projects Sponsoring Talent Summits of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. SJ209006).

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    Xu B, Liu L 2010 Emergency Management and Management Sciences, IEEE International Conference Beijing, China, August 8-10, 2010 pp53-56


    Zhang Y C, Liu Y, Zhang H F, Cheng H, Xiong F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 050501 (in Chinese) [张彦超, 刘云, 张海峰, 程辉, 熊菲 2011 60 050501]


    Lü L Y, Chen D B, Zhou T 2011 New J. Physics 13 123005 (in Chinese) [吕琳媛, 陈端兵, 周涛 2011 新物理学杂志 13 123005]


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  • 收稿日期:  2012-03-05
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